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My IG conversion army imagination


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Hello all 


I think so many people already discussed about "modernized" style IG army, and I'm the one of the person with same plan. I'm just a beginner to 40K, and I only have BRB and IG codex now. I'm not sure how much effort and budget I could spend for the hobby, but I wish to plan and build my army slow and steady, and this conversion is my very long term plan. Right now I'm just planning my 500 pt list for purchase, but I really hope to begin the "modernization" someday in the future.....


Following is my list of imagination of the conversion for 40K IG vehicles using some modern weapons. Welcomes suggestions or recommendations. 


1) Manticore 

Turret only, 1/48 scale US M-270 or Russian Smerch / Tos-1 Buratino model, or similar conversion kit for 28mm model

I would use Russian BUK/KUB or UK Rapier model for Manticore, but I can only find 1/35 or 1/72 scale, which is too big or too small for 40K. 


2) Deathstrike 

Turret (missile) only, 1/48 scale SCUD misslie model, or similar conversion kit for 28mm model


3) Hydra

Turret only, 1/48 scale Tunguska, or similar conversion kit for 28mm model. Ratgard have some good conversion kits for this. 


4) Basilisk 

Turret only, 1/48 scale M110 8" self-propelled howitzer, but I also think M108, Russian 2S19 MSTA, or RoK K9 would be good. Or any similar conversion kit for 28mm model. 


5) Wyvern

Turret only, 1/48 scale ADATS, or similar conversion kit for 28mm model. But it seems that there are only 1/35 model for ADATS, so I may need to use Tunguska for Wyvern, give Hydra some other AA model..... 


6) Chimera / Taurox 

Wheel conversion kits from third party companies. There are really good wheel conversion kits. 


7) Leman Russ 

Body only, 1/48 scale Bradley or Warrior IFV, and use original LRBT turret. But I found some fantastic Abrams-Russ already. A bit bigger than original LRBT, but looks cool enough. 


8) Guardsmen

Female conversion and weapon (barrett sniper rifle, SAW, sci-fi plasma guns and etc...) But I need to learn how to do weapon-only-conversion for guardsmen. 


It is known that 1/48 scale models are comparable with 40K scale. But the thing is, there are many good 1/35 or 1/72 scale models, but not that much good 1/48 scale models. 1/35 scale is usually tad bigger than any 40K models. For example, 1/35 scale Abrams has the similar scale with Baneblades. I'm thinking of magnetize whole turret to the body for turret-only-conversion plans, since I'm really not good at scratchbuilding. But let's see how it goes.... 

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Nice plan for a modern imperial guard, exsonics ! I'm a beginner too, so I won't be able to recommend you anything. But be careful if you plan to play in a GW store, as they sometimes don't accept models from third parties companies. Anyway, I expect to see some pictures of your work very soon :D


Oh, didn't know that the 1/35 scale is too big for W40K. You just avoid me buying a 1/35 WWII Staghound, that probably wouldn't have fit in my army (especially for a "count as" Taurox). Thanks a lot for this information !

The vehicle comparisons sound like good matches. I think it's worth mentioning the 40k wise if you have a serious read through of the story, the technology isn't lesser advanced by choice. Events in Imperial history, resource conservation and losses of STCs tech have lead to the Astra Militarum using only marginally advanced war materiel. Also the backward views on artificial intelligence.


That said, be aware that if you are intending on playing third party minis you will likely be unable to use them for games in GW or many GW sanctioned events. Just a word of caution, hate to see you be disappointed down the road after building a grand army.

Nice plan for a modern imperial guard, exsonics ! I'm a beginner too, so I won't be able to recommend you anything. But be careful if you plan to play in a GW store, as they sometimes don't accept models from third parties companies. Anyway, I expect to see some pictures of your work very soon biggrin.png

Oh, didn't know that the 1/35 scale is too big for W40K. You just avoid me buying a 1/35 WWII Staghound, that probably wouldn't have fit in my army (especially for a "count as" Taurox). Thanks a lot for this information !

Thanks to let me know. I know that most of the tournaments and some gaming stores require strict rule about conversion, that is why I will try to change the turrets only - easy to swap to original turret again smile.png I will also try to magnetize the whole turrets. Everything is in very long term plan. Lets see where it goes.

I searched here and there, and most of the ppl recommended 1/48 scale or 28mm scale for 40K conversion. Sometimes 1/35 works, but that depends on model's characteristic (small vehicles like Panzer 2 of WW2 German army), or production company. (And mostly 1/35 is usually bigger than 40K scale, but WW2 Staghound is known as small vehicle, so check the scale) So we need to check the scale as much as possible before we buy something for 40K conversion. Check this article from Dakka


sounds like a solid plan,,,now post some pics.

Thanks. I don't know when could I build those conversion, but I really wish to someday.

The vehicle comparisons sound like good matches. I think it's worth mentioning the 40k wise if you have a serious read through of the story, the technology isn't lesser advanced by choice. Events in Imperial history, resource conservation and losses of STCs tech have lead to the Astra Militarum using only marginally advanced war materiel. Also the backward views on artificial intelligence.

That said, be aware that if you are intending on playing third party minis you will likely be unable to use them for games in GW or many GW sanctioned events. Just a word of caution, hate to see you be disappointed down the road after building a grand army.

Thank you Akrim. I read some 40K novels of Den Abnett before, so I know a little bit about background and situation of tech level of Imperium. I also heard that most of the tournaments and some stores are not that friendly to the conversion. So I will try to do reversible conversion - only do turret conversion, and swap the turrets whenever I want. Those are just a paper plan for now, but I wish that someday I would finish this long term project...

Yeah just turret swaps should be fine, retains most of the 40k look and as you said worst comes to it you can simply replace it with the GW one :) Sounds like you have a good plan, conversion work is as much planning as doing so you're doing that bit right :tu: Gun conversions aren't too tricky on Guardsmen for a few of the weapons if you keep the stock, but it depends on if you want wholesale change or not as to how feasible it is. As ever, conversion plans depend on how much time and effort you're willing to spend!


I'd recommend getting some snap fit Guardsmen to play with, experiment with colour schemes too as well as give us something to look at ;)

Most GW stores and events use a 50% GW product rule. As long as your army is 50% GW product they shouldn't mind. That said, some stores are sticklers, while others are not so much. Unfortunately, here in the US, GW is really the only game in town. We have very few options for third party minis, and have to kitbash with scale models. Which is made that much more difficult by the fact that GW minis aren't really true 28mm scale. 


This actually sounds pretty cool, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with. I've had some ideas on what a modern looking guard army would look like myself. 


Imagine if you will what a modernized vulture would look like. Basically if an F-35 and an AV-8B+ harrier had a love-child that then had a love child with an AH-1.


The Valkyrie would be interesting, as the engine placement would need to be in the wing root, to avoid jetwash over the horizontal stab, and the fuselage would look like a CH-3 mated to an AH-64 cockpit section, with a C-119 tail. Smooth is all out it'd still be ugly as sin.


Still it's a neat concept, and I look forward to seeing what you make of it.

Yeah just turret swaps should be fine, retains most of the 40k look and as you said worst comes to it you can simply replace it with the GW one smile.png Sounds like you have a good plan, conversion work is as much planning as doing so you're doing that bit right thumbsup.gif Gun conversions aren't too tricky on Guardsmen for a few of the weapons if you keep the stock, but it depends on if you want wholesale change or not as to how feasible it is. As ever, conversion plans depend on how much time and effort you're willing to spend!

I'd recommend getting some snap fit Guardsmen to play with, experiment with colour schemes too as well as give us something to look at msn-wink.gif

Thanks for your opinion. I will start from magnetization of vehicles. I'm not sure whether the magnetization of whole turret from body is a good idea or not, but I read from somewhere about its possibility. Let's see how it goes. And I will keep in mind your advice regarding guardsmen conversion. I don't want to give myself too burden from the beginning, since that might take away my fun about 40K gaming and preparation. I will try not to greedy from the opening, and building a long term but detailed plan. What I learn from my baseball learning was one by one, and step by step is always the key.

Most GW stores and events use a 50% GW product rule. As long as your army is 50% GW product they shouldn't mind. That said, some stores are sticklers, while others are not so much. Unfortunately, here in the US, GW is really the only game in town. We have very few options for third party minis, and have to kitbash with scale models. Which is made that much more difficult by the fact that GW minis aren't really true 28mm scale.

This actually sounds pretty cool, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with. I've had some ideas on what a modern looking guard army would look like myself.

Imagine if you will what a modernized vulture would look like. Basically if an F-35 and an AV-8B+ harrier had a love-child that then had a love child with an AH-1.

The Valkyrie would be interesting, as the engine placement would need to be in the wing root, to avoid jetwash over the horizontal stab, and the fuselage would look like a CH-3 mated to an AH-64 cockpit section, with a C-119 tail. Smooth is all out it'd still be ugly as sin.

Still it's a neat concept, and I look forward to seeing what you make of it.

Thanks to share your idea. Actually, I didn't considered flyers, but seems like those mentions are nice idea about modern warplanes and choppers. That will be cool. I will note them :) There are more 1/48 scale models in airplane scale model market than AFV models, but 1/35 may fits well since IG flyers are usually big. And yes, I also heard of 50% rules, so turret-only-swapping might work even in the worst case scenario. :) I agree that the GW models are not easy to do some conversion work. It is 28mm "hero" scale, but head and some part of models is bigger than other 28mm "hero" scale products. That is why scale comparison is important in conversion. I will try to finish my project with magnetization as much as possible, but I also agree that kitbash and scratchbuild may be needed at some point in the future. If time and situation is allowed, I hope to learn about scratchbuild as well.

For the most part the flyers look pretty cool, despite their obvious Aerodynamic shortcomings (Read: Aerodynamic fails. Imperial aircraft in general have the aerodynamic properties of a handmade mud brick, just look at all of that parasite drag, and spoiled airflow). 


But nothing in the Imperium is supposed to look sleek and high tech, as that is for Eldar Manbarbies and Tau Fishpeople. 


I really like the concept you have, and I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

There's always the option of just converting up Vet squads to start off and see how it goes, there's plenty of scope for making them different to normal troopers if you need/want smile.png

Thanks for the advice. Small tests would not be burdensome but enough to tell me about planning and budgeting.

For the most part the flyers look pretty cool, despite their obvious Aerodynamic shortcomings (Read: Aerodynamic fails. Imperial aircraft in general have the aerodynamic properties of a handmade mud brick, just look at all of that parasite drag, and spoiled airflow).

But nothing in the Imperium is supposed to look sleek and high tech, as that is for Eldar Manbarbies and Tau Fishpeople.

I really like the concept you have, and I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

Thank you.I agree that the flyers of Imperium are designed to give "40K-ish" feeling, rather than aerodynamic and fluid mechanics consideration. But yeah, you're right. Toys are for Aliens :)

Mi-24 Hinds make an excellent stand in for the valkyrie/vandetta

Glorious Russian tech may still thrives in the future of 40K :) Thanks for the recommendation

Thank you.I agree that the flyers of Imperium are designed to give "40K-ish" feeling, rather than aerodynamic and fluid mechanics consideration. But yeah, you're right. Toys are for Aliens FOUL XENOS SCUM

Fixed that for you.

I like that expression biggrin.png


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