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Armageddon - Heroes of Helsreach


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I will die on this world.

I cannot tell where this conviction comes from. Whatever birthed it is a mystery to me, and yet the thought clings like a virus, blooming behind my eyes, and taking deep root within my mind. It almost feels real enough to spread corruption to the rest of my body, like a true sickness.

It will happen soon, within the coming nights of blood and fire. I will draw my last breath, and when my brothers return to the stars, my ashes will be scattered over the priceless earth of this accursed world.



I am strong, born only to slay for the Emperor and the Imperium. I am pure, wearing the blackest of the black, trained to serve as a spiritual guide as well as a warleader. I am wrath incarnate, living only to kill until finally killed.

I am a weapon in the Eternal Crusade to forge humanity's mastership of the stars.


"Greetings." I breathe the word from my skulled face.

They raise their hideous alien faces, their jaws slack and filled with rows of grinding teeth. One of them hefts a heavy composite of detritus and debris that apparently serves as a weapon.

It fires...something...at me. I do not care what. It's smashed from the air with a single swing of my inactive maul. The clang of metal on metal echoes throughout the corridor, and I thumb the trigger rune on the haft of my crozius. The mace flares into crackling life as I aim it at the aliens.

"You dare exist in humanity's domain? You dare spread your cancerous touch to our worlds?"

They do not answer this challenge with words. Instead, they come at me in a lumbering run, raising cleaver swords; primitive weapons to suit primitive beings.

I am laughing when they reach me.

Source: Pg. 1, 2, 86 "Helsreach", A. Dembski-Bowden




"Priamus is the rising sun...He is aware of his skills in the unsubtle and undignified way of many young warriors. Without even the ghost of humility, his roars of triumph on the battlefield sound like cries of attention, a braggart's declarations. A blademaster he calls himself. Yet he is not mistaken"


"They're bringing the temple down!", Priamus calls, and there is something wrong with his voice. I realize what it is when I see my brother is missing an arm and his leg armor is pierced in three places.

I have never heard him in pain before.


Priamus, one-armed and faltering now, staggers ahead of me. A detonating round crashes against his helm, spinning him back to face me.

"Grimaldus," he says, before falling to his knees. "Brother..."

Flames engulf him from teh side - clinging chemical fire that washes over his armor, eating into the soft joints and dissolving the flesh beneath.

Source: Pg. 26, 404 "Helsreach", A. Dembski-Bowden




Nerovar is the newest among us. He holds the dubious honor of being the only knight that I chose to stand with me, while all others were appointed to fight by my side. The squad required the presence of an Apothecary. In the trials, only Nerovar impressed the rest of us with his quiet endurance.


An alien spear has punched its way through his stomach, several of the beasts are lifting him from the ground, raising him like a war banner above the carnage.


Nerovar dies like no warrior I have ever seen before. Even as I try to kill my way closer to him, I see him gripping the spear in his fists, hauling himself down the weapon, impaling himself deeper on it in an attempt to reach the aliens below.

He has no bolter, no chainblaide. His last act in life is to draw his gladius from its sheath at his thigh and hurl it down with a Templar's vengeance at the ork with the best grip on the spear. He'd dragged himself dragged himself down to get close enough to ensure that he wouldn't miss.

Source: Pg. 26, 404 "Helsreach", A. Dembski-Bowden




Bastilan, always the best and least of us all. A leader but not a commander - an inspiring presence, but not a strategist - forever a sergeant, never fated to rise as a castellan or marshal. He has always said his role as such is all he desires. I pray he speaks the truth, for if he is deceiving us, he hides the lie well behind his dark eyes.


The sergeant's helm was gone, revealing a face so bloody only the whites of his eyeballs revealed him as human anymore.


Bastilan's ruined face vanished in a burst of red mist.

Source: Pg. 27, 395 "Helsreach", A. Dembski-Bowden




The 18th day. Fought at the breach of the Amalas Concourse. Notably slew an enemy warlord in single combat, atop the alien's command tank. Awarded posthumous Crusade Mark of Unbroken Courage. Body was incinerated by the enemy in wrathful response.

Geneseed: Ruined / Unrecovered

Source: Pg. 211, "Helsreach", A. Dembski-Bowden

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I really like Priamus and Bastilan. What helm does Priamus have? I can't place it. It looks like a Mk.IV destroyer helm, but not quite...


Anyway, great posing and use of parts. The command squad champion's pauldrons look great on Priamus, and Bastilan's Mk.IV helm is a really nice touch. It gives him a determined and aggressive demeanour that goes perfetly with his stance.

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I really like Priamus and Bastilan. What helm does Priamus have? I can't place it. It looks like a Mk.IV destroyer helm, but not quite...



Eh...I believe that it comes from the BT Upgrade sprue. Pretty sure of that as I hadn't gotten any similar looking FW helms.


Anyway, great posing and use of parts. The command squad champion's pauldrons look great on Priamus, and Bastilan's Mk.IV helm is a really nice touch. It gives him a determined and aggressive demeanour that goes perfetly with his stance.



Thank you good sir, there is more to follow.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Not bad. Definitely a solid job for TTQ. My only critique would be the tabards.  The layers look a little bit chalky.  If you don't mind a suggestion, I would try washing them instead of layering them.  Try something like this (adapt to whatever your color palette is):  Base -> Brown wash -> Layer of base leaving the wash in the recesses -> thin highlight one shade up -> Final super thin highlight on the edges with white.  If you're using Citadel colors, I've noticed that with this latest paint range, any of their whites/greys/bone colors tend to go on a bit thick regardless of how much you thin them.  Maybe I just have a knack for picking bad pots of paint, but if you're experiencing the same problems, I highly recommend the Vallejo Game Colors as an alternative :) I haven't had a problem with them.





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Not bad. Definitely a solid job for TTQ. My only critique would be the tabards. The layers look a little bit chalky. If you don't mind a suggestion, I would try washing them instead of layering them. Try something like this (adapt to whatever your color palette is): Base -> Brown wash -> Layer of base leaving the wash in the recesses -> thin highlight one shade up -> Final super thin highlight on the edges with white. If you're using Citadel colors, I've noticed that with this latest paint range, any of their whites/greys/bone colors tend to go on a bit thick regardless of how much you thin them. Maybe I just have a knack for picking bad pots of paint, but if you're experiencing the same problems, I highly recommend the Vallejo Game Colors as an alternative smile.png I haven't had a problem with them.

It's funny you mention that, as except for the tabards, I have shifted all my paints to VMC, preferring their less saturated colors to GW's brighter line. I am a big fan of VMC Off White, but agree this is an area I need to improve upon.

Regarding technique, you are correct, I'm a many layers kind of guy, but have working in glazes to better tie the colors together. One of the great things about close up images (from a masochistic perspective) is that they very clearly point out what doesn't stand out in normal viewing distances. They also tend to elicit deep heavy sighs from time to time.

The challenge then will be in going back and getting all the other seventy or so guys to look the same once I am more comfortable with the end result, as a consistent overall army appearance is important to me.

You are also correct in pointing out that these are table top quality. I would consider myself a painter of armies first and a painter of figures second. Themes and narrative are also important, hence the underwhelming (from a gaming perspective) configuration of Grimaldus Command squad.

So what I strive for in the early stages (entering 4th-ish year with my Templars) is getting the best quality I can in the most reasonable amount of time in order to play a game. Having reached a decent level of variety in my base army, I've recently decided to do some special modeling projects that will allow me to up my painting game.

Your comments are greatly appreciated and will be taken to heart.


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