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Fortification Question for War Convo


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So I have started building a War Convocation list in battlescribe, and under the fortifications section, there are two entries for fortifications... One regular entry, and one WarConvocation entry for the same fortification. For instance, there is a regular Aegis Defense Line, and a War Convocation Aegis Defense Line. The first one, you pay for upgrades like 50 points for a quad gun. The second one, the upgrades are free.


My question is this... How are people even buying fortifications for their War Convocation? Fortifications are not listed on the War Convo data sheet in the White Dwarf. Please help!!

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No, I am asking how are people taking fortifications in their War Convocation? I know you can ally in a CAD of something to open up a fortification slot, but I have seen lists taking fortifications in their War Convocation armies with free upgrades, and without allies.
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