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m0nolith's Minotaurs


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Great work on your Minotaurs so far, love the eyes wub.png !

Can't wait for the Characters - will you do some Dreadnoughts too? What are your plans for the Terminators? Indomitus, Tartaros or Cataphractii?^^

Being praised by Atia will always make anyone's day biggrin.png

I do have a set of Tartaros termies, but i couldn't find the all the TT/SS that i need for them (FW sells only one piece per £15 GBP set sad.png ),

so instead im going with the tested and true Indomitus pattern with shoulder pad upgrades and some scribor spartan shields.

I do also have the Minotaurs contemptor character dread, Hekaton Aiakos, but I dont plan on doing him until this list is finished.

  • 2 weeks later...

Progress update:

Squad 3 nearly finished. Still have to do a little highlighting on the blades, two decals for the marines with the shoulder shields, some weapons, and of course, the bases.

The marines in this squad are going to be dispersed with the first two squads to add variety.

I'll do a group shot once these guys and the bases for all have been finished.


Looking good! The verdigris doesn't seem as intense as on the other models either. thumbsup.gif

Ty smile.png

The intensity of the verdigris is very much affected by how strong the light is in the room, as well as how light hits them.

In reality there is not difference between these guys and the earlier ones when it comes to the amount of Nihilakh Oxide used.

The difference is only in how the picture was taken.

In any case, im liking the results of redoing all of them. It gives them a lot more character :D

  • 6 months later...

Apologies for not updating in a while, but all my attention has been devoted to my 30k Blood Angels.

Basically, I decided to sell these three tactical squads on ebay (its against the rules to put up a link to them, but if you can find them right now if you search for them) because I want to devote all my attention to my BAs and I was hoping that someone could get some use out of them.

This doesn't mean im giving up the Minotaurs. I still have a lot of special units that will eventually be put to the brush (Moloc, Aiakos, Kraatos, Tartaros ect ect), but for the time being my attention is devoted to 30k.

That being said, I did finally finish them before they went up on sale and I thought I'd show the final result . I put a good coat of gloss then matte varnish over them and finished the bases.




Oh, my God. These might be my fave Minotaurs that I've ever seen, and I spend/waste way, way too much time online looking for this Chapter everywhere. 

Does this mean we might see a Minotaurs book in the works at some point?


... a man can dream, right?

Oh, my God. These might be my fave Minotaurs that I've ever seen, and I spend/waste way, way too much time online looking for this Chapter everywhere. 

God damn it ADB, now I almost dont want to sell them if you're going to be saying things like that :P

Oh, my God. These might be my fave Minotaurs that I've ever seen, and I spend/waste way, way too much time online looking for this Chapter everywhere.

God damn it ADB, now I almost dont want to sell them if you're going to be saying things like that tongue.png

Of course, it may be A D-B that ends up buying them on ebay! ;)

Amazing work! My guys ended up looking too golden, I'm going to try your approach as well for the layering.

Yeah, layering seems to have done the trick, but maybe next time im going to try using Vallejo paint retarder to see if I can get them to blend in even more.

I have to ask, did you paint copper directly over a black primer?

I tried both from black primer, as well as the golden one they have these days. The black primer works, but you need several layers on top of it. The golden primer is way too light, I ended up painting over them completely with a mixture of Balthasar gold and some lighter gold from Vallejo. I'll post some pictures in another thread in a bit.

I tried both from black primer, as well as the golden one they have these days. The black primer works, but you need several layers on top of it. The golden primer is way too light, I ended up painting over them completely with a mixture of Balthasar gold and some lighter gold from Vallejo. I'll post some pictures in another thread in a bit.

Maybe try warplock bronze over a black primer, then a coat of hashut copper.

The layering I did involved those two paints and mixes of them.

  • 8 months later...

Back to selling the tacticals, and the rest of my Minotaurs too.

The more I look into it, the more I realize I'm never going to finish my Minotaurs army. Judging my how quickly I paint, it seems to me the next few years are going to be devoted to finishing and expanding my 30k Blood Angels army. Considering it took me about 300 hours to paint 30 guys (2 didn't survive varnishing tongue.png ), im looking at another 600-700 hours to finish this army, and I'm just not motivated as much as I am for the 30k BA. So I thought I'd let someone else actually get some fun out of them instead of just letting them gather dust and I put up them up for sale on eBay and several buy/sell/trade pages on Facebook. I'm not going to put a link here because its against the rules, but if you search for it you can easily find them.



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