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New starter box as Ally for SM?

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The Nikola Skull M, the AoE Haywire one. Since we are considering drop pods, it would be easy to get it into range. Also, do not need 10 +Domi, only need 5 to have two Arc Rifles, 1 Arc Pistol, Which will be in range thanks to the pod, same with skull of Nikola. Kind of expensive, but doable.

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Ahhh I see. I assume this skull is a forge world thing?? As I'm unfamiliar with it. Would it actually work in this formation.


I do like the arc pistols, but I hate wasting the domi on vanguard. I domi in a unit that adds to his toughness like kataphrons that give major T5 or 10 vanguard to give the domi 10 woulds to play with.

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Not Forgeworld, Skitarii relic. Skull of Elder Nikola Tesla, to be exact, can be taken by the Vanguard Alpha.


True that the Vanguard is not usually the best place for the Domi, but in this instance, I think it is acceptable thanks to the re-rolls he is granting and the effectiveness of an alpha strike like this. And in this instance, he also helps with their survival by spreading his stealth & shrouded from the Canticle to the unit. Forcing the opponent to either commit a good ammount of resources to deal with this new threat or face the assault next turn of Vanguard cancer aura + Domi Power Axe. This seems like a good Wraithknight killer to me.

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And in this instance, he also helps with their survival by spreading his stealth & shrouded from the Canticle to the unit. Forcing the opponent to either commit a good ammount of resources to deal with this new threat or face the assault next turn of Vanguard cancer aura + Domi Power Axe.


You can't use Canticles on the turn the Tech Priest Dominus arrives, unless there are other Cult units already on the table.  The check for the Canticle power level takes place before Reserve rolls.

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The box it a formation with one special rule, no canticles or docterine, The Tech Priest picks a unit within 12" and everything rerolls to hit against the unit.

It is 18", btw. And I assume by 'everything' you mean every unit in the formation. This formation to me has flyer defense all over it. If the vanguard have arc rifles and the Onager an Icarus Array, the rerolls mitigate the downside to both non skyfire arc rifles trying to shoot the flyer and the Onager trying to shoot at ground targets. 


This guy gets it.


For bonus points, give the Magos the Rainment of the Technomartyr, and now those arc rifles (or plasma rifles if FMCs are your problem) snap fire at BS2, and with a re-roll that equates to a ~56% hit rate against flying targets.


Regarding canticles, at the very least the Magos can give the Skitarii Stealth for one turn. If you bring other Mechanicus units, he contributes to the Canticles strength.


Does he have to be the warlord to get this re-roll ability?

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Does he have to be the warlord to get this re-roll ability?



No, just "within 18 inches and line of sight of this formations Tech Priest"


I do think it may be worth considering putting the Magos in a third unit in this situation, with what we will call out Icarus Vanguard on one flank and the Icarus Onager on the other to spread out coverage area. If he were in a unit of Sicarians he could tank wounds for them and if one of our Icarus units were about to be assaulted by something nasty, help would be close by.

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