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Display Cases

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So with my extra XMas money burning a hole in my pocket, I'm looking into getting a nice display cabinet for my miniatures.  The poor fellas are just sitting in their carry case at the moment.  Such a waste of all that painting time.


So looking around Amazon, Ikea and the like, I find a few possibilities now and then, but I was wondering what sort of experiences and items the community may have with cases.  Any brands or models I should look at in particular?  Every possible case I find comes with the typical mixed reviews of either "This is great" or "I just spent $200 on a glass monstrosity that I can't return."


Speaking of, I am looking at a limit of around $200.  I need a new bookcase, too, and the XMas cash ain't a bottomless well :lol:

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I've used a lot of ikea stuff to display my army at various points so I can give a quick rundown on their stuff. I first used the largest of the Billy bookcases which could easily fit the majority of my infantry and walkers, space became a premium the addition of tanks and flyers, as of recent I have a dual set up going on. I've doubled up the shelves on a finnnby and use just one to hold the majority of my tanks, flyers and walkers, it's not so bad but it really shows that it's a temporary home between games for models.


The setup that I'm working on/building involves using the largest of the Kallax shelving units. The cubbys are big enough to hold a secret weapon miniatures tablescapes tile, take led lighting very well, and most important since I now have a ambulatory pair of nephews glass doors I can close. I'm using the largest of the shelves because it's also going to hold terrain pieces, other hobby displays and a number of the add-on drawers, cabinets and cloth bins for use in organizing my hobby room.


I would recommend against the ikea glass display shelves, I've heard horror stories about the top or middle glass shelf breaking and taking all the shelves below out, and the one I owned was not what I would have called stable.

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Mine is some generic brand that was made in China. Not cheap though, and seems to be good quality so far. I'd say the dimensions you're looking at would be a bigger determinant of the price than the quality (but make sure the glass shelves and the mounts they sit on are good).

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I've used a lot of ikea stuff to display my army at various points so I can give a quick rundown on their stuff. I first used the largest of the Billy bookcases which could easily fit the majority of my infantry and walkers, space became a premium the addition of tanks and flyers, as of recent I have a dual set up going on. I've doubled up the shelves on a finnnby and use just one to hold the majority of my tanks, flyers and walkers, it's not so bad but it really shows that it's a temporary home between games for models.


The setup that I'm working on/building involves using the largest of the Kallax shelving units. The cubbys are big enough to hold a secret weapon miniatures tablescapes tile, take led lighting very well, and most important since I now have a ambulatory pair of nephews glass doors I can close. I'm using the largest of the shelves because it's also going to hold terrain pieces, other hobby displays and a number of the add-on drawers, cabinets and cloth bins for use in organizing my hobby room.


I would recommend against the ikea glass display shelves, I've heard horror stories about the top or middle glass shelf breaking and taking all the shelves below out, and the one I owned was not what I would have called stable.


Hmm, I'd prefer a clear case to a bookshelf.  I'd like to be able to see the models from any angle.  Like the display cases you see at shops, for instance.  Although of course the actual ones that shops use are very pricey.


Mine is some generic brand that was made in China. Not cheap though, and seems to be good quality so far. I'd say the dimensions you're looking at would be a bigger determinant of the price than the quality (but make sure the glass shelves and the mounts they sit on are good).


The issue here is that I can't check the quality before I have it in hand, and it seems that many companies don't cover shipping if you have to send back a faulty case, but the weight makes such a thing practically prohibitive.  

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I've got a pair of the Bjursta display units. Out of stock now but they sold loads and the come up on ebay for cheap every now and again. It's a wooden unit with glass fronted doors and thick glass shelves. Never had any issues with the shelves even through they have plenty of weight on them. The centre has a thin draw ideal for storing hobby items.
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/Mod hat=off

As someone who works Here, I can only state that the DETOLFs that were reputed to shatter were either from a faulty batch (which has long been rectified) or I've been told (reliably) that were overloaded (each shelf has a maximum weight capacity of six (6) kilos). Whilst I'm not under the illusion that they are flawless (they aren't - for £40/US$60, what would one expect msn-wink.gif ), I do know that for many in the hobby, they are the go to solution. However, I also know that there are other products out there that will do the job. Like everything in life, one has to weigh up the pros (affordability) and cons (that they aren't indestructible).

I will admit that I don't know much about said other options though sweat.gif

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I use two Detolfs myself, they look quite sharp, though assembling them was a bit of a hassle. I installed a set of four LED lights, also from Ikea, into the top, which gives enough light to illuminate all the tiers to my satisfaction, even in the rather dark corner we ended up putting them in.

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I've got 2x Ikea Detolf cases with 2x sets of the white Ikea Dioder strip lights in each case. That comes to an £80 cost per case, but worth it. There is a lot of space in it and it is possible to build on your own (even though the instructions say not to...)
They also hold quite a lot. For example, on one shelf, I have 4 grey hunter packs numbering 36 marines along with their dedicated transports of 2 razorbacks and 2 drop pods. Theyre evenly spaced out and not crowded. If you want to fit more on, you easily could but it looks rammed. I tried a Fellblade, 2 land raiders, 2 razorbacks and 10 longfangs....it was just too much.


My set up


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I have to agree that the Ikea Detolf cabinets are probably the best out there simply for value for money and reliability. I have 4 of them and have had them for about 10 years, moved house with them 3 times and never had any issues with them.

I agree that the amount of shelves is possibly an issue, but have seen people add their own without too many problems.

I also have one of these:


It's a great cabinet but when I factor in that I can get 3 Ikea ones for that price I'm not sure it works out at great value for money although the Argos one does have more shelves and they are deeper and yet the cabinet takes up less space if that makes sense?

So in a nutshell I'd go for the Ikea ones every time although they aren't very space efficient for wargames figures unless you add extra shelves but they are by far the best value for money.

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+1 on the Detolfs. They're surprisingly roomy, easy to put together and very sturdy once built. You might want to put them on a carpet or make sure they're up against a wall though as mine are on a laminated surface and have made some wobbling noises when not quite sat right. 

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