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Apothecary Arcera pattern Mk II Rhino


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I wanted to do something a bit different so from a carboot sale rhino I made a ambulance for the eldest son reinforced company of Space Marines. The soot on the exhausts looks a little heavy to my mind but I've seen worse on white painted UN vehicles in winter. I've managed to lose a right hand track 3 plate and a 2 plate during the paintstripping so I'm looking to source those parts.






When I can get another wreck I'll make a ARV to go with it





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Thanks for the kind words! I'll see if any one has some tracks on eBay, I normally use Bits and kits and he only seams to sell full rhino kits, when he has them.


Every 6 or 7 Rhino variants I lose the plot and have to do something different, here's the ride for his librarian and honour squad, I had to raise the hull to rationalise fitting the terminator armour in it.




And of course there's the Jagdrhino or Super Sabre Tank Destroyer if you prefer.




When I can get cheap hulls there's plans for a ARV, a ramp bridge layer and a HQ comms vehicle although for the latter he may splash out on the ForgeWorld one. I'm looking for a couple of suitable power armoured nurse like minis to go with the ambulance and thinking of stripping and redoing the Apothacary as compared to my later work it's pretty rough.






Ps the rest of his reinforced company is in my Gallery on here. You can really tell the first ones I did from the last few squads,

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I can but try!


The main thing was using the thickest plasticard you have and once the basic box was made reinforcing it on the inside. The hardest part was making really accurate razor saw cuts when trimming the outer side panels. Mine were a bit bodged and I had to use plenty of squadron green putty to get a relatively invisible join. Done properly with the Plastic Weld join squidged together when half cured all I would have had to do is sand the raised seam flat with the good old wet and dry paper stuck to scrap balsa.




The details just came from the bits not used from the original rhino ( technically it was a whirlwind off of a carboot sale, I'll redo the launcher and magnitize the base rather than waste it, he's plenty of straight rhinos to swap it on as needed ) and the spares box, the back doors are the roof doors from a MK I rhino.




The reversing lights the front panel of the sights of the missile launcher you get in a rhino kit, all pretty straight forward. The rear exhausts etc I treated like parts from a vac form kit ( I'm showing my age here) just cut out roughly and rubbed on a held flat piece of coarse wet and dry until the excess was removed. The gas tanks set either side of the large insignia ( lazer jet decal paper) are two halves of a large 1:72 bomb from my Great War soares box. If I'd planned more I could have inset the various doors and vents but to be honest I was winging it and enjoying myself.


The steps are the rear door from the rhino cut in two. If I was doing it again I would have thinned them down and mocked up some sort to retracting gear.


The tubes and such on the roof were the halves of a spare predator cannon, trimmed to fit and one of the roof bits from a Stretched landspeeder ( I forget the name ) that I converted into gunships.




For the rivets I matched the moulded ones as best I could to the available plastic rod, .030" if I recall right, matched a drill to that, drilled out the holes, plastic welded the sections of rod into place, let well cure and sanded the rows down to as near a match to the originals as I could.


It could as easily turned into a command vehicle or whatever. A burger van?





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Cheers! Yup I was pretty much ripping off various extended body APCs from the real world. Since I can't think of any rules specifically for Ambulances it's really a glorified marker/ objective. At some point I'll make the tent that fits onto the back, We printed off some spare medical insignia and I've plenty of the modelling tissue the rolled up tent on the side was made from. For strength and simplicity I'll do it with all the sides rolled down although I'm tempted to do the whole field hospital thing like I've seen folk do for imp Guard, Napoleonics and ACW. Nah, I've still a bunch of Vanguard, assault and 20 terminators to do for him.





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