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Old account - Actually using it now


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Hello & Happy New Year BnC!

I am a Visual Effects artist (and now aspiring champion 40k Youtuber) from Vancouver

My good friend Tarvick had been telling me to actually get my butt active on this forum for a while and so here I actually am (Made this account awhile ago and then completely forgot it existed)

Throughout 2015 I watched a lot of other youtubers Like fritz, the long war, and miniwargaming - and they had inspired me to create my own channel.

My first army was a guard army that had been passed between about 4 people before it was given to me . I now currently collect Alpha Legion, Admech, and a touch of Space wolves & Blood angels.

I'm looking forward to talk 40k with all you fine peoples, hopefully make some friends and possibly plug my channel a bit biggrin.png

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