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STCs ... A couple questions

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STCs, I know they are so valued by the Mechanicus .... a couple questions.


How many STCs have been found?


When was the last one?


If a Space Marine chapter had information on a lost STC what would the Mechanicus give or do for the information leading to one?




Thank you :)



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Anything they have to, including killing all the Marines to get it



If I remember correctly, the Blood Angels' Baal pattern was one such partial STC that they held from the Mechanicus. However, aside from Tech Priests waiting for one to land in their hands (stolen, wrecked etc) not much actual beef has occurred. 

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There are, of course, always exceptions. Why start beef with a original founding Chapter, especially of a venerated Primarch like Sanguinius, when a better opportunity can present itself? Many of the chapters now have old tech they've inherited from the Crusading era, although honestly a lot of that stuff is extremely recent and are basically excuses to add silly new units to sell (Thunderwolves, grav-Santa, Centurions, Angels' goofy flyers).
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Well I'm thinking of story plots for some fan fiction I'm writing for my beloved Crimson Fists. After the disaster on Rynn's World (which its been a few years now) Pedro Kantor is met with envoys from the Mechanicus offering to help recover lost hardware from their destroyed monastery (Arx Tyrannus) and also help re-build it, along with a few vehicles the chapter needs. The catch? I don't know yet? LOL .... .perhaps the Fists found something STC related in the Loki sector and Kantor uses it to leverage help from the Mechanicus? Maybe the Mechanicus knows of something they want in the Loki sector but they need the assistance and goodwill of an Astartes chapter to get it, protect it, etc? But I'm seeing how STC technology could be the crux of my plot. 


I take advice and ideas too ;)

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The Mechanicum is a fractured group: anything could go.

With the Blood Angels it was said that some mechanicum assests kept a close watch on BA in combat, hoping to recover a Baal Pred.

So with the innumerable lost STC's someone could probably bargin with the mech for massive work with the specs for a coffee machine... as long as they didn't think they could get it an easier way (murder).

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The way i see a lot of the mechanicus relationships with other imperium forces: it seems like no one really wants to pick a fight. I'm sure Mechs have tired to take the pred, and the blood angels may or may not have stopped thier attempts, but any talk of such in fighting is probably not spoken of to keep the peace. Not to mention as was said above alot of the mechanicum is divided. It's not just one big force with a single common goal, but various forces with goals changing from forge world to forge world. All generally believing in a similar mechine god, but maybe they serve different. I liken it to the Mormons, Jewish, Cathlic, christan reglions, etc. Who all sort of believe in the same stuff in a very general since, but go about thier worship and interpret various parts of the faith differently. 

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It all depends on the military assets and leverage available, and the size of the prize. In the novel Death of Integrity

the Mechanicus are very much ready to throw their legal/political weight around with not one but two marine chapters to get their cooperation in boarding a space hulk so the Mechanicus can get their mechadendrites on any STC's.

The Mechanicus have been willing to risk a tremendous amount. Note the War of the Golden Cog in the Skitarii codex timeline for quite a major example. As well as the attempts to create a Mechanius-alligned Marine Chapter with the Steel Confessors. Sometimes the Mechanicus have been willing to act in ways that risk casting the whole galaxy in turmoil.

The tech-heresies of the Blood Angel, Dark Angels and Space Wolves have, for now, escaped major military sanction because a high enough Arch-Magos has yet to decide the prize worth the cost, but that's only a matter of time. Eventually some Fabricator-General will decide there's been too much leniancy and things will get heated. It'd get messy, some pro-mechanicus chapters will side with Mars, pro-autonomy ones will disagree.. could be like the Badab war all over again....

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The tech-heresies of the Blood Angel, Dark Angels and Space Wolves have, for now, escaped major military sanction because a high enough Arch-Magos has yet to decide the prize worth the cost, but that's only a matter of time. Eventually some Fabricator-General will decide there's been too much leniancy and things will get heated. It'd get messy, some pro-mechanicus chapters will side with Mars, pro-autonomy ones will disagree.. could be like the Badab war all over again....


This would make for a great series of books.  I enjoyed the Of Mars books but this would have been WAY better fleshed out.

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