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365 Days of Hobby.....hopefully


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Welcome to my catch-all thread for all things Hobby related in 2016. The intent of this thread is to present a pictorial of my flitting hobby progress, hopefully with a new Post and Picture EVERYDAY of 2016.


But wait!!!!" I hear you cry, "You're already 3 days late...", and correct you are. Although I haven't had the time to sit and upload my progress, progress has been made none the less....

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1st - The one with the Praetors, and  March of the Xth Legion

2nd - The other one with the Praetors

3rd - The one with the Sergents, and magnetised Cataphractii

4th - The one with the Support Squads

5th - The one with some mkIV Marines

6th - The first one with some paint...

7th - Base colours, Sgt. Harker, The Unburdened

8th - The one with more magnetized Cataphractii

9th - The one with base colours on the Terminator Praetor

10th - The one where the March of the Legion's Iron Hand get some colour

11th - Reposing a BaC Contemptor

12th - Magnetizing the BaC Contemptor weapons

13th - The one with more magnetized weapon arms

14th - SPARTAN !!!!!!

15th - The one with Hobby space and Loyalty and Treachery vow 1, the Spartan



January 1st, 2016
Today I assembled and converted the Terminator Praetors from my Betrayal at Calth boxsets,



...and joined the Iron Hands March of the Legions,




I, Grotsmasha, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the X Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to raise the storm.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honor to the X Legion.

On this matter, and by the hands of Ferrus, I swear. 






January 2nd, 2016


Today I assembled and converted the other HQ's in the Betrayal at Calth boxset,



3rd January, 2016


I began assembling the 4 Sergents I would need for the 4 Squads I intend on making out of my two B@C boxsets,




... I also magnetised a Cataphractii Terminator as proof of concept, 





January 4th, 2016



Today in the Hobby I assembled the first halves of my two Support squads, 5 Heavy Bolters,




...and 5 Plasma gunners







Really like your I legion captain conversion from the chaplain model.


Cheers dude, I really wasn't sure the wings were going to work until I glued the head into place, but I'm quite happy with how they turned out.




January 6th, 2016

So up until recently, I've been relatively idle with in the Hobby, but running and participating in The Boxing Day Bash reignited some interest, below is the model that I completed for the Bash and kicked me off,


...and as promised, some paint...albeit only primer...




January 7th, 2016

Today in the Hobby I joined the Guard's Assault on Lutum Campaign event with Sgt. Harker,


...and put some base colours down on some of the models primed yerterday,


...as well as finished off reading The Unburdened,

gallery_48988_11612_16940.jpg gallery_48988_11612_31268.jpg

I read and finished the Ultramarines novel, The Honoured, last month, and while it was fine, I found The Unburdened held my attention for longer periods at a time. The Unburdened tells the story of Kurtha Sedd, a Word Bearers Chaplain suddenly thrust into command of his company at The Betrayal of Calth.

What this book really achieved for me was helping to see, from a Word Bearers perspective, just how much turmoil Monarchia caused within the Word Bearers, and specifically Kurtha Sedd. It runs parallel to The Honoured, and even has some conversations word-for-word, detailing the conflict between the companies in the Underground War on Calth.

As a someone who predominately associates with the Imperial point of view, I feel comfortable recommending both books to Loyalists and Traitors alike.



January 9th, 2016

Today in the Hobby I put a little more base colour on my Lightning Claw Praetor,


Also, heard back from Black Library, they'll be replacing my Calendar. I've been considering pulling the misprinted one apart and framing the artwork.



Good progress, brother, keep it up! Digging the pose on that praetor, too.


I cut out and tried just about every power claw before deciding on those two, in hindsight, I should've found a way to raise the head as well, it's still too low, even after cutting down the gorget (is that the right name?!).




yeah thats the right part. maybe seperating the head and adding a shim or something to raise it up? looking good none the less


I considered it, but I don't think I could get it out without ruining the gorget.




January 11th, 2016

Today in the Hobby I decided to assemble the 2nd of my BaC Contemptors. Having assembled the 1st one dead standard, I decided I wanted to repose the 2nd one. I added a new helm, and reposed the waist and left leg.

I started by hacking off the old head and the left over surrounding plastic,


...then I made myself a new mounting position for the replacement head out of a spare, trimmed down torso,


...which I then attached to the inside of the Contemptor torso piece, about .5mm below the existing rim,



...leaving me with this as the end result, I chose a Centurion helm as it is closer in size than a standard helm,





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