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Re-starting 40K with AdMech/Skitarii Question


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Hey, folks.


I'm looking to get back into 40k...I haven't played since before 7th Edition came out.  I've still got plenty of DA, DE and Nids to finish painting but I really like the look of the AdMech/ Skitarii models.  They look fantastic! 


Happily, I have £100 of store credit with an online retailer


The Start Collecting! Skitarii Box would seem like a no brainer for the  £40 that I could get it for, but what would folks recommend I spend the other £60 on?


I don't have codexes for either AM or Skitties, so I suspect I would need to pick up one or both (I know the SC! S box comes with a formation but I don't think it has the rules for the models.  Could be wrong.)


Would it be worth picking up two of the Start Collecting Boxes or would it be better to grab some other boxes instead?


Thanks and apologies for the rambling.

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I think I would put it towards another start collecting bundle. That said, you will not get far without a codex. The savings you would have on two of those boxes would make up for having to pay full price for the Dex's, imo. The Battle servitor box and the Sydonain Ballistarii boxe kits are both excellent investments also at this point. Both units that each kit makes are great. The Skitarii detachment requires only two troops and nothing else. A second bundle would get you that. If you go this route, you will want to ally in some of your other armies for transports since all of the kits in the bundle are foot slogers. If you do not want to go that route, I would get two boxes of servitors next. There is a nice formation in the Cult dex that requires two units of servitors and a Tech Priest. Also, The heavy grav cannons on the Destroyers are great for an all comers army. 

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Another starter definitly where it's at. If your  store is anything like my store they may also have have an elimination maniple box still for sell. IF that's the case i'd jump on that. With the extra dominus you'll beable to run both cult, and admech. That said you'll want a codex. If your a fan of digital i'd recommend the comined dex you'll spend about the same as two hard copy dex so it's quite worth it as you'll basicly get the knight one for free.


Also if you don't care for fluff you arn't interested in the fluff at the moment they also have the gamers edition which just has the unit rules, and BRB references for   £9.99 (if my convertions are correct). lets you get both codexs for less than the price of one full hard copy. Also, i beleive you can get tactical objectives on your phone now?? i'm looking into that myself.


I believe those are your cheapist options. 


As for what you 'need' If you want cult stuff you either have  to get 2 boxs of kastelans if you just want robots, or you need 2 boxes of kataphrons if you want anything else from them. As for skitarii you can't have enough vanguards, and you also can't have enough  dune crawlers.

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I'm not using the legs at all. It makes them look too clean and too contemptor-esque.


I only got two of them, and currently am considering various kitbashes to make them look better. I already got the heads:





For the lower half, I am looking one of these options, just gotta double check on the scale.








I'm probably going to use left over breacher chest pieces to conceal the joints and to further muck them up.

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-snip- "terminus mad grumble grumble rawr rawr" Misquoted -snip- :P


What is all this stuff for?? are you gonna make amazing looking track kastelans. THat sounds great.... though i think Tiger was talking about for the skitarii??



You know i really don't like those alternate kastelan heads. Everyone comes up to me like they are this awesome new thing i've never seen that will save my life. I think in a retail store it's happend to me 3 times; once just this weekend lol. I actually really dislike those heads??? it totally kills the kastelans for me. The Kastelans don't fit the game AT ALL like... with thier stupid heads, they are completely not grim dark. Which is why i like them so much. 


Also if you put those 4 legs on a kataphron. I will forever call them Kitty-Kat-aphrons. Just sayin....Maybe Kat-stelans.  

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