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Robed Terminators

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If you have the patience, doing green stuff tabards is an excellent way to do it without having to remove the dark angels icon or end up with the dark angel specific parts like the triangular cloth at the neck.

You're right of course. Yet I actually do like it on my model. Sword Brethren are meant to have individual iconography and so on so it helps set the models apart in a way.


He's great, where is the shield from?

Shield is from the DA terminator box, cleverly modified with a decorative bit from the BT upgrade kit. 

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How would you do cloaks for terminators?


I built my terminators the other day and there I had given two of them the BT tabbards. But I only have one terminator cloak from my terminator captain. I'm thinking of maybe just doing a greenstuff mould off of that to give them all Cloaks

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