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Okay, so my progress is so slow and it's been so long since I've updated it that my Completed Works have disappeared off the forum. Or at least, I can't find them.


Since I've had a recent resurgence in my painting, I might as well recap and start over here. Posted in the order in which I completed them, my Reapers Codex Chapter!


Note - This is my first army after being out of the hobby for some considerable time, I'm slowly rediscovering my painting skills and trying to improve on my previous standard. I'm seeing a good progression from one unit to another so far...


My Scout Squad - First painting in over ten years



My 1st Tactical Squad - completed right after the Scouts






Razorback - Painted at roughly the same time as the two squads




My Imperial Knight - completed this last summer after some procratination. I tried my hand at some subtle highlighting with this one.




Stormtalon - Finished this one off in December. With this one I began to push my skills, focusing on the highlighting and lenses. Some conversion work - I don't like the standard Assault Cannons, so replaced them with the double Land Speeder set - cut off the ventral tail stabiliser and got rid of the wings on the engine pods.





And then my Ironclad Dreadnought, which I completed on a slow day shift just the other day.







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Thanks very much, I'm happy with how things have gone, particularly with my recent improvements! I do thin a fair bit, sometimes 50/50 depending on the colour.


As for background, I'm still playing with that. A Codex Chapter, undecided on Chapter Tactics but tend towards Imperial Fists. Desert homeworld, hence the basing. The only Chapter members ever seen without a helmet worn are the Librarians. Practical in nature, limited embellishment of armour and weapons (no gold, just steel, brass or stone / bone ornamentation).

I'm getting some good results for the colour from a black basecoat, Mechrite Red foundation, a single layer of Blood Red, then 2 or 3 layers of a red wash.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very clean! A great job. My only gripe is the word "Invigilus" on the Rhino.  Either you have the steadiest hands in the world, or is that printed on a decal? Either way, the font looks a little too bland for my taste.  I much prefer the high-gothic script, but that's just preference :) Looking forward to seeing more!





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Thanks all for the comments so far! Dosjetka, did you mean the skull-helmed guy in my avatar pic? That's a captain I made a couple of years ago for this army. I since decided I wasn't happy with the model or his performance in game. The story goes that he's the guy in the Ironclads Sarcophagus now...
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hah, Loddfafnir113, I'm not so sure that's intentional on my part as much as the limit of my ability!


Now if I can just paint a little quicker, I might be able to move on to another army when I retire in 30 years.

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