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Starting a new army: Skitarii/Ad Mech Conversion Project

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Hi All,
I've not played 40k since 4th edition but am looking at getting back into the hobby. Whilst I'm in the process of revamping some old chaos models to get back to grips with 40k, Skitarii and Ad Mech have caught my eye as a possible direction to go in. I'd really like to convert my army to give it a Dark Mechanicus feel, and was thinking of using some of the renegade milita bits from Forge World:






and maybe some Dark Eldar bits to do so. I was wondering if anyone could give me some help as to whether the Skitarii bits will work scale wise with Astra Militarum and Dark Eldar bits?


I know it's probably heresy for me to have posted such a question here but any advice would be most welcome.






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Skitarii scale very well, being pretty much right between Cadians and Kabalites with regards to both heftiness and fluidity. Bits from the Wracks set, in particular, would have a great effect. As far as the Renegades go, I've been thinking about doing something with their Ogryns myself.
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Thanks that's really helpful.

I agree Ogryns from Forge World could make some stunning conversions smile.png

I'm looking at putting together a 750 point list to begin with. I don't know a huge amount about Ad Mech and Skitarii other than what I've read here on B&C and seen in battle reports. Is the new 'Start Collecting' box set a good starting point? Any other units that would definitely be worth including a 750 point list?

Currently I like the look of Rustalkers...

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The "Start Collecting" box is a stupidly good deal, and all of the models in it are useful.  The Tech Priest Dominus is from the Cult Mechanicus book, rather than the Skitarii, so you'll have to make other arrangements to use it outside of the new Dominus Maniple formation.

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Definitly pick a box set.... or two.


Also, as far as using the domi is concerned. Skitarii only need 2 troops choice for thier detachment. So you could use the starter box formation +skitarii detachment or something like that.


If your leaning towawrd skitarii Vanguard are what most other troop choice wish they could be, worth thier points. The same could be said for kataphron destroyers if you looking at cult mech stuff. Ruststalkers are fine i personally prefer infiltrators.

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I'd like to do a mixture of Cult Mech and Skitarii, although working out what to put in a 750 point list is certainly a challenge. My codexes codices haven't arrived yet, so at the moment I'm doing all this blind, so any suggestions or sample lists would be most welcome!


I'm wondering whether the starter box formation allows you to use a Tech-Priest Dominus with Skitarri....


 The same could be said for kataphron destroyers if you looking at cult mech stuff. Ruststalkers are fine i personally prefer infiltrators.


Would 2 squads of Vanguard be a better shout than 1 Vanguard and 1 Ranger Squad?


Destroyers over breachers?


Out of interest why do you prefer infiltrators?

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Despite having read the rulebook, I have to admit I am slightly confused by 'formations' as a whole, having not played since 4th ed. How would it work slotting this formation into a skitarii or ad mech army?

I'm looking at picking up the 'Get Started' kit on Thursday, any other essential or recommended purchases? (Other than the codex which is on my hit list tongue.png )

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Formations are similar to Detachments, but generally have more stringent composition requirements in return for greater benefits.  So while a Detachment may have X-Y HQs, X-Y Troops, etc. a Formation may specify the exact units or even their size and wargear.


They don't overlap, though.  You can run a Dominus Maniple Formation alongside a Skitarii Maniple Detachment, but the DM won't get Scout/Crusader and the SM won't get the targeted re-rolls to hit.  Some rules, like Doctrina Imperatives, are written to affect everything of the same faction within your army and so would cross over between the two.


Another difference is that you can take Formations in an Unbound army and still get the perks, but you can't do this with Detachments.

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Update: I have the Dominus Maniple! (And chaos conversion bits)

I'm thinking of magnetising the Dunecrawler weapons and the arms of the Dominus to give versatility. That is unless there is a go to Dominus loadout?

I was thinking either 3x Plasma Caliver or 3x Arc Rifle might be the way to go? Any tips?

I still don't have the codexes codexi codices (what is the plural? tongue.png) yet, are we likely to get a combined codex soon or should I bite the bullet and shell out on the 2?

I spoke to the guys in a local gaming store (not my GW) who are going to run 750 pt games in their store with no fliers or super-heavies allowed. From when I last played way back in 4th Ed I loved small point games so want to get involved, butI really have no idea what would be a good next buy to build up to this point level. Any advice please?!

(Toying with getting another Dominus maniple box to use as the beginnings of a Skitarri maniple....)

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Magnetizing the Onager is a great idea - there are several strong loadouts, and this will give you versatility for future lists.  I can't really speak for the Dominus.  I rarely run Cult lists at the moment, and have so many Tech Priest models that I've never kept trends of what I use.


Picking plasma or arc really depends on your meta - the former is great against heavy infantry and medium vehicles (Marines), the latter is great against light infantry and heavy vehicles (Guard).  I love 3x plasma Vanguard squads myself, but your mileage will vary.


Rumors are swirling regarding a combined Codex, but it probably won't be until at late spring/early summer.  That seems to be the time frame for Mechanicus releases over the past two years - Knights in 2014, Knights and Skitarii/Cult in 2015.  Both Codices are good reads, but you could also survive with buying the Skitarii book and using the Dominus rules included with the assembly instructions.

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Ok so have finally got round to writing a 750 point list. Hopefully this is correct:


Dominus Maniple


Tech-Priest Dominus (Warlord) = 110 points

-Conversion Field 


Skitarii Vanguard = 200 points

- 5 extra vanguard

- 3x Plasma Caliver

- Omnispex 


Onager Dunecrawler = 115

- Neutron Laser

- Cognis Heavy Stubber 


Skitarii Maniple


Skitarri Vanguard = 95

- 2x Arc Rifle 

- Omnispex


Skitarri Vanguard = 95

- 2x Arc Rifle 

- Omnispex


Onager Dunecrawler = 95

- Eradication Beamer 

- Cognis Heavy Stubber 



This leaves me with 40 points left over (if my maths is correct), any suggestions as to where to spend them?


Comments and criticisms of the list gratefully received.


I am concious that the 10 man vanguard unit is a lot of points and am debating changing it.


I was gonna try and squeeze some Sicarian Infiltrators in but guess they may have to wait til a higher points level. The huge bonus of this list is it can largely be made from 2 'Get Started' Boxes.

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