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Diamond Dogs as AM


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Hello there, I am new to the guard and have been browsing these forums for some time looking for ideas and inspiration. I have decided to make a themed army on the MGS series, which should galvanize my interest enough into building an Astra Militarum army and sticking with it. I confess I do tend to reset and start new armies all the time without actually completing them or playing with them for a decent amount of time.


The theme as hinted by in the title is around the Diamond Dogs PMC from Metal Gear Solid 5, The aim is trying to create a 40k army that operates as a PMC using the 40k universe characters and rules to best represent those in the Diamond Dogs PMC.


So basically any suggestions and ideas for model to character/unit representation, whether it rules or models I would love to hear your thoughts. 


Here are my initial ideas to start with.


Base the core of the force around Mech Vets Squads and CCS from a CAD or the more recent Emperor's Blade assault company formation. I am still undecided which fits best.


The idea is to represent snake as either an Eversor, Culexus or Vindicare assassin (whichever fits the mood of the day) the models come already look like they are fitted with the classic 'sneaking suit' so head swaps for a head that represents snake from either the catachan sets or a 3rd party company heads set. (something I need to look into)


The alternative idea was to have an allied detachment of space wolves, represent snake using a WG Battle Leader so he could take fenrisian wolf (D - Dog) and Thunderwolf (D - Horse) the only problem with this is having to take some Blood Claws or Grey Hunters as troops, perhaps counting as some form of Foxhound elite group, still pondering on this one. converting this version of snake could be fun though.


Master Miller could be represented in one of two ways, the most obvious to to be the commander of a CCS (or use Creeds rules) the other as a Lord Commissar as he does seem to be abit trigger happy and paranoid about things in general. Conversions should be pretty straight forward, just needing to find a head with a pair of aviators.


 It is my intention to represent Shalasashka / Ocelot as an Inquisitor as he takes up a similar role in the MGS franchise as an interrogation specialist as well as a gunslinger. It is hard not to just want to use Cortaez rules for him as he is just such a bargain in points for what he can bring to the table, but at there are ways to build gunslinger inquisitors also which appeals. As to modeling him I'm at more of a loss, the only model that comes to mind that fits it the WHFB empire witch hunter model. I also thought it would be fitting to have him lead some Scions or something similar as some form of spetnazs specialists recon team with red berets and black uniforms. 


Anyway these are my thoughts so far on how to begin starting a PCM force, Turning Imperial Knights into Metal Gears or considering introducing air support can come later.


Let me know what you think




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Well as a suggestion I would use the VIndicare Assassin to represent Quiet from the latest game though you would need to convert alot to get a good representation of her. Besides that I'm wondering how you would actually model the normal troops. Maybe use the Scions and change the chests' for the normal troopers?

Thanks Elmo, Dizzyeye you've hit the nail on the head with how to create the main troops / vets, inspired looking at the work from Timmi and Vash while browsing on these forums. From your avatar I can take it your also a MGS fan. I have considered quiet converting her would be difficult, I have been looking at Wyrd's Through the Breach female multi-part plastic kits for options, but the scale of the models are slightly larger than 40k. Not that it's a huge deal.  

I think you've got the basic counts as plans down, Quiet would definitely be a Vindicare. Snake could be Eversor or Callidus. If you were feeling cheeky he could be modelled as a cardboard box... :lol: I'd steer clear of SM though as even with the maximum level armour that's still more carapace than anything else. Vets would be the best choice, the Diamond Dogs should be well trained!


Depending on how flexible you are you could have Psycho Mantis as a Cullexus. Plenty of scope for cool ideas I think :)

Welcome to the barracks rorhammer! (love the Avatar as well - Go for the eyes, Boo!)


Raging Heroes might do a closer scale sniper that would work as Quiet? Victoria Miniatures do female bits as well, they might work although their scale is a little different to GW as well.


If you're looking for other manufacturers, Mad Robot do a lot of bits that look more modern than 40K, although I've never actually used them, so I can't vouch for them.

No problem for the suggestion :)


I must admit I'm a late comer in terms of the series. Phantom Pain is the first one in the series and I've really enjoyed it. I've also been watching videos on YouTube for the other games, who knows, maybe once I get the money I may hunt them down myself.


Question is if you want to use the soldiers as Scions or guardsmen since the Scions are better at shooting even though they have a reduced range with their hot shots.

Carapace armoured vets is the way the mainstay of the army is going to go, they are cheaper and therefore scions can be enlisted as specialist troops. 


Dizzyeye I suggest getting the MGS HD collection or Legacy collection for Playstations. 


Thanks Cyderpirate for the suggestion of Mad robot there are some good head options in there, aviators heads, balaclava heads and heads with ponytails etc will help a lot.


Right anyway better get to assembling some Chimeras. 

Mad Robot is... okay.  The scale is correct and their bits are at a good level of detail, but I've found that combining them with GW bits can look a bit odd at times.  I think it's the posing of their arms, and something about the heads.  Sorry, it's hard to put my finger on it.  Maybe that's just me, though.

Mad Robot is... okay.  The scale is correct and their bits are at a good level of detail, but I've found that combining them with GW bits can look a bit odd at times.  I think it's the posing of their arms, and something about the heads.  Sorry, it's hard to put my finger on it.  Maybe that's just me, though.


I like the look of their stuff, but I've held off buying anything so far. I know what you mean about them looking off, I think its the arms - they look out of proportion to everything else.

Ok, so I'm currently in the process of putting together my troops choices for the Diamond Dogs. Please bare in mind that i am aiming for the Emperors Assault company formation to be the army's foundation.


With the formation giving preferred enemy to all units firing at enemies within 6" of objectives. Would it be more solid to build carapace veteran units around plasma? or do you think it will be too situational? 


or perhaps x2 plasma and x1 melta for versatility?

I would kit out 1-2 squads that way, but not the entire force.  It is a bit situational and you don't want your specialists frying themselves if they're needed elsewhere. I generally don't like splitting focus on special weapons so I'd take one or two squads with max plasma and the others with melta or grenade launchers, depending on the meta.  Your mileage will vary.

seeings as they will be mounted I generally opt not to put carapace on the vets and go for a third special weapon instead

I rather rely on the PE because plasma vets with carapace are $$$ and you still have a 50% chance of losing them to gets hot


Having said that I still prefer melta vets because they're cheaper and less likely to blow themselves up

It's unfortunate that Sly Marbo is off on an assignment so deep-cover that he's been disavowed from the Codex...



Points for having a IG commisar or commander dual wielding revolvers.


I feel like alot of veterans with a mix of valkyries to represent rapid insertion.


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