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Falling to the black raven guard rage.....

Brother Raul

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  Wow wee. Has anyone seen the Pinion formation for Raven guard out of the Kauyon sup? I have been set on allying IF SoT into my C:BA but now I am looking at allying in my C:BA to this RG formation. Cassor and raph's squad and a 7 man DC w/ Chappy BSF.


  The 1st turn vanguard charge (hint, put the scouts in LSS) for the killteam is friggin glorious and cheap.  It frankly is better than skyhammer in my opinion cause the BFG on that 65 pt model blinds BUT You will prob jink to keep them alive. For me that's a very, very, very fun formation. Charging blind Xenos with VV? Also your scouts can charge out of the LSS to eat overwatch for the VV.


  Putting a HQ Librarian (hint, give libby relic armour for unit wide 2+) w/ devs and keeping a scout squad w/ HB close for sarge to grant ignores cover with divination too. Holy bat :cuss bat man.


  Being able to outflank a squad of ASM w/ a scout squad as pinion and giving them stealth that turn. Hint arm scouts with CCW and eat overwatch. This seems to much fun for w40k.


  3 x 5 man tacs as a tax. Frankly melta gun & combi melta on one in a pod and what ever you want with the other two. Plasma canon and stick near devs and scouts? and a flamer and combi flamer in another pod?


  Oh and the formation grants you a reroll on table side, 1st turn and gives you reserves 1st turn on a 4+ AND the chapter tactics of rerolled HOW and can assault after using jetpacks plus units that start on the board (those unkillable ignores cover/ reroll to hit devs and camo cloaked gone to ground scouts) get shrouded first turn.


  You can do all this for 1000pts and you won't have more fun in a brothel. Add a strike force mortalis at 1750 pts or a small BSF for 1500pts and its game, set and match.









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Is the Kauyon book fairly balanced between the Tau and RG? The artwork looks very Tau-focused... Wondering if it's worth the 45 squirrel price tag!


You can now digitally buy just the RG stuff on it's own :)


The Darkfuries from FW are making me want to do this formation alone...

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@ Riot Earp-RG played really smart; he dud podded a bare devs squad to take the interceptor and I believe the point of the scouts is to pinion & act as a proxy locator beacon then eat the overwatch.


  I couldn't play W40K without C:BA in some format. The sons of Sanguinius are W40k to me. Its just these rules are dope. Pure crack. AND I think playing a BSF with it gets you to do more of what you want to do with C:BA-Charge xenos & heretics with DC when and where you want too.  At 2,000 points you could run C:BA with all the bling.


  This RG formation would struggle badly against a dark angels or Iron hands & I believe almost any Death Star in the game. The VV and ASM are the formation, that's 15 (maybe 25) MEQ cc troops to get the job done and you only got 20-35 MEQ outside of these guys and even x3 plasma cannon/plasma man tacs plus a probably anti tank devs load out and possibly x2 LSS won't outshoot the shooty guys.


  A squad of 7 DC with a PF & PS and chappy with Cassor (in a pod), stormraven and 5 man tac in a rhino with a HF soooooooooooo compliments this list. At 1500 pts you are going to own :cuss, have fun and not be a powergamer. That is unless you add a SHAF, then you've gone too far and are now a powergaming prick.


  But there is undeniably a synergy and very different dynamic that exists between these to legion astartes. Corbulo's reroll on any of their formation special rules is a classic example. We are spoilt for special characters and elites choices but they're The disruption followed by a hammer, the dark then the fire. Raven guard have speed Aye but not power. That is what we have in spades, the power of furious retribution. They hit smart; but we hit hard. Classic jab upper cut combo. You'd be like a haemoculi just operating on opponents to see how the bits come apart.

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Man, that sounds really, really tempting ...


But I just can't do it. The Angels Sorrowful are Sons of Sanguinius for better or for worse. I would just feel too dirty using Raven Guard rules to represent them.


There was a time when many insisted on playing Templars using the Wolves' dex.


Keep the faith, cousins :tu:

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@Morticon- As Borther RedemptionNL said its USR from the Talon Strike Force detachment. They get reserves on a 4+ 1st turn but need a pinion as tax for the shadow strike kill team. The shadow strike kill team gets 'On time' USR, that means a 1st turn charge or indeed any turn after that with a auto pass DS.


   The pinion isn't entirely useless. The DEV's with a Scout Sarge spotting for them will be usefull and the Scout Squad for the ASM gives them scout and infiltrate plus shrouded the turn they arrive! They can also eat overwatch for said ASM. Its just what do you do with the 3 tac squad tax? The cheaper you make them the more ASM and VV you can fit in and they are the stars of the list.


  Dare I say x3 bare man tacs for obj sec? NO, cause the only thing this formation doesn't get is Obj Sec.

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Aye, me too.


There's actually a fair amount of good strategy to that - go up one flank with your assault units and force the enemy to tunnel thier guns (especially works well with a LR or such) then drop the RG Vanguard on the opposite flank and cause havoc.

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@ Charlo- But I want my DC to break stuff, not the RG VV. Can't see how 1st turn charge isn't a good idea. Remember VV get no penalties for disorganised charges so you could charge 4 units of enemy dakka if they castle up. And they will cause you have jet pack ninjas and jetpack Samurai. For the record this might be officially the first time Charlo and I have disagreed. Don't worry matey we will always have the Sanguinor!


@Riot Earp-That was my initial thoughts too, 3 x 5 man tacs with plasma cannons except maybe one with a melta/ combi melta in a pod as a kind of insurance if those ignore cover devs don't get the job done on the enemy armour. OR you could lascannon your tacs and HB your devs for a hilarious 12 AP4 ignore cover attacks. That's anti horde right there, guess it depends on your meta and HQ choice.


  The RG talon strike forces hardest choice but is the HQ. The HQ can't charge with the VV but a libby with divination will give those devs a reroll to hit no matter what your load out is.

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For a first turn charge you need the 'decurion' pinion battle company. For the charge out of deep strike you need 2 scouts and a vanguard squad (shadowstrike killteam). If you deepstrike within 9" of both scout squads they don't scatter. 


If your doing the whole turn 1 charge thing the scouts can't eat overwatch because they have to infiltrate

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@ Brother Remtek-Thank you for pointing out the scouts and overwatch, makes picking a load out easier too. Bolters, no brainer now. Yes the pinion is a shadow strike kill team tax. But it is pretty cheap for what you get considering several point decreases in the recent C:SM. The fact you can control so many core game dynamic variables (reroll on table side, deployment, turns, pinion & infiltrate/ scout USR) AND get shrouded 1st turn with this formation makes it REALLY F$%&^NG CHEAP. 


The shadow strike kill team is ALMOST a tax on the pinion! That's the point of my hype on this topic. Strike force mortalis is such a great allied/primary detachment and you could theoretically cram it all into 1250 pts. It would be so fun to play. Even a cheap BSF would be interchangeable.

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If you stick a ravenguard IC in a squad of death company, they will have shrouded until the start of your second turn. Thats 2 turns if going second, and a cheap way of often getting 2 plus cover. Lot's of fun synergi between Ravenguard and BA.

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