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Blood Angels successor colour scheme progress


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Hey guys. This isn't much of an update- the weather's been rainy all week, so I've barely had a chance to undercoat, and the one time I rushed out in between showers I bungled it. So I tried some Imperial Primer for the first time ever, and I'd like some feedback.

First coat:


Second coat:

What do you guys think? Another coat, or start with the silver?

(Yes, this guy is from the Assault on Black Reach set. Why he's been seconded to a Blood Angels Successor Chapter is beyond him, but for the duration he's going to have to pretend to be angrier than usual and mildly Codex divergent. The latter will help him with the former.)

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Well, I've applied the Leadbelcher and Mephiston Red. I kept messing up, even with the Artificer Brush! I've given up on doing the Chest Eagle well this time around; From now on, I'm not gluing the arms on until that's painted.
Still, here we are. I've done a slightly modified version of the 1 arm, 1 leg Red scheme.


Obviously this is still just the Base paints, but what do you guys think? Is the colour distribution okay? Has this changed any opinions? Does this look sufficiently 'Blood Angels-y'?

I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to analyzing my own work, so I'd really appreciate some honest opinions.

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Yeah I would do the tubing on the back of the legs, the backpack recess behind the helmet and the helmet mouth grill dark grey, then give the whole model a black wash. Paint the gun strap brown before you do the wash and you could have a really quick, effective scheme!
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Looks great, man. Keep it up!



Seems kinda...scattered, to me.  The red tubing doesn't help much.  But if you're happy with it, that's all that matters.

It's the red backpack, isn't it? I admit, that was an impulse decision. I've repainted it silver. I may also implement the other red shoulder pad (trim still silver) that you suggested.

No, you're right. After all, If I was completely happy with this, I wouldn't ask for opinions!

Speaking of, I know you aren't a fan of the red leg. Would your opinion change any if the red there was shifted to a robe/tabard thing, like the one I linked in my first post? I'm going to try to mock the cape up tonight.


Yeah I would do the tubing on the back of the legs, the backpack recess behind the helmet and the helmet mouth grill dark grey, then give the whole model a black wash. Paint the gun strap brown before you do the wash and you could have a really quick, effective scheme!

That sounds good!


I like it!


I'd consider keeping the inner detail of the armour and the face grill black though like Luther said.


I think an alternative gun could could work wonders. How about bone casing? Or if not a dark red.

I don't have any bone-coloured paint on hand at the moment, only Ceramite White but I actually already have some in the mail -Zandri Dust and Ushabti Bone. It should be here in a day or two. In the meantime, I've given the gun casing two layers of Nuln Oil to test out the darker red.


I've also given the mouth grill three layers of Nuln Oil, because the intent was never to have it or the soft armour bright red; This is to see if seeing it how I intended it redeems it any in all your eyes.




What do you guys think?

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Well, that was a learning experience.

Lesson 1: Never, ever try to attach green stuff robes to a figure that already has his arms glued on.
Lesson 2: When they say 'leave it to cure before handling it' they don't mean five minutes, they mean thirty-five.

Poor Brother Testeo is wondering what he did to deserve having a cruddy green rectangle attached to his lower torso by an idiot giant who managed to get both him and the green stuff covered in both water and Vaseline, ensuring that it'll never actually properly attach. On the bright side, that means it will be easily removed, which will help preserve his dignity. msn-wink.gif


Tomorrow I'll see how it's doing... Perhaps if it's loose and pliable enough, it could be safely removed in one piece and cleaned and painted separately.

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A friend of mine always suggested picking out little details in colors that diverge from the main scheme so that the model can pop out some. I would recommend that for the bolter especially as i feel it gets lost in the current scheme.

I'm sorry I missed your posts, guys! I had the reply window open for a very long time, so I didn't even know you had posted. What colour Bolter would you recommend, Dolchiate Remembrancer? Bone, like Charlo recommends? Black, like the vanilla Blood Angels? I'm hesitant about using more noticable colours for fear of making the gun stand out from the rest of the scheme too much.



Also bright green eye lenses!

Hmm. I was hoping to get away with bright red, like the Carmine Blades, but I could do blue too, I have a pot of Guilliman Blue turning up any day now. I could do the eyes in that. What do you think?







You need to leave green stuff at least 24 hours to cure - even longer if it's a big / thick piece. The robe does actually look pretty good though I think!

CaptainHelion has the right of it - I was using the Vaseline to lubricate my tools, and by thirty-five minutes I meant that I needed to let it partially set before I could manipulate it properly. The first few times I tried it, it literally fell apart in my hands, and even later on trying to get it past the gun strap damaged it - hence Lesson #1!


Thanks for the compliment. From the back it's a bit of a disaster - the rear fold adhered to his butt, making him look like Brother Testeo Kardashian - and on closer inspection the front part isn't actually tucked under his belt in any way, it's just draped on him, but it's all a learning experience, isn't it?




I've messed with the image to try to get a very, very bad approximation of what the colour adjustments outlined above might amount to, plus I've tinted the outside of the robe red and the inside lighter, because I thought that if the insides were red too, that colour might be a bit too overwhelming. I tried both red and blue eyes.





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Try green and yellow eyes too.


Green is the opposite complement to red so will look good as it is not next to the red. Yellow will warm the scheme up if not.


Looking cool at the moment though! I think the red cloak and bone gun work.

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Thanks, Charlo! I'll give that a shot.

In the meantime, I tried to paint the guns in bone, but I was a sloppy, stupid painter today. I used the wrong brush size and got the paints in the wrong consistency. Regardless, here's Brother Testeo and two other veterans of Black Reach. The other two have their arms painted in Wazdakka Red, again because I messed up. One of them was supposed to be painted in Khorne Red and one in Mephiston Red, both with a Nuln Oil wash and Wazdakka highlights, but I lost control of the paint to the point where you can't even tell which is which anymore.




The first two guys had their guns painted in Zandri Dust > Ushabti Bone > Agrax Earthshade. The last guy I gave an additional layer of Ushabti Bone, and again lost all the detailing I'd already done, despite using an Artificer Brush; Therefore he's essentially been painted in Zandri Dust > Ushabti Bone.

What do you guys think? Is this okay? Is there a better method of painting bone? Should I try a different colour scheme entirely?


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A good start :) I think you just need to thin your paints more! You can hardly tell that last gun had a wash as it's covered in bone again.


It's very easy to get lazy with painting and I've done it too, but you always regret the results.


I think on the bone another layer of agrax to shade it and then pick out the raised details in a light bone will work wonders :)

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Yeah, my head definitely wasn't in the game yesterday - I either got the paint too thick or too thin, and never in-between. I should've just called it off and tried again when I had it together.

For the next layer of Agrax, do you mean on all the guns, or just the last one?


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Slow progress today. I painted the outside of Brother Testeo's robe red and did some miscellaneous touch ups. No progress on the inside of the robe, because I don't have all of the colours I'm going to need. I'm also going to prepare one of the Black Reach Marines that I hadn't yet glued together for another attempt at a cape; I'm going to trim off his grenades, pouches and maybe even file down his butt flap.

Say, is Mephiston Red usually much runnier than, say, Leadbelcher, or might I have contaminated it in some way? It isn't behaving like I'd expect, and that's throwing me off.

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Thanks, I'll give the eyes a shot. The only problem is that my hands are quite shaky- I've already messed up once. Still, I'll start on the eyes tonight. Thanks for the tip on the guns- I was thinking about making the metal darker than the bone, but I wasn't sure how to do it except with washes of Nuln Oil on top of Leadbelcher.

What I'm also going to do is use a piece of sprue as a swatch test for various combinations of red for the arm and cape-cloak-thing. Speaking of, I ended up donning another figure in a cloak. It was far easier this time around; I even tried putting a little bit of motion into it.


What I need to work on is first making the GS smooth and second making my cuts straight. The texture is blotchy and the hemlines are a mess. All the guides I've seen make it look so effortless. Can anyone give me some tips, or point me to the right place to ask?

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Hi again, guys. I got the impression that I was over posting here, so I decided to save my posts for something more substantive. First, though, I need some more advice.

I was painting a guy with his arms off, and that gave me a better look at his chest eagle. I'm having second thoughts about painting it red.


Is it me, or does it scatter the colour scheme a little? Would black or gold be better? Perhaps I could balance it out by making the other shoulder pad red inset too, like Firepower suggested, but then doesn't that make the cape/robe the anomalous part?




Anyway, I really would appreciate your input. Thanks!

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