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Blood Angels successor colour scheme progress


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Thanks, guys!

I gave gold a shot first. Here's the Battle-Brother with a layer of Balthazar Gold:

Meanwhile, I've used three of the guys I painted earlier to try red, green and blue eyes. I didn't try yellow because I plan to give the Veterans gold helmets.

I know the pictures aren't very good and they all need cleanup work. The thing is, not only are my hands unsteady, but I can't see the problems properly until I take and look at a photo. I've ordered a magnifying stand, but it's taking forever to get here. I also still can't get the GS cloaks to be smooth. It's irritating.

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I thought the red would've gotten more traction, but now I look at them up close, the others do look pretty good too.

I don't have any image updates today- I have a sick dog, she's taking up a lot of my time- but I did get some plasticard and some Liquid Green Stuff. I'm hoping that I can use them to make my cape making process a little easier. Say, would it be possible to make the cloak entirely with heated Plasticard?

Another thing I've been wondering about - I shouldn't have left it this late, but I haven't actually glued any of the capes on, so it's not too late - is if the scheme might look better with the cape and the red arm on the same side. I haven't tried it yet, but here's a mockup:


I guess at this point I should probably stay the course...

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Thanks! Despite what I said earlier, I also did some yellow eyes:
Badly, as you can see. The cleanup wasn't much better. I'm not good at this.

Another thing I'm not good at is making the capes. I am literally surrounded by tiny pieces of cut paper from where I've tried and repeatedly failed to mock one up that fits my specifications. All I wanted to do was whip up something to illustrate what it would look like to flip the cape to the other side, and I couldn't even manage that!

At this point I'd seriously pay someone to make me a template.

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Real cloth? That's an interesting idea. I'll have to look into it.

My problem right now is figuring out how to cut the material I'll be using to get the shape I want. A simple rectangle unfortunately doesn't seem to hang properly, so I'm experimenting with different cuts and curves.



I'm sure I'm overthinking this situation, but that's always been one of my flaws.

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You're not wrong, that's incredible. I really didn't think that tissue paper could look so good!

Whatever material I end up using, I'm going to run into the same problem: Getting the thing to wrap around his leg to the front. Unlike a cape, simply using a rectangle doesn't work; There has to be a curve cut into it to account for the waist. But no matter what I try to do, I can't get it right, and I can't get the hem line straight all around, since it also has to be slightly curved. Apparently nobody who's posted a robe tutorial on the internet has ever run into this problem.

I know it isn't magic, because the Skitarii Vanguards and Rangers have coats which are reasonably close to what I want. I just don't have the brainpower to figure out how it's done.

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You need to try taking the square and cut slits towards the center of the square, starting on the top edge. I attached a picture below of the type of cuts I'm talking about. The more cuts, and the deeper the cuts, the more sharp the angle of the curve. You can do 4 cuts, but just 1 or 2 will get the look you desire I think. Then overlap the tops as you stick it in place, and that should help make the curve you need. The top gets shorter while the bottom keeps it's length, causing the curve. The thinner the paper, the easier it is to mold the curve.


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Thanks, Father Mapple.

I was hoping to report back with good news, but I just spend two hours failing to make a cape that I was happy with. In the end I just gave up, as the GS started to become too tacky to mold easily.

Here's where I gave up:


I'm sorry to ask you guys again- you've all been so helpful- but while I investigate the other options- real cloth, tissue paper, etc- what do you think? How can I get better?
Is there a place to go for GS-specific advice? Heck, is there a place to go where I could get somebody to make a template for me? I wasn't kidding earlier. After all this, I'm willing to pay.



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