TheOneTrueZon Posted February 23, 2016 Author Share Posted February 23, 2016 Ok, for everyone who's not into the long reads, here's something I wanted to throw out to forum and see if there's anyone who's tried the same. I have recently found out about "Hirst Arts Fantasy Architecture Inc.": I wanted to know if anyone else has tried a build of this type. I am a skilled caster and aim to turn either a LRC and / or Mastodon into something inspiried by this: The work is by the artist Kris Kuksi, and if you haven't seen his art I highly recommend it ( I want to do a brick by brick build using elements from the #42 mold ( From what I can gather from the technical details on this site and from other on-line forums that the scale is spot-on for 28mm range models. Anyone else have experience doing a build like this? I have been toying with the idea of 3d printed blocks such like the ones I would get out of the molds, but when I compare the investment in a printer vs a mold & some AB plastic resin, the casting route seems more feasible. Thoughts? Kisada 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firepower Posted February 23, 2016 Share Posted February 23, 2016 A long while back someone (I think it was Tzen) made a huge cathedral tank for his Word Bearers. It was very impressive, heretical or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted February 27, 2016 Author Share Posted February 27, 2016 Taking my first pass at a custom decal sheet. Printing this out on a laser printer, hopefully it works! AndrewChristlieb 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted March 5, 2016 Author Share Posted March 5, 2016 Decal printing progress. First sheet - disaster. But I was kinda expecting this to happen. Had my media type set as "color transparency" but I guess the fuser in the laser printer didn't set the ink correctly so it bled like a mofo. Looks kinda cool though but since it didn't set the ink flakes off pretty easily. I might try wiping all this off and printing on the decal paper again to see what happens. Second try worked out much better. Setting the media type to "Opaque FIlm" seemed to do the trick and the ink set nicely on the second print. I was really holding my breath since I only have three sheets to experiment with. And finally on a model. The decal took a little longer to slip off the backing and the brush I used move it onto the model and apply some micro sol might have been too rough as it flaked a bit at this point. Looks weathered, but I'd rather do that with paint. There are going to be decals used over painted white. I am doing another print of the same design but since white is extremely hard to do on this kind of process (unless someone out there has a four color printing press they'll let me use) the next set will have a slightly grey / marbled look to them which will print out nicely. Question is how well will it hold up over black. More test results and some army pics soon to follow. Just finished priming all the troops, and now for the long road of painting everything. Kisada and Kizzdougs 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted March 16, 2016 Author Share Posted March 16, 2016 (edited) The latest from the depths of the Aegis Deus... Chapter 2 - The Sword is Sharpened Brother Marius walked in step behind Reclusiarch Grimaldus into a secured annex nested deep within the ship’s chapel. The few holy relics that the Aegis Deus housed awaited their use. A black sword on a stone dais carved into the Imperial Aquila, ancient, hungry for war. Relic armor from Holy Terra, countless battles bourne secured in an ornate nave behind the sword. A battered banner bearing the crest of the Armageddon Crusade, draped upon a sculpture of Dorn. Before the banner, Grimaldus bowed his deathly visage in silent remembrance and prayer for his fallen brethren, a memory still far too near. Marius mirrored the Reclusiarch and chanted a silent devotional, and waited. Grimaldus then looked to the sword, and then to Marius.“Someone from this Crusade will bear the sword and armor of the Emperor's Champion.”Grimaldus took a few strides around the dais, regarding the blade, now standing across from Marius.“Will you accept whoever is chosen?”Without hesitation Marius responded a simple, “Yes Reclusiarch”.“Ah, but your lack hesitation gives away your true intention.”“I do not understand, please tell me how I have misled you Reclusiarch,” Marius answered, his tone unsure.“In your reports, you believe that these Neophytes are not worthy of our mark.”“Training progresses well Reclusiarch, but without actual testing of their abilities these Neophytes cannot become Astarte. Training upon this ship cannot continue indefinitely.”Grimaldus turned suddenly and depressed a glyph in high gothic. Marius was still shrouded in a fog trying to understand what the Reclusiarch was doing.Grimaldus turned back to the sword and Marius, holding in his hand an ornate data cube bearing the sigils of a holy relic from the Eternal Crusader. Marius quickly made the sign of the templar cross with his gauntlets.“Brother Marius, can you tell me why we’re here, in orbit around this planet?”“I am here to serve our Lord Commanders will, if it is the honor for me to know the designs of the High Marshall, enlighten me Reclusiarch.”Grimaldus lofted the cube into the air and at it’s zenith, instead of falling it hung silently, slowly rotating on it’s center axis. In a quick burst of blue light a holo of a sphere grew from the cube, snapped out and enlarged becoming a detailed planetary map.“Until now you have known this as Theta 517, the fourth planet of 12 in this binary system.”Grimaldus touched a coastline on the northwestern hemisphere and the holo zoomed into a topographical map. Marius instantly recognized a familiar profile. A mountainous shoreline that rose out of an ocean bluff that rose above the cloudline, a solitary, massive horizontal cut was visible on the largest of the peaks, adorned with battlements and strong points of a Templar chapter house.“This is the system of Hephaestion, and this is a Chapter stronghold that once served as garrison to this system, and has lain dormant for 4 centuries.”“Why was it abandoned?”“The crusade which served here was called to hunt the Xeno presence that threatened this system. They were purged but not after they had destroyed much of what was of any worth. After our brethren left to pursue and destroy the fleeing filth, most of the population of the inhabitable worlds, Hephaestion III & IV, moved on as well.”Marius looked about the planetary map and saw the crossings of old superhighways and two ruined hives further inland. Indeed the diaspora after invasion left the worlds to fallow, but not dead enough to forsake all life. Among the carcass of civilization feral tribes arose, the traces of territories and crude fortresses resolved in the holo-image.“Enough time has passed that the remnants of those left behind have turned into a cult of rogue pskyers. Hardly of any consequence, but they have recently discovered the existence of our Chapter house.”The holo abruptly shrank back into the cube, and it slowly descended back into the waiting hand of Grimaldus.“I will accept no desecration of our house.”The deathmask of the Reclusiarch was focused intently on Marius now.“You have been training the Crusade which will cleanse our holy site, and prepare it for use as an active Chapter house.”Marius looked back upon the Reclusiarch with pride.“We will make ready Reclusiarch, shall I inform Marshall MacLaren of our orders?”“The Marshall has his orders, however you have not been introduced to the Reclusiarch who will accompany you planetside. I have been ordered back to the Eternal Crusader by our High Marshall.”As if on cue, heavy steps echoed behind Marius, who turned to see what approached.A towering mass of starless black night moved forward into the light of the annex. The Chaplin stopped before him, a full foot taller in the ornate Terminator armor adorned with grand scrolls and seals. A voice deep and resonant rumbled from the vox.“I am Reclusiarch S’dain, Brother Marius.”He looked from Marius to the black sword and stepped before it.“This sword is truly ancient, a blade of a billion souls upon it’s edge.”Grimaldus and S’dain looked to each other.“The rites will be performed in due time”, S’dain said, “Though if what you say is indeed true, Brother Grimaldus, it will be a miracle of faith for a Pariah to receive a holy vision from our Emperor.”“Surely it will be one of the ordained Initiates that will receive the vision, all tested and true. Until the Neophytes pass the final rites there is no chance of such a thing.”Grimaldus gave the slightest of nods and replied, “The light of the Emperor shines through us all Brother S’dain, I find it curious to see if these Pariahs can be touched as well, as they say the Sisters of Silence once were.”S’dain scoffed, “Tales and stories, which can make their legend no more real. These Neophytes will have only their training to see them through the trials of blood,” he looked at Marius, “If you have taught them sufficiently, that is.”Marius was not accustomed to critique, but before a Reclusiarch he would permit no trespass while would cause any doubt.“The Chapter hold will be reclaimed, the Initiates of our Crusade have seen wars on many fronts, there is no failure to be had here.”Grimaldus interjected before the exchange became any more heated.“I am to depart shortly. I leave the command of the Reclusiasm to you S’dain. Marius, prepare for an orbital insertion.”Grimaldus stepped from the annex and left the two in an uncomfortable silence.“Do not delude yourself Brother, I am here to save this Crusade from itself should it prove necessary.”Marius looked squarely at S’dain.“You have just arrived, have you not? In time these Neophytes, Reclusiarch S’dain, will only surprise you.”Marius snapped into a brisk salute, as the Reclusiarch made his way out of the annex.“I will only be surprised if any of these Pariahs make it past the first day ground side.” Edited March 16, 2016 by TheOneTrueZon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted March 16, 2016 Author Share Posted March 16, 2016 Chapter 3 - Nightmares The nightmares never stop. The reek of dried blood, human and orc, hung in the air as the constant reminder of bad death. The din of battle fogs the sound, but the great weight of the nightmares shakes the ground. Tells of it’s coming, inevitable, inescapable. It smells the fear, piss and sh*t from our battered defenses. From the choking smoke of ruin they come loping with red eyes wild with rage. The berserk do not suffer the timid, and to see them run drives them madder still. The nightmares come faster and faster. They are on them now. On her. Friends gurgle screams suddenly from choking throats filled with their own blood. They are consumed, they are trampled into gristle, they are nothing but dried blood on hard cold ground. The sound of the next cycle’s reverie yanked Nakano from her uneasy sleep. Even now, with a bolt pistol hanging from it’s holster inches away, lying in the berth of a Black Ship surrounded by Black Templar Marines, the nightmares still came to her. The searing anger that knotted up behind her chest every time she thought of those invading Orcs filled her waking life. It seemed fitting that they should haunt her in sleep as well. She had convinced herself that it was just a fact of life now, that there would be no cure for the horror she fought through. The lives lost and friends killed before her eyes, helpless. Sorrow into anger, anger into rage, rage into sorrow again. She begged for the sorrow to leave, but keep the anger, keep the rage. She wanted to save that for her revenge someday. And as she thought all this, she was going through the routine of squaring away her bunk, getting dressed for training and standing to attention as their Astarte trainer, Brother Marius, entered to begin their regimen. But her thoughts betrayed her, and as she dwelt upon the past her face became aware of suddenly contacting the floor. The pain soon followed as her vision went white for a moment, followed by the bellow of Marius. “Neophyte Nakano, you were 1.2 seconds late in coming to attention when I commanded. Get up.” Holding tightly to her will, desperately trying not to groan, she picked herself off the cold plasteel floor that bore her offering of blood. “You mind wanders Nakano,” Marius continued once she was standing, “you lack focus, and it will kill you if I don’t do it first.” And then he was gone, turned and walking away down the line inspecting the rest of the neophytes in line. “Today we begin with a walk, move out!” To Brother Marius, a walk was a brisk run that lapped the Aegis Deus three times, followed by drills, then tactical analysis, more drills, study of historical battles, then close combat drills, sometimes a class by Valdena. Somewhere in there they fit in shoving down protein packs and hydrating on stale recycled water when they weren’t field stripping bolters. At the end of the cycle Nakano was finally allowed to report to the apothecary. A minor topical for the swelling and a chewable to re-set the teeth Marius shook loose when he shoved her to the floor. The neophytes in her cycle had one time unit to themselves before lights out. Vicca had rigged an old console readout to display video feed from the archives, tonight her and few others were watching battle cams of a massive LRC spearhead from M39 taking on 5 orc gargants. Nakano was lying on her bunk staring at the ceiling, the sedatives from the topical turning the burning ache of her face into a dull tingle. Xin walked up and sat on the edge of her kit case and gave her a smirk. “Brother Marius has it out for you.”“Don’t I know it,” she answered slowly through the haze of pain killer. The sound of cheers came from those watching the vid as a gargant exploded gloriously. “When you wake up, it’s hard not to see how you look at cycle-start. Like you just went to war again,” he trailed off for a moment, lost in his own thoughts and memories, “you need to know that you probably saved more of our lives than the ones lost in Helsreach. At least among us. If we make it through training we’ll have every chance to get back at the greenskins. But you have to make it out of here first, hear me?” He patted her on the shoulder and managed a smile, “nod if you can understand what I’m saying.” Nakano nodded slightly, and mumbled back a terse thanks and rolled her back to him, ending the conversation. More cheers from the vid watchers. She heard Xin walking away and then let out a low sigh as she let her mind drift against her better judgement, not sure if it was the sedatives or her subconscious, and thought back. One does not brag about being from Helsreach. Not even before the first invasion. It mattered only because of its output, of its measure of production, not the wealth of population. Yet from that brutal grind came greatness. Nakano came from the Daughters of the Emperors Hope Orphanage, like many of her current companions & survivors. Plucked from the street by those silent nuns, she found herself in good like-minded company. Supposedly born under a bad sign, a child unwanted, all abandoned and shunned for one reason or another. No one knew how the members of this peculiar order came to Helsreach, but they seemed to have always been there in the background, minding their own business, tending to the little. Perhaps they were small enough that no one ever thought to pay attention to them. Nakano never heard the headmistresses ever utter a single word, not even in anger. Her ancillaries themselves only ever spoke in dire consequences. And in the months before the invasion which would alter Helsreach forever, their mysterious disappearance confused her all the more. Did they leave because they knew what was coming? Then why leave all their adopted children behind? Could they really have been actual Sisters of Silence? Nakano knew there would be little she’d ever be able to know for sure. The more she learned the less certain she became of everything. She had been so confident before the war, so self-assured from growing up under the strong hand of her caretakers. Even when the walls of Helsreach fell, her garrison held and fought longer than most. And then the Inquisitor, Valdena. What an odd lot she turned out to be. Now it seemed all too convenient, her showing up just before the invasion. The stranger in the big hat came to the garrison commander. Plainly commanded she would be attached to their unit to observe. Observation quickly turned into fighting, and then leading as the chain of command whittled away. Many times she was saved by the many tricks and weapons of the Ordo Hereticus, stuff unlike anything she’d ever seen. Inquisitor Valdena saved lives, led well, and in the end saved as many as she could given the circumstances. Gave them a second chance at life, and possibly vengeance. But now Nakano wondered why, why save this group of orphans and outcasts. Blanks. A new word, one she sensed she’d better get used to. It was all happening too quickly for her, all too unreal. One moment clinging on for dear life shooting xenos point blank in the face, scooped up by Stormravens, brought upon the Eternal Crusader itself before being processed and boarding the Aegis Deus and offered a chance to be a Black Templar. Before the orcs came she had never seen the Adeptus Astartes except on badly compressed vids of some distant world fighting a war for people she’d never know or care about. The moment she saw them first hand is etched into her mind forever. The wall in their sector breached two days after the first section fell. Their garrison was slowly getting parts of other PDF groups falling back. Two slabs of rockcrete had fallen perfectly in front of Bunker 83-B to make a formidable kill zone. The orcs had no other way get at the bulkhead to the underground sanctuary where millions waited out the war. There were few options other than bringing the entire block down on them, which would deny them the slaughter they so deeply desired. Three waves tried to crash through the gap. Three times they held. The orc numbers seemed unending, but the focused barrage on the choke point held them back for a time. The withering fire wore down the gap, the the rent bodies began to pile so high it began to give the wretched beasts a means of cover. The fourth wave was different, and now they faced the terror of greenskin armor. A lone Lehman Russ Vanquisher took five scrap-tanks down before suffering a fatal strike that popped it’s turret off like a toy. The garrison’s fire superiority was gone, and the defenses began to give way to the pummeling of artillery. Suddenly the lead orc tank erupted into a fireball of intense heat, raw iron peeling back in orange melting sheets. Through the billowing smoke five black figures screamed through the air. Landing before the gap, the Assault Marines took a defensive position while the Sergeant came before the garrison and called out to whoever was in command. Valdena came forward and exchanged some quick words before a signal from his battle brothers turned his attention back to the gap. Another wave incoming. Incensed at the destruction of their battle wagons, the orcs were now in an all-out frenzy for revenge. The lead Marine called out to the Inquisitor, pointing at our garrison. “This position can hold. We will take their charge head-on, give us suppressing fire!” Hi bolt pistol drawn and chainsword primed, he took to the air in a quick burst, was through the gap and with his troops. They all turned to face the coming wave, and they looked among each other. Nakano wondered what they were saying in that moment before they charged. She picked up her lasgun and charged through the gap, her compatriots of the garrison behind her, and Inquisitor Valdena running at her side. A bolt of silver gleamed in the Inquisitor's Condemnor combi-bolter as the group passed through firey ruins, past the mouth of the gap and into the street full of broken carnage. Nakano could see both ends of the block choked with the ruins of armor, the north end was the orcs, the south was the smoldering ruin of a IG blockade. The Marines were almost upon the orcs when Valdena began shouting orders. “Nakano, take your squad and cover the east side of the street, don’t let the Marines get flanked!” Valdena turned to her Nakano’s friend, Herod, and started to tell his squad to cover the west side when he suddenly burst into a cloud of red mist. Valdena dove for cover and turned back to the stunned volunteers. “Don’t stop! MOVE! Cover their flanks, go, GO!” she screamed. Valdena was dancing among the tracers getting the garrison in position as the orcs began to pile past the rubble of their tanks. Only then did the adrenaline truly kick in, and time slowed just enough that Nakano watched the Marines in a brief glimmer of a glorious moment of battle. Such brutal, precise poetry. No movement wasted, every strike placed for maximum effect. They cut the orcs like paper, parried and fired bolt pistols with a grace she had never known possible. Sparks flew from the glancing hits upon the black armor, now stained with the thick oil of xeno blood. Still the orcs pressed, Nakano called out targets and with each trigger pull prayed to the Emperor that they’d survive the day. The group protecting the west flank took a direct hit from a grenade and was no longer there. The invaders saw their chance and charged the right flank hard. The inquisitor saw it too. A gold orb with a blue flashing light took a high arc towards the oncoming swarm, and burst into a white cloud. The orcs at the front of the charge stopped in their tracks, suddenly befuddled. Valdena had used a psychotrope grenade, and the beasts began to turn on each other. The ones who got the gas turned and raged at the others behind them, causing a moment of chaos that the Marines seized all too gladly. “Now’s our chance, mow them down!” Valdena commanded with renewed hope. Nakano’s aim was true, as was her company. Soon, the tide had turned. The final stroke came as two Baneblades came upon the fight as they sought the fate of the fallen blockade, and quickly turned the remains of the orc charge into pulp. The Marines didn’t linger. “You fought well Inquisitor, though your methods lack honor.” Typical Marine, Valdena thought. Always something. “If the result is dead xenos, I’m all for it. Your honor is well intact, Battle Brother. Where does the war take you next?” “The war is everywhere Inquisitor, you waste time with such questions.”“Wait, can you give Grimaldus my report as I requested?” The Marine stood quiet for a moment, Valdena wondered what would come next. “I cannot raise him on vox. We take our leave. Fight on Inquisitor.” Nakano watched as Valdena spoke to the Marine, the Templar standing more than a foot taller than her. The unflinching bravery of the Inquisitor was amazing to Nakano. Being able to speak to such warriors would have left her speechless before such might. As the Marines strode away to the next fight, one of the Baneblade commanders came to Valdena. “You’re in command here?”, he seemed unphased by the presence of the Ordo Hereticus. “Yes, I am High Inquisitor Valdena of the Ordo Hereticus.” The commander stiffened slightly and remembered his place. “How can I serve the Inquisition,” he said plainly. “Report, what’s the status of this sector.” “We’re falling back on all fronts. The docks are falling, but there’s word more Marines dropped into that area and are holding. Our orders are to defend this position at all costs. Reinforcements from two other armored divisions are en route. We’re turning this choke point into a stronghold. By the Emperor we’re going to make them pay.” The commander and Valdena talked more details as the ground beneath them began to tremble. The Guard commander sprinted back to his tank in a panic, Nakano overheard him yelling into his vox trying to find out if it was a friendly titan or not. Valdena looked worried for the first time. A xeno titan this far into the Hive spelled a certain kind of doom for them all. A moment later the legs of a Warhound strode by a block south of their position. Their perimeter guard had arrived. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted March 16, 2016 Author Share Posted March 16, 2016 (edited) +++ Tech-marine review has removed fractured datafiles +++ Edited January 7 by TheOneTrueZon AndrewChristlieb and Marshal_Roujakis 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mytimeprez Posted March 16, 2016 Share Posted March 16, 2016 Those look awesome, I like the way you did the red highlights on certain parts of the armor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NoPityNoRemorseNoFear Posted March 26, 2016 Share Posted March 26, 2016 Your Decals look really great!How did you design them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted March 28, 2016 Author Share Posted March 28, 2016 Your Decals look really great! How did you design them? The Chapter Crest was created in Photoshop from archival heraldry books and a little digital paint to clean things up. The crosses were simple enough to source from various copyright-free sources on the internet. I pulled a couple bits from the 4th edition codex (errr... does mentioning that on the forum break any rules - since it's for private use and not for profit I don't think there's a cease and desist letter coming from GW anytime soon), like the Armageddon banner. Everything was laid out in Photoshop CS6. There's a lot of random tech that comes through my work and sometimes I have access to 3D printers, so I may try to make some emblems in and chapter crests in Maya that I could recast. NoPityNoRemorseNoFear 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted May 13, 2016 Author Share Posted May 13, 2016 Chapter 4 The Chaplain Cometh Brother Marius walked in step behind Reclusiarch Grimaldus into a secured annex nested deep within the ship’s chapel. The few holy relics that the Aegis Deus housed awaited their use. A black sword on a stone dais carved into the Imperial Aquila, the ancient blade hungry for war. Relic armor from Holy Terra, bourne into countless battles hung secured in an ornate nave behind the sword. A battered banner bearing the crest of the Armageddon Crusade, draped upon a sculpture of Dorn. Before the banner, Grimaldus bowed his deathly visage in silent remembrance and prayer for his fallen brethren, a memory still far too near. Marius mirrored the Reclusiarch, chanted a silent devotional with a bowed head, and waited. Grimaldus then looked to the sword, and then to Marius. “Someone from this Crusade will bear the sword and armor of the Emperor's Champion.” Grimaldus took a few strides around the dais, regarding the blade, now standing across from Marius. “Will you accept whoever is chosen?” Without hesitation Marius responded a simple, “Yes Reclusiarch”. “Ah, but your lack of hesitation gives away your true intention.” “I do not understand, please tell me how I have misled you Reclusiarch,” Marius answered, his tone unsure. “In your reports, you believe that these Neophytes are not worthy of our mark.” “Training progresses well Reclusiarch, but without actual testing of their abilities these Neophytes cannot become Astarte. Training upon this ship cannot continue indefinitely.” Grimaldus turned suddenly to the wall behind him and depressed a glyph carved in high gothic. Marius was still shrouded in a fog trying to understand what the Reclusiarch was doing. Grimaldus turned back to the sword and Marius, holding in his hand an ornate data cube bearing the sigils of a holy relic from the Eternal Crusader. Marius quickly made the sign of the templar cross with his gauntlets. “Brother Marius, can you tell me why we’re here, in orbit around this planet?” “I am here to serve our Lord Commanders will, if it is the honor for me to know the designs of the High Marshall, enlighten me Reclusiarch.” Grimaldus lofted the cube into the air and at it’s zenith, instead of falling it hung silently, slowly rotating on it’s center axis. In a quick burst of blue light, a hologram of a sphere grew from the cube, snapped out and enlarged becoming a detailed planetary map. “Until now you have known this as Theta 517, the fourth planet of 12 in this binary system.” Grimaldus touched a coastline on the northwestern hemisphere and the holo zoomed into a topographical map. Marius instantly recognized a familiar profile. A mountainous shoreline that rose out of an ocean bluff that rose above the cloud line, a solitary, massive horizontal cut was visible on the largest of the peaks, adorned with battlements and strong points of a Templar chapter house. “This is the system of Hephaestion, and this is a Chapter stronghold that once served as garrison to this system, and has lain dormant for nearly four thousand years.” “Why was it abandoned?” “The crusade which served here was called to hunt the Xeno presence that once threatened this system. They were purged but not after they had destroyed much of what was of any worth. After our brethren left to pursue and purge the fleeing filth, most of the population of the inhabitable worlds, Hephaestion III & IV, moved on as well.” Marius looked about the planetary map and saw the faint lines of old superhighways and two ruined hives further inland. Indeed the diaspora after invasion left the worlds to fallow, but not dead enough to forsake all life. Among the carcass of civilization feral tribes arose, the traces of territories and crude fortresses resolved in the holo-image. “Enough time has passed that the remnants of those left behind have turned into a cult of pskyers. Hardly of any consequence, but they have recently discovered the existence of our Chapter house.” The holo abruptly shrank back into the cube, and it slowly descended back into the waiting hand of Grimaldus. “I will accept no desecration of our house.” The deathmask of the Reclusiarch was focused intently on Marius now. “You have been training the Crusade which will cleanse our holy site, and prepare it for use as an active Chapter house.” Marius looked back upon the Reclusiarch with pride. “We will make ready Reclusiarch, shall I inform Marshall MacLaren of our orders?” “The Marshall has his orders, however you have not been introduced to the Reclusiarch who will accompany you planetside. I being recalled the Eternal Crusader.” As if on cue, heavy steps echoed behind Marius, who turned to see who approached. The towering mass of starless black night moved forward into the dim light of the annex. The Chaplin stopped before him, a full foot taller in ornate Terminator armor adorned with grand scrolls and seals. A voice deep and resonant rumbled from the vox. “I am Reclusiarch S’dain, Brother Marius.” He looked from Marius to the black sword and stepped before it. “This sword is truly of ancient Terra, a blade with billion souls upon its edge.” Grimaldus and S’dain looked to each other. “The rites will be performed in due time, as it will be my honor”, S’dain said, “Though if what you say is indeed true, Brother Grimaldus, it will be a miracle of faith for a Pariah to receive a holy vision from our Emperor.” “Surely it will be one of the ordained Initiates that will receive the vision, all tested and true. Until the Neophytes pass the final rites there is no chance of such a thing,” Marius said assuredly. Grimaldus gave the slightest of nods and replied, “The light of the Emperor shines through us all Brother S’dain, I find it curious to see if these Pariahs can be touched as well, as they say the Sisters of Silence once were.” S’dain openly scoffed, “Tales and stories, which can make their legend no more real. These Neophytes will have only their training to see them through the trials of blood,” he looked at Marius, “If you have taught them sufficiently, that is.” Marius was not accustomed to critique, but before a Reclusiarch he would permit no trespass which would cause any doubt. “The Chapter hold will be reclaimed, the Initiates of our Crusade leading them have seen wars on many fronts, there is no failure to be had here.” Grimaldus interjected before the exchange became any more heated. “I am to depart shortly. I leave the command of the Reclusiasm to you S’dain. Marius, begin preparations for an aerial assault.” Grimaldus stepped from the annex and left the two in an uncomfortable silence which hung for many moments before S'dain took his leave, but not before be spoke his peace. “Do not delude yourself Brother, I am here to save this Crusade from itself should it prove necessary.” Marius looked squarely at S’dain. “You have just arrived, have you not? In time these Neophytes, Reclusiarch S’dain, will only surprise you my lord.” Marius snapped into a brisk salute, as the Reclusiarch made his way out of the annex, and as he passed, offered his final remark of the meeting. “Brother Marius, I will only be surprised if any of these Pariahs make it past the first day ground side.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Mattias Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 Interesting fluff so far - quite an interesting take on the female-marine, and well-written. Looking forward to seeing them painted. Best get some paint on them for the ETL, eh? ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted May 14, 2016 Author Share Posted May 14, 2016 (edited) +++ Tech-marine review has removed fractured datafiles +++ Edited January 7 by TheOneTrueZon NoPityNoRemorseNoFear, Marshal_Roujakis, Marshal Mattias and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted May 18, 2016 Author Share Posted May 18, 2016 (edited) +++ Datafile missing +++ +++ Tech-marine subroutine initiated +++ Edited January 7 by TheOneTrueZon Marshal_Roujakis and Brother Chaplain Ryld 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Mattias Posted May 18, 2016 Share Posted May 18, 2016 I think the rule is usually "justify it." So yes, you can claim it so long as you have done something WYSIWYG to represent it. In this case though, I was under the impression that the AI wasn't TDA but a unique set of Artificer armour? Anyway given his size and detail, I'd probably vow him as a chapter master with TDA, Thunder Hammer and Shield Eternal. Also, what's the wargear mounted on his right, up behind his helm? Looks like maybe some kind of auspex? ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted May 19, 2016 Author Share Posted May 19, 2016 Ahhh yes. I misread "May not" as "May only" - perhaps time to check in with the eye doctor. As for the bit you're curious about... the only two bits behind his head would be the usual TDA sights (they do look a bit bigger on the Lysander model than a rank & file sculpt) and the aquilla crest up top. Don't remember where that particular bit came from but gives it that Chapter Master authoritative look. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arthanor Posted May 19, 2016 Share Posted May 19, 2016 It's a GoPro! Very nice and intimidating model! Although the censer-mace-top-for-thunder-hammer looks a bit OOT, it also has the right feel somehow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted May 20, 2016 Author Share Posted May 20, 2016 I, TheOneTrueZon, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete: 3x Vindicators - 390 2x Venerable Dreadnoughts with Twin-Linked Lascannons & Powerfist with built-in storm bolter - 280 High Marshall Helbrecht - 180 Chapter Master in Terminator Armor with Thunder Hammer and The Shield Eternal - 165 Chaplain in Terminator Armor with Storm Bolter and Crozius - 120 The Emperor's Champion - 140 2x Honor Guard, 1x Honor Guard with Storm Shield, 1x Chapter Champion with Thunder Hammer - 130 ...of the Black Templars Chapter for the cause of the Codex: Space Marines of total value 1,405 points on or before August 15th, 2016. Success will bring eternal glory to Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. Brother Chaplain Ryld, Marshal Mattias, Firepower and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Mattias Posted May 20, 2016 Share Posted May 20, 2016 Impressive vow! Just a few things: 1) Did you also post this in the strategium in the Codex forum? Otherwise it won't be seen by Captain Semper and won't be counted! 2) The points value of your Chapter Master is way off - he would clock in at 225 points I believe? (Maybe someone else can confirm). You should definitely update that! 3) No storm shields on Honour Guard I'm afraid - may just have to vow the unit as 3xHG, 1xChamp w/TH and total 125 points. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted May 20, 2016 Author Share Posted May 20, 2016 1. Yes, but wanted to post it here since you guys might pick up on something I missed (case in point). 2. I forgot the 40 points to upgrade from Captain to Chapter Master, good catch and thanks! 3. Didn't see honor guard doesn't have access to special wargear. Good thing the shield isn't attached yet, again, good catch and thank you kindly. Vow updated in the main ETL thread. Marshal Mattias 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted June 16, 2016 Author Share Posted June 16, 2016 Female proxy Emperors Champion: Wife took one look and said, "You're going to fix those ridculous high heels, right?" Yes dear, I most certainly will. Oh that gives me an idea, Bayonetta style bolt pistol heels?!? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted June 16, 2016 Share Posted June 16, 2016 That's 28mm?! Who cares what her heels looks like :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ciler Posted June 16, 2016 Share Posted June 16, 2016 What's wrong with the heels ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firepower Posted June 16, 2016 Share Posted June 16, 2016 (edited) What's wrong with the heels ? They are so 005.M3. Edited June 16, 2016 by Firepower TheOneTrueZon and Race Bannon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOneTrueZon Posted June 16, 2016 Author Share Posted June 16, 2016 What's wrong with the heels ? Unless she's Bryce Dallas Howard running away from Dinosaurs, going into battle with heels seems... problematic. Perhaps I convert them into a blade-type heel and get that last murder-stomp with a nice heel through the eye-socket. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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