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How do you run your Terminators?


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I just aquired a box of BA Terminators something I never really planned on adding to my BA force because I have never felt they were worth there points I still dont really. But in any case I had a really good deal pop up and couldnt pass. So I have these terminators now and I am not sure how I want to build them.


My first thoughts were either standard all powerfist / storm bolter and an assault cannon or All Hammer and storm sheilds. points wise there are only 5 points difference. and if I do the hammers then they are still the same cost as there brother Space Marines.


So if you had 5 terminators in your army and you wanted to build them in such a way that they were kind of good all around how would you do it?



Edit: After opening the box up I have realized the assault terminator bits are not there! soooo power fists? chain fists? heavy flamer? assault cannon? Missile Launcher?

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If you're taking on all comers and have five dudes - can't go wrong with a Cyclone missile launcher or assault cannon and two chianfists.


Lets you put out a decent amount of dakka and also take out a Knight or something else high AV with S9 armour bane on the charge.

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I was going to start making recommendations on assault terminator loadouts until I read your edit. That's a shame because tactical terminators are very subpar for their points cost. Regardless probably 1 assault cannon and maybe 1 chainfist would be the way to go, but I wouldn't expect too much from them since AP 2 is everywhere these days and that 5+ invul won't save them. In my opinion the only viable terminators are hammer/shield, since they have a good enough save to survive AP 2 attacks and it compliments their furious charge when attacking vehicles, also works a lot better when combined with a sanguinary priest.

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Thanks for all the input, I think it is going to be all power fists and an assault cannon. I really feel power fists are good enough against everything except land raiders for so there is no real need for a chain fist. I like the cyclone missile launcher but I know if I took it I would be tempted to spend an entire shooting turn trying to knock out some vehicle far away, the assault cannon will force me to stick to targets close enough for all my weapons to hit. As far as the heavy flamer I always put one in my tac squads so I don't feel the need to bring one with my terminators. thanks again.

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