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2500 Points Thousand Sons


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I've been toying around with various possible lists for my Thousand Sons and I need peoples opinions on the latest incarnation.

I've kept the focus on Infantry in order to make use of my B@C box, but also trying to keep the numbers down at the same time, to fit the theme of the Legion.

I'm not looking for a super-competitive list, but I want to be able to win more games than I lose. My local meta is mostly infantry, due to the influx of players from B@C, but  there are a few players who have Primarchs and Leviathan Dreads, so I need to be able to engage heavier targets if need be.

Off the top of my head, there are two  Death Guard players, 1 Iron Warriors, 1 Alpha Legion, 1 World Eaters, 1 Word Bearers and one Warp Cultist player in my local area (if that helps)

Legion Trait: Stubborn

Praetor - Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Archeotech Pistol, Pride of the Legion

Librarian - Lv2 Divination, Cataphractii Armour, Force Axe, Lumeferous Resonator (lwhen allowed)

Librarian - Lv 1 Telepathy, Artificer Armour, Force Axe, Refractor Field

Terminators - 6 x Cataphractii, 4 x Volkite Chargers, Plasma Blaster, 4 x Power Fists, 2 x Power Swords, Sergeant has Grenade Harness and Power Sword

Terminators - 6 x Cataphractii, 4 x Combi-Meltas, Heavy Flamer, 4 x Power Fists, 2 x Power Swords, Sergeant has Grenade Harness and Power Sword

Veteran Squad - 9 x Veterans, Vexilla, Flamer, 4 x Power weapons (probably 2 axes, two swords), Sergeant has Thunder Hammer and Artificer Armour, whole squad has snipers

Tactical Squad - 15 x Marines, Vexilla, Sergeant has Power Fist and Artificer Armour

Contemptor Talon


2 x Contemptors

- 1 with Multi-Melta and CCW with Graviton Gun
- 1 with Kheres Assault Cannon and CCW with Heavy Flamer

Apothecary Detachment - 3 x Apothecaries with Artificer Armour and Augury

Heavy Support Squad - 5 x marines, Autocannons

Heavy Support Squad - 5 x marines, Missile Launchers

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