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Update 03/28 30K diy Sanguinius rules for friendly game


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Hello everyone, I just wanted to get some feedback for the homebrew rules my buddy and I came up with. Underwhelming or to op? Makes sense or a bit confusing? Nothing serious, like the tittle says, this is just for a friendly game.


03/28 Update: With some more playtesting we've tinkered a bit with Sanguinius' profile. Also, with the release of our Rites of War we did away with our homebrewed rites. Furthermore, we've begun playtesting heresy era Sanguinary Guard. They're a mix of c:ba sanguinary guard and a Legion Command Squad. As always, let me know what you think. Obviously these rules are just for fun, casual games, but we try to make them as balanced as we can.



WS 8, BS 5, S 6, T 6, W 6, I 7, A 5, L10, Sv 2/4 450 Pts


Special Rules:

-Primarch (Independant Character, Eternal Warrior, Fear, Adamantium Will, Fleet, Fearless, It Will Not Die, Master of the Legion)

-Sire of the Blood Angels (Sanguinor Bubble, Descent of Angels, Gives Blood Angels Fleet, Blood Angels May use his Leadership)


-Angel's Wings (Sanguinius is a Jump Infantry, also see Angels Wings relic in c:ba)



-Artificer Armor

-Iron Halo

-Frag Grenades

-Blade Encarmine (Str: user +1, AP: 2, Master Crafted, Shred, Two Handed, Deathfire)



Heresy Era Sanguinary Guard


Sanguinary Guard

WS 5, BS 4, S 4, T 4, W 1, I 4, A 2, L9, Sv 2 215 Pts


Unit type:

-Jump Infantry


Unit Composition:

-5 Sanguinary Guard



-Artificer Armor

-Angelus Boltgun (see c:ba)

-Encarmine Sword (see c:ba)

-Frag Grenades

-Krak Grenades

-Jump Pack

-Refractor Field


Special Rules:


-Furious Charge

Special Rules:

-Legion Astartes

-Chosen Warriors

-Retinue (Sanguinius instead of a praetor)



-May include up to five additional Sanguinary Guards.....43 pts/model

-Any Sanguinary Guard may replace his angelus boltgun with one of the following:

-Inferno Pistol.....15 pts/model

-Plasma Pistol.....15 pts/model

-Any Sanguinary Guard may replace his encarmine sword with one of the following:

-Encarmine Axe.....free

-Power Fist.....10 pts/model

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I've seen many Primarch custom profiles with silly rules that are either broken or don't make sense, so this is a refreshing change!


What about Furious Charge? Would that work? I don't know how common Eternal Warrior is in 30k but 5+ Instant Death might get a few evil stares, especially AP2 Initiative 7.... Just a thought. Nitpicking here though.


Overall it seems great though and the special rules give it a nice Blood Angel feel. The RoW is cool too, however, as Blood Angels, i think extra (compulsory) Fast Attack slots could be nice.


Can't really help with points as I don't play HH, but they seem fine. Near enough Horus which is fair.

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Looks fairly good. I think a few people tend to use fulgrims rules with the addition of jump inf for a few more points.

Think your rules are certainly under powered compared to what fw will release I'm sure.


Also instant death could be a general rule on any wound same as vulkan has as he's meant to be a monster in combat who kills greater daemons and is meant to be the only primarch who had a chance vs Angron 1v1 according to horus.

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Not a bad start!


I think in your eagerness to make him fair you've undersold him :)!


He should have ws10 or something. He's supposed to be THE fighter of the Primarchs in terms of skill.


By angels wings I assume you mean the rules from our relic, only snap shots on deep strike? If so that's an amazing rule.


He needs some more rules imo - especially something about vector striking flyers/ FMC etc at a high strength and ap2!


Also I think his most powerful ability should be going into reserves and then deep striking in again (akin to eldar swooping hawks) and doing impact hits/ an auto charge on what he lands near/ on.


For ranged I think a master crafted plasma pistol is the easy get out, and also that's Angron's bag.


What if you made his weapon the Spear of Telesto? This is known for vaporising anyone who doesn't have the Blood of Sanguinius running through thier veins.


I'm thinking a Fleshbane flamer template or the like with ap3 and rending.


Food for thought :)


As for the RoW, it's a good start but feels a little weak - especially when enforcing the third troops choice, and when assault squads are so bad!

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Nice looking profile! I'm all for the spear. It could give you some interesting options for rules. I like the idea of a template that doesn't harm BAs. I'm not sure how well it would fit/work rules wise but what about something like having the option to choose either instant death on a 5+ to wound or causing an extra hit on a 5 or 6 to hit to account for the flames. 

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Nice looking profile! I'm all for the spear. It could give you some interesting options for rules. I like the idea of a template that doesn't harm BAs. I'm not sure how well it would fit/work rules wise but what about something like having the option to choose either instant death on a 5+ to wound or causing an extra hit on a 5 or 6 to hit to account for the flames. 


Kinda like the World Eater Trident thing.

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Also remember he's supposed to be able to see the future / get preminisions, so re-rolls on failure to wound / hit may be in order.

Psyker with access to Divination. NEXT.



Seeing into the far future isn't the same as seeing a couple of seconds into the future.


Just give him the same rule as corbulo (who has the same ability and sanguinius) just let him do it once per turn.

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My only real concern - Is  WS   and Initiative.

He  batteled with Daemon lords - the greater daemons on par and  this daemons have 10 ws and 9 initiative.


Also Sanguinius didn't used  a plasma pistol or any ranged weaponary as i remember.

Instead  I would added  D3 hammer of  wrath resolved at ap2

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My only real concern - Is WS and Initiative.

He batteled with Daemon lords - the greater daemons on par and this daemons have 10 ws and 9 initiative.


Also Sanguinius didn't used a plasma pistol or any ranged weaponary as i remember.

Instead I would added D3 hammer of wrath resolved at ap2

If I remember correctly wasn't he either armed with a spear blessed by the emperor, or a power sword (again gifted by the emperor)?

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  • 4 weeks later...

BA legions essentially get FC with the +1 to wound and +1 Init with the RoW. I quite like the idea of units getting the charge, but also feel it's a little poweful... I don't know. A 6 or 12 inch bubble of it would be good.


Otherwise he looks solid. I'd say make him extremely bulky though, massive wings!

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