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The Lost Knights

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So I had an idea to put together a court of 5 knights, all women and all with radically different paint schemes, attitudes and houses based around the colors of the lions in Voltron.  Of course, as soon as I voiced this, my friend pointed out that these were the same colors as the Power Rangers, so make of that what you will.



The Espenaes sector has 11 Knight worlds, all of which have been tapped by Imperial forces for the maximum number of knights not needed to defend the Knight worlds themselves.  After 40 years of war, these 5 are all that remain.  They are deployed in iterations of all lance formations, but are most powerful when deployed as a full court.



Amarna ex Dracontius (House Dracontius)

Knight: Martyr's Wake (Paladin)

Theme: aquatic and pacific island tribal designs.  The Knight carries a trident.



Zahia of House Carchemish

Knight: Eruzian Sky (Errant or Acheron)

Theme: Fire and babylon.  This knight carries a baroque mace.



Jessamyn of House Magruder

Knight: Silence of the Conquered (Warden)

Theme: Irish and celtic patterns.  This knight carries a huge sword



Morvarid of House Qahir

Knight: Sun Strider (Crusader)

Theme: Calligraphic script in Arabic and possibly Sanskrit if I can get it to look good.  This knight carries only ranged weapons



Eriko, Tyrant of House Shonryu

Knight: Anthem of Apocalypse (Lancer)

Theme: Japanese heraldry.  This knight will carry a gigantic naginata and shield.


I think this will look completely ill when fielded together.

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