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Color scheme for Deimos Skitarii

Cmdr Valdric

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So, Ive finally gotten around to building my Skitarii Maniple. But was unsure what forgeworld have them hail from. So, as I was reading my Grey Knights codex one day, I began re-reading the part about Mars towing Deimos out of its orbit and into Jupiter's so the Grey Knights have their own personal mini-Forgeworld (which is pretty awesome and practical, btw) and then it hit me.


I want my Skitarii Maniple to be from Deimos. Only don't know what color scheme to go with.


So I need some advice. Should I go with a variation of the Mars scheme, or something different entirely?


And how can I represent their ties to the Grey Knights and by extension the Ordo Malleus?

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Hmmm i expect they'd be as secretive as the grey knights and inquisition they work with. They'd have access to a lot of arcane and xenos stuff the mechanicus is usually not allowed to play with or consider heresy. The heretical Dreadknight being a clear example. They'd have very very strict controls to ensure they aren't corrupted. They'd definitely have Techsorcists as they'd regularly work with the knights when fighting the dark mechanicus and daemon engines as well as purging taint from potentially corrupted stc systems or archaeotech to recover what remains. They'd also be connected to the feared Psi Titans!

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As colour choice, I'd keep it consistent with the GK, if you intend to field them. The deimos skitarii will exclusively be dealing with Malleus personnel, so they should look the part.


And how can I represent their ties to the Grey Knights and by extension the Ordo Malleus?

As sergeants/magos (magos maniple), maybe use inquisitors. There are several fitting models, and shows who's in charge.

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Hmmm i expect they'd be as secretive as the grey knights and inquisition they work with. They'd have access to a lot of arcane and xenos stuff the mechanicus is usually not allowed to play with or consider heresy. The heretical Dreadknight being a clear example. They'd have very very strict controls to ensure they aren't corrupted. They'd definitely have Techsorcists as they'd regularly work with the knights when fighting the dark mechanicus and daemon engines as well as purging taint from potentially corrupted stc systems or archaeotech to recover what remains. They'd also be connected to the feared Psi Titans!


Glad to see someone is entirely spot on with my line of thinking. When I started formulating what the Deimos Mechanicus does aside from supplying the GK, Techsorcists from the Dark Hersey books immediately sprung to mind.


I can definitely see them sending out Holy Requisitions to recover and purify STCs and designs held on Chaos-corrupted worlds. And they would certainly jump at grabbing archeotech/xenotech that could be turned to aid the GK/Ordo Malleus combating or containing the daemonic.


And, since they do provide inscribed and psychically empowered weapons (save the Nemesis Force Weapons), they are no doubt invested in finding, manufacturing, and maintaining psyker-related technology. Even stuff most Techpriests don't/wouldn't dabble in. Psi-Titans could be one particular example.


I imagine they offer Ordo Malleus inquisitors who wish for trained Mechanicus personnel/acolytes oppertunies without going through Mars or other Forgeworlds (and dealing with Mechanicus politics). They can even offer Inquisitors a way of increasing their influence with the Mechanicus as a whole through them.


I honestly see them as important power-brokers in the relevant circles in terms of Imperial politics. In terms of military power, they are natural allies of the GK and Ordo Malleus, which works for me as I field both (Daemonhunters were my first 40k army after all :) )


I also now have quite a few ideas for tabletop and RPG scenarios. 


Thanks for the input, you have given me a great deal more to work with. Cheers! :D

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Green and beige would be a good representation of Demios, as shown by this soldier who fought on mars millenia ago



I played alot of Doom, Doom 2, and Quake 3 in my high school days. So cheers for the reference, though i may use his colours for Stormtroopers though. :D

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As colour choice, I'd keep it consistent with the GK, if you intend to field them. The deimos skitarii will exclusively be dealing with Malleus personnel, so they should look the part.


And how can I represent their ties to the Grey Knights and by extension the Ordo Malleus?

As sergeants/magos (magos maniple), maybe use inquisitors. There are several fitting models, and shows who's in charge.


I do plan to attach inquisitor(s) to my Skitarii formation(s), so its not a bad idea. Though I was looking at them as having more autonomy than that. They will definitely be deployed as allies to my Inquisitors and Grey Knights formations. I COULD, if and when I include Cult Mechanicus units (mostly when), to represent some of them as members of the Ordo Machinum. Still, all food for thought. 


the grey knights icon is a sword through an open book, maybe the forgeworld's emblem may be related, a closed book or burning book or with the inquisitorial I where the sword is on the knights?


Hmm, maybe. I was thinking of making their colours similar to Mars, with one or two changes. Or base them off this: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/quake/images/a/a2/Phobos_-_Quake_2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150603110203

(though Sgt. Phobos's colours are too similar to another Forgeworld. Forget the name of the forgeworld, but you all get the idea.) 


As for the symbol, one idea I had from reading these posts was a Sealed Book marked with the Inquisitorial ][ surrounded by Split Cog


Ill draw up as well as any other ideas i come up with and post them here for discussion. 

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So I'm still at work figuring out colors and forgeworld symbol for Deimos. The biggest issue with the symbol is making something that represents the link to Mars and Titan while still being able to paint it on the figures myself. 


As far as the colors go, I have an idea, but i could really use a Skitarii or cult mechanicus paint template to try it out on.

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I believe ive settled on a symbol. Ill post the drawing i made tomorrow once i refined it but ill describe it here for now.


It will be Two Cogs, locked together. 


The first cog has 8 teeth and a downward sword centered within.

-The Sword represents the Grey Knights chapter, and each of the 8 teeth represents a Brotherhood.


The second cog has 6 teeth and a skull centered within. 

-The Skull and Cog is a homage to Mars, and therefore its loyalty to the Ad Mech, but with half the usual teeth. The 6 teeth represent the 6 services of the Steel Forge to Titan as apart of the Ad Mech's alliance with the GK. (At least how I imagine it to be). The smaller number also may be representative of its original orbit (and subservience) to Mars. 

--1. Arms

--2. Armour

--3. Transports

--4. Legions

--5. Secrecy

--6. Knowledge.


The interlocked Cogs represents the inter-twined fates of Deimos and Titan. This was the biggest issue i was having making a symbol, since I wanted to show the sharing of destinies without downplaying Deimos as a forgeworld or its original ties to Mars. 

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