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Fresh-faced Guard recruit


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Hi, I'm Archie and I've just got back into gaming in the second half of last year.


I used to muck around painting and converting orks back in very early high-school, although growing up in a small town in Central Australia, I didn't have many people to play with.

Now I'm 27, living in Queensland and have fallen in with a small bunch of mates who do painting nights and play occasional friendly games together. We're all pretty new to the actual rules, but having a blast starting our respective armies up, learning to field them and trash talking the hell out of each other.

I've always had a thing for the Guard, so when it came to choose an army this time around, there were no second thoughts.

I've been lurking this forum for a while (specifically the AM board) and it seems to have a really cool and supportive community with some awesome painting and modelling skills.


Stoked to finally have my login up and running.  I look forward to meeting you guys!

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