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Successors and iconography


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So this is something that irks me a bit, and something that gives me pause before I look into using or creating Angel successors.  


Every BA bit is dripping (punny) with the winged blood drop.  It's everywhere.  But what if you're making Angels Encarmine?  That blood drop has bat wings, not angel wings.  So, do you go through the painstaking trouble of remodeling all those angel wings?  Do you just avoid bits with the wings altogether?  What about Flesh Tearers?  Knights of Blood?  Flesh Eaters? 


Or is it accepted/noted somewhere that successors, regardless of their own heraldry, also wear the Blood Angels' symbol as a generic device?

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You either do that, use transfers on the generic SM stuff, go third party, or homebrew.


As BA is already a Faction, in game terms our Successors are just a colour scheme (yes there are a few noted exceptions, but you know what I mean). This is no different for a Successor to any other Faction.

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My personal 'solution' to the problem is to make my chapter symbol a modified version of it. I'm thinking of surmounting it with an Iron Halo. Dolchiate Remembrancer also has a good take on it - Fluff can solve a lot of problems!

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I would say that you should avoid the specific Blood Angels winged blood drop, but all the other iconography - even though it might involve both wings and blood drops in various combinations - is okay. The Blood Angels do seem to have passed along that predilection to all of their descendants.

All except the Lamneters, I think.


It seems that even the chapter symbol is not off limits for successors. If you don't want to do that you are probably better served with SM kits and/or some 3rd party bling.

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Actually I'm looking at making a DIY Chapter.  I always did like the Angels Encarmine though.

Maybe you can use the form of the BA symbol but with different colours. Just give your chapter a tear drop on red wings instead of a blood drop on white wings. That would solve many problems.

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Actually I'm looking at making a DIY Chapter.  I always did like the Angels Encarmine though.

Maybe you can use the form of the BA symbol but with different colours. Just give your chapter a tear drop on red wings instead of a blood drop on white wings. That would solve many problems.


Absolutely. If it's good enough for GW, it's good enough for us.




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Actually, the working emblem right now is this:


It doesn't even have wings at all :lol:

I think in the end it would have to come down to some form of compromise. I wouldn't want to model and paint Blood Angels just to avoid using any of their kits. But at the same time, I wouldn't want to make an army of Templars that were covered in fists, but with a cross painted on to their shoulder (yes, even if they were 30k Templars, I would want more crosses than fists :P ).

A winged droplet here and there, a two winged drop once in a blue moon...hm.

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My vermillion tears use the blood drop as a purple tear in all since, then the wings are based upon their progenitor primarch, the grail symbolizes feats of strength or who have been marked as honored brothers.


They also use much more iconography because they have great artificers much like those of the salamanders, and thus have a much more elaborate look.


Many more codex compliant chapters view it as hubris, or vain glory, yet to the brothers within it takes from the translation of the story archs that even the mightiest can fall to the gene-flaw.


It really just depends on how you want to use everything. In the Vermillion Tears only a very few of the brothers actually follow the codex more closely, and represent this with only scriptures to sanguinius and the emperor and a company, division standard. It gives more personalization to the chapter etc.

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Personally, i would add that there is two possible point of view about the Blood Angels iconography whitin their successors :


- First, you consider that Blood Angels and their successors are Codex Compliant (What i consider a non-sense given their fluff, but confirmed in some way within the BA codex), and so, each BA chapter are considered an independant chapter while still keeping some iconography, but not too much. (Less Freedom, Less Logic )


- Second, you consider the Blood Angels and their successors as Non Codex Compliant, like the wolves, and because of it, Blood Angels successors iconography is directly bound to their Legion iconography, Squad Marking...etc. You can also admit, in such point of view, that some chapter may have become Codex Compliant while others (Flesh Tearers) are clearly the Wolves of the Blood Angels legion^^. (More Freedom, More Fluffy Logic)


For, the extreme exemple, The Flesh Tearers :


- Fondator, and first chapter master Nassir Amit, never liked the Codex, nor Guilliman....so we can easily admit that from the begining, the Flesh Tearers retained most of their Chapter-Legion organisation and vision of war.

- Also, we can cleary imagine, that the Flesh Tearers have forsake most of the Winged iconography, as it remind them their fallen glory of old and that they consider themselves as fallen angels.....


So following this exemple and given the Bits at disposition, i can say that, for a force of Flesh Tearers, you keep all non winged part, and assemble them appart with FT shoulders, while the Winged part are either for Vet, or for another BA successor^^.


(Personnally, for my Exsanguinators, i retain the Winged+Drop iconography, and each miniature have the BA shoulder + the Chapter symbol shoulder. And of course they retain most of the Blood Angels iconography.)

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