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Repairing a broken Sicaran barrel...

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So I have a Sicaran main gun with one of the barrels broken off near the base of the turret. I'm debating a couple methods of repair.


In addition to the break the barrel is fairly warped.




1. Glue and pin the barrel back onto the turret and then use hot water or whatever to re position the barrel.


2. Just scrap both of the warped barrels full stop and rebuild the warped parts with plasticard tube.


Just kinda musing on which might be the better option, and if I go with option 1, should I pin the barrel before trying to fix the warping or after?



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Well, since you've got a snapped off barrel, another option might be to straighten out and sand down the base of the broken barrel, remove/rework/replace the 'recoil rubber' on the turret (where the barrel comes out) to be more compressed, and add the shortened barrel back. Will give the appearance of the barrels alternating as they fire (one recoiled from firing while the other slides forward into its firing position).

('Course, you'd then need a muzzle flash bit for the firing barrel...)

Something else you may consider is what I did with mine. The recoil dampeners on mine were so bad, I just cut them off and found one of those ribbed straws you would find in a souvenir cups and cut some sections out. I glued the sections onto the main housing, then pinned the barrels through the center of the straw sections, gluing the pin in place and the barrel to the other end of the straw. Worked out pretty well for me.

Without a picture of the damage, what I would suggest is first straightening out the barrel and then pinning it back to into place at the proper length and use some kind of sandable filler putty - NOT greenstuff - and sand it back into its original shape.

Urg, just looked at some pics I had of it, the break is actually on the recoil dampener bit. Damn.






Hmm...well, if you wanted to go with the recoiled-recoil-dampener idea I put forward, cut off the current dampeners, take thin sheet styrene, cut three circles same size as current dampeners, sand the edges into edges, glue the circles together, then glue/pin them between the barrel and gun body. Thinner the styrene sheet, the shorter Gun A will be in comparison to Gun B.

Looks like a relatively clean break that you should be able to line up easily enough. I would suggest straightening the barrel first and then pinning and gluing it back to the rest of the weapon so that you're not fighting against the new join you just made with the pin.


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