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Can Steel Legion Pass for a Air Assault Regiment?


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Hey mates, as you know (or for those who don't) The Armageddon Steel Legion are a Imperial Guard Regiment that specializes in Mechanized Warfare, as most of there Troops are mounted in Chimera APC's. With that being said, I am currently looking to do an army based off the Elysian Airborne Regiment, using Valkyries as their personal transports and I just wanted your thoughts. Do you think that the Steel Legion would work fluff-wise as an Air Assault Regiment utilizing Valkyries over Chimeras? Basing this idea off of the 7th Cavalry Us Army Air Assault Regiment and I just wanted to see how you guys think it would look and do you think it would be believable fluff-wise?

Appreciate the help mates



I think this would work fine. The Armageddon steel legions would adopt certain tactics to deal with certain threats. The mountainous regions would be more easily maneuvered through with aircraft. I say kudos and good luck.

The steel legion models have helmets similar to the german paras from ww2. They also have stock-less las rifles. The only part of thier basic kit that does not scream rapid deployment is thier great (ish)coats. They will do perfect for an air-assault force.

Rules wise, steel legion doesn't have any so I don't see a problem there. Model wise, cadians uniforms seem better suited, but Steel legion equipment is better suited. As for the greatcoats, well, it's not like the mid shin length greatcoats that kriegers wear, and honestly, if you're going for air assault rather than airborne, those coats wouldn't make a huge difference.


While modern military forces have gone away from the use of large heavy coats, in favor of multiple layers, this is 40k, and what modern militaries have done is of no consequence. Paratroopers wouldn't wear those coats because of the buffeting and because of the extra effort needed to move (they can be rather constricting).


Go for it, should be pretty cool to see.


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