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Steel Legion vs Death Korps of Krieg Model Comparison.


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Hey mates. Looking to get a Steel Legion Army and while I have some Steel Legion models incoming, just have a few questions about the Death Korps of Krieg models. While I know the DKOK models are thinner compared to the Cadian Shock Troops, what is there model size comparison between them and the Armageddon Steel Legion? Reason I ask is because I am aware the Steel Legion models are a bit smaller then the Cadians and I am looking at getting some DKOK Grenadiers to field as my Steel Legion Storm Troopers. 


If anyone has any pictures to show the difference I would appreciate it and thanks again.

You know, varying heights and builds wouldn't be so bad, since human beings are at least as varied in the 41st millennium as they are now. ..


So to through a decent guess, human male heights from 5'6'' to 6'3'' should be be fairly common. ..

With abhumans and mutants I'd say much more varied and I wouldn't stop at 6'3" either :P We are dealing with models and an army on the table top though so it's chiefly how they look, if you have a good mix it'd work better. If you only had a smaller ratio of one model type that's what would look more noticeable.


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