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How do I field this army


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Guys -


I need some help, for the longest time I have not played with allies or formations and have just been waging war with the combined arms detachment. However now that I have an admech army I would like to field the following units and I wanted to see if there was any was to do this with out fielding an unbound list.


I would like to field the following units.......


Ad Mech Units


1 Techpriest - (Only if needed)

1 Unit of Breachers

1 Unit of Destroyers

1 Unit of Robots


Skitarri Units


1 unit of Ruststalkers

1 Unit of Vanguard

1 Unit of Rangers

1 Unit of Dragoons

1  Dune Crawler


Lord of War


1 Knight


My question is how could I legally field this force? In addition, is there a way to field this force and use both the Skitarri and the Ad mech special rules? Thanks for your helping me step into the brave world of Allies and formations!

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Well, you could add one or two units* and run an Adepts Mechanics War Convocation (issue #69 of White Dwarf). Made up of a Cult Mechanics Battle Congregation, a Skitarii Battle Maniple, and an Imperial Knight Oathsworn Detachment. Gives everything Canticles of the Omnissiah, makes all upgrades free, and removes Gets Hot from anything in the formation that has it.


* You'd need to add a unit of Infiltrators, at least.







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Well, you could add one or two units* and run an Adepts Mechanics War Convocation (issue #69 of White Dwarf). Made up of a Cult Mechanics Battle Congregation, a Skitarii Battle Maniple, and an Imperial Knight Oathsworn Detachment. Gives everything Canticles of the Omnissiah, makes all upgrades free, and removes Gets Hot from anything in the formation that has it.


* You'd need to add a unit of Infiltrators, at least.


Either that (realy powerfull)

or you field them just as you listed them.


1 Cult Battle Congregation or CAD

1 Skitarii Maniple

1 Oathsworn Detachment Knights


You can also field the Breachers as "count as" Destroyers, that way you can use the Elemination Maniple and you don't need a Tech Priest anymore...

There are a few options...

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Just to follow up if I fielded the following list that would make it unbound correct?


1 Cult Battle Congregation or CAD

1 Skitarii Maniple

1 Oathsworn Detachment Knights


Or am I off base here? Also would I be able to use both the Canticles of the Omnissiah and the Skitarii special rules for each detachment?

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That would be Battle Forged - all units are in formations or detachments that meet their minimum requirements. Units with Canticles are affected by Canticles, those with Doctrinas are affected by Doctrinas.


The War Convocation formation (which would require additional units to what you have now) allows everything within it to be affected by both Canticles and Doctrinas, along with a few other special benefits.

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Wait I did some more digging and I think I get it now..... as long as I field either faction specific detachments, formations, or combined arms/allied detachments the army is battle forged. Thus, since I am fielding three faction specific detachments the army would be battle forged and they would gain their faction specific special rules ala Canticles of the Omnissiah for the adeptus mechanicus formation, one skitarri formation, and then the knight formation. Correct?

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Sorry to reopen this but I just wanted to confirm for my own understanding


The War Convocation formation (which would require additional units to what you have now) allows everything within it to be affected by both Canticles and Doctrinas, along with a few other special benefits."


The War Con allows for everything to have Canticles even though it doesn't have the rule. But I can't find anything to say that the same goes for Doctrinas. Am I reading the "Machine Brotherhood of Mars" rule wrong of does it say this somewhere else?

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Sorry to reopen this but I just wanted to confirm for my own understanding


The War Convocation formation (which would require additional units to what you have now) allows everything within it to be affected by both Canticles and Doctrinas, along with a few other special benefits."


The War Con allows for everything to have Canticles even though it doesn't have the rule. But I can't find anything to say that the same goes for Doctrinas. Am I reading the "Machine Brotherhood of Mars" rule wrong of does it say this somewhere else?


No, only the Canticles are shared. There is a superformation, the Cohort Mechanicus, that gives everyone Doctrines and Canticles, in addition to 1 new unique doctrine and canticle. But that is one of every mechanicus unit, with the exception of onagers and Kastelan (You need 2 of each) and you can choose either Ballistari or Dragoons.

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