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Space hulk tiles for 40k/30k?


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Doesn't it make non meq armies almost unplayable and removes alll the counters for invisideathstars from the game as neither WK nor other GMC fit on to a SH board ? Seems to be very unfun to play.

Khârn fits on to those tiles just fine. 




Using SpaceHulk tiles is a roughshod substitute for the real deal. Sufficient in itself, but only just.

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Hm. Isn't deep striking a bit difficult on this board? Just curious.

Yes, that's the point. It's risky, bring these locators and other items.

Doesn't it make non meq armies almost unplayable and removes alll the counters for invisideathstars from the game as neither WK nor other GMC fit on to a SH board ? Seems to be very unfun to play.

It's not 40k or 30k even. It's zone mortalis. Anything on a base larger than a dread is not welcome anyway smile.png
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yeah but people here are not talking about zone mortalis, but about playing w40k on a space hulk board. ZM has its own set of problems although not much different.,mostly being dominated by conclave spaming invisibility and summoning bombs, as ZM rules dont limit the stuff one can summon.




Khârn fits on to those tiles just fine.


Maybe it is my lack of 3d imagination, but how does Khârn help vs deathstars, he won't get near vs most, be it on space hulk tables or in ZM games ?

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Maybe the sorts of people who want to play 40k on a Space Hulk board aren't the sort of people who bring Invisible death starts to the party?


This, right here. This is a fun game you play with your friends, not brutal pickup games with netlisters. That's what 40K at the shop is for, if you're into that. 

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yeah but people here are not talking about zone mortalis, but about playing w40k on a space hulk board. ZM has its own set of problems although not much different.,mostly being dominated by conclave spaming invisibility and summoning bombs, as ZM rules dont limit the stuff one can summon.

I think you have a weird circle of players. If they spam invisistars on a ZM/SH board, toss 'em o'erboard, matey.

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We've used loads of different approaches for 40k/Space Hulk crossovers.


The most basic is to play using the Space Hulk rules (marine vs marine is brutal!), discussing with the other player(s) what various things would count as. For example, in this Tactical vs Tactical game, the bolters used stormbolter rules; the power maul was a Thudner Hammer etc. 


...but we've also used the Zone Mortalis rules (again, pretty beastly). The only tweak we added was being more lenient with LoS. A third option we tried was to use the standard 40k rules, but count everyone as an Independent Character. If you were within 2in of other models, you temporarily counted as a unit for morale checks. Otherwise, you took a pinning check if you were hit but not killed (proper Independent Characters ignored this addition). Seemed to work fine.


If you can get hold of the old Space Hulk sets, the Genestealer expansion had some broader corridors, which work really nicely. Similarly, the lurid Advanced Space Crusade boards are fantastic. We had loads of fun recreating the gribbly atmosphere of the 'hiveship suppository' attack from Ian Watson's Space Marine :)




The basic answer is that as long as you're more concerned with a good fun game than competition, you discuss things in advance where possible, and are reasonable in resolving the inevitable grey areas, you should be fine.

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Echoing some sentiments presented by others...

The Space Hulk tiles (and similar products, either tiles or cast pieces, available from other manufacturers) provide a great opportunity for a style of gaming different from what you'll find on the standard open tabletop. You can play using the standard rules, but some limitations necessarily apply. For example, common sense dictates that flyers and (super) heavies can't be taken; nor should models whose bases are too large (dependent upon the tiles/models so I won't attempt to be prescriptive here - common sense needs to apply). You'll most likely want to go with a smaller points value for armies, too.

The Zone Mortalis/Blood in the Void rules offer another interesting twist.

Adapting Space Hulk rules offers another twist, though this can be challenging if you're not playing with a very limited set of armies (follow the Indomitus link in my signature for my thoughts on the Space Hulk rule set). My long term plans are to create an adaptation of Space Hulk for power armoured Space Marines - the Space Marine vs. Space Marine (ideal for the Horus Heresy) variation would be called The Long War while the main Space Marine versus Tyranids rules would, I think, be an update of the Space Crusade rules (a game which I never played, so I can't say for certain).

Another alternative to consider is using the Kill Team rules, possibly with multiple players/kill teams per side. I'm working on some Advanced Kill Team rules to allow for kill teams of larger/different composition from those currently allowed, as well as campaigns for kill team (including skill advancement of models, replacements, etc.).

Things to avoid with the incorporation of Space Hulk tiles is adding them to larger campaigns in addition to normal gameplay unless you let players know on the front end. The reason for this is that many players have armies that rely more or less heavily on models that can't fight within a Space Hulk style of environment, so these players would be penalized. If they knew on the front end, however, they could be sure to include units that would function well enough so that they wouldn't suffer unfairly through the campaign. This would work especially well if the conditions were clearly described (e.g., missions on SH tiles would use forces no more than X points). Having multiple environments for game play during a campaign would challenge players to think beyond a single meta and incorporate some level of flexibility in their armies (more of a challenge for would-be generals than simply utilizing "the best" list they can find/think of).

Overall, there are lots of ways to incorporate cramped corridors into your wargaming. This type of gaming is more about fun than cutthroat competition, though.

I highly recommend giving this a shot if you have the chance.thumbsup.gif

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You can also add this style of gameplay into normal 40k games by having entrance points at different locations on the board and then having a separate board with corresponding entrance points have these linked up with rooms/corridors.


Hmmm ... I might have come up with a cracking idea to incorporate this into the current board I'm working on.

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Echoing some sentiments presented by others...

The Space Hulk tiles (and similar products, either tiles or cast pieces, available from other manufacturers) provide a great opportunity for a style of gaming different from what you'll find on the standard open tabletop. You can play using the standard rules, but some limitations necessarily apply. For example, common sense dictates that flyers and (super) heavies can't be taken; nor should models whose bases are too large (dependent upon the tiles/models so I won't attempt to be prescriptive here - common sense needs to apply). You'll most likely want to go with a smaller points value for armies, too.

The Zone Mortalis/Blood in the Void rules offer another interesting twist.

Adapting Space Hulk rules offers another twist, though this can be challenging if you're not playing with a very limited set of armies (follow the Indomitus link in my signature for my thoughts on the Space Hulk rule set). My long term plans are to create an adaptation of Space Hulk for power armoured Space Marines - the Space Marine vs. Space Marine (ideal for the Horus Heresy) variation would be called The Long War while the main Space Marine versus Tyranids rules would, I think, be an update of the Space Crusade rules (a game which I never played, so I can't say for certain).

Another alternative to consider is using the Kill Team rules, possibly with multiple players/kill teams per side. I'm working on some Advanced Kill Team rules to allow for kill teams of larger/different composition from those currently allowed, as well as campaigns for kill team (including skill advancement of models, replacements, etc.).

Things to avoid with the incorporation of Space Hulk tiles is adding them to larger campaigns in addition to normal gameplay unless you let players know on the front end. The reason for this is that many players have armies that rely more or less heavily on models that can't fight within a Space Hulk style of environment, so these players would be penalized. If they knew on the front end, however, they could be sure to include units that would function well enough so that they wouldn't suffer unfairly through the campaign. This would work especially well if the conditions were clearly described (e.g., missions on SH tiles would use forces no more than X points). Having multiple environments for game play during a campaign would challenge players to think beyond a single meta and incorporate some level of flexibility in their armies (more of a challenge for would-be generals than simply utilizing "the best" list they can find/think of).

Overall, there are lots of ways to incorporate cramped corridors into your wargaming. This type of gaming is more about fun than cutthroat competition, though.

I highly recommend giving this a shot if you have the chance.thumbsup.gif

doh! out of likes >.<

Are the Indomitus rules are going to get developed further? Also since you mentioned "and similar products, either tiles or cast pieces, available from other manufacturers" do you have any links to these kind of things? Was thinking about making a small SH 3D board using GW building parts, but thats going to be expensive as hell :/ (around 300 euros ~)

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The challenge with the Indomitus project has been the mission packs that were released. They included many things that I had homebrewed, but they were in a format that I don't have and won't get (don't need Apple products). So I've been deliberating over whether to just point to the mission packs, present my rules as alternates (even though I don't know if/how my homebrew rules differ from the official rules), or what.

Hirst makes molds that you can use to create your own 3D interior spaceship/base models, as do a number of other manufacturers. If you go to the Indomitus project, I may have linked to Hirst (and maybe others). If I didn't, I should. Something else you can consider is going to DIY craft shops and custom making your own. You can easily find plain wood squares, wire mesh, balsa wood, and a variety of other very useful products that have a lot of potential for becoming a highly customized space hulk without breaking the bank. In fact, advice on how to do that is planned for the Indomitus project once we get the main rulebook out of the way.

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Also since you mentioned "and similar products, either tiles or cast pieces, available from other manufacturers" do you have any links to these kind of things? Was thinking about making a small SH 3D board using GW building parts, but thats going to be expensive as hell :/ (around 300 euros ~)

Join me in scratch building some. I'm about to make some in the WIP section. ;)

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Also since you mentioned "and similar products, either tiles or cast pieces, available from other manufacturers" do you have any links to these kind of things? Was thinking about making a small SH 3D board using GW building parts, but thats going to be expensive as hell :/ (around 300 euros ~)

Join me in scratch building some. I'm about to make some in the WIP section. msn-wink.gif

haha, need to paint my ZM first :) but yeah, its something i would like to do in the future :D

oh, and thanks Brother Tyler, seems like i need to re-check Indomitus :)

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