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2500 point Orth list (HOTG)


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After some Deliberation, I have changed my list to the following. I was trying to do too much with previous lists, and I think this one will work nicely. Any comments/concerns would be great to hear, thanks!


Hammer of the Gorgon




Autek Mor 


 Castrmen Orth






4 castellax with advanced targeting, 3 darkfire cannons 3 flamers 


5 cataphractii terminators, Autocannon, Chainfist, 2 power fists cyber familiar,


+Land Raider Proteus, Armored Ceramite, Aux Drive 


Tech marine with 3 servitors 81pts

+either Rides in the Proteus While Mor and the Terminators March with the Castellax or sits behind the predators when I chose to not outflank+




Troops 635


10 tactical marines, Powerfist, combi weapon, Rhino 


10 Tactical Marines, Powerfist, combi weapon, Rhino 


6 Support Tactical Marines, 5 plasma guns, Sargeant with Augury scanner, Rhino 



Heavy Support 775


Sicaran Battle Tank, Lascannons, Armored Ceramite  +Orth here+


Sicaran Venator, Armored Ceramite 


Predator Squadron (2) With Plasma Executioner Turrets, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Dozer blades, Armored Ceramite, Extra Armor 


TOTAL: 2,496

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