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Getting back into Gaming after a year out.. Hell to Pay.

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hey guys, 


my name is Garion, i'm 22 from the UK, made this account when i was about 16, never used it to post, but after a year out of the hobby ive come back with a vengeance, ive been playing warhammer 40k since i was 9, playing everything from chaos marines to space wolves, i guess you could say power armour is my thing though, i can perfectly picture how different pieces of models will look smashed together in my head. 

im hoping to start posting daily on the forums to keep myself motivated, ill be carrying on with the army that i received for Christmas, im also hoping that posting her will help me improve my english, the last army i played in 2014 was my own chapter of space marines, "the sons of orion" during my one year hiatus, the have been lost deep within the warp after the whole chapter received a call to arms from what they presumed was the high lords of terra, emerging five hundred years later they are barley recognisable as the once heroic and honored chapter, blistered and currupted by the warp, the chapter emerged, broken and enraged, looking to take the fight to the imperium who abandoned them. 

hope to talk to you guys soon, 



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Welcome back to the fray, brother. Take it easy - don't feel that you are obliged to post all the time now that you are getting back into the saddle, but we like to know if other Fraters are still around and about so a post here and there won't go amiss. ;)

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