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3k Solar Auxilla


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So ive chosen to build non legion force's for my heresy armies.  After Reading the Solar Auxilla tactica thread this is my idea for a Auxilla Force.


C&C welcome.


Solar Auxilla 3k



Legate Commander (AA, Lord Marshal, Iron Halo, Cyber-Familiar, Power Weapon, Volkite Serpenta)

Tank Commander

Tank Commander



Tercio (Veletaris Storm Section, Shroud Bombs [Dracosan, Demolisher])

Tercio (Veletaris Storm Section, Shroud Bombs [Dracosan, Demolisher])

Tercio (Veletaris Storm Section, Shroud Bombs [Dracosan, Demolisher])

Tercio (Veletaris Storm Section, Shroud Bombs [Dracosan, Flare Shield, Ceramite] Legate Commander Here)


Fast Attack

Leman Russ Strike Squadron (2x [Vanquisher, Ceramite, Lascannon)]

Leman Russ Strike Squadron (2x Exterminator)



Leman Russ Attack Squadron (2x Incinerator)

Leman Russ Attack Squadron (2x Executioner)

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I'm not too familiar with Solar Auxilia, but from what I do know that looks like a very solid list. That much heavy armor looks brutal. The only downside is the low body count, 40 t3, +4 armor troops is not much for 3k. Since you have so many ap2 large blasts you can probably afford to drop an incinerator or executioner (or one of each) for some more storm sections in dracosans. Flare shields on all the dracosans would also be awesome, but points are tight so that might be tough to manage. 

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Evening Fedratsailor,


I've recently done a lot of testing with the Solar Aux to help fine tune my own list over about a dozen games now and I've come across a few things I think will help you out. These are things from my own personal experience, but I think they're pretty applicable across the board in a general sense. Here's a few things to think over (I'm assuming this is a hypothetical list you're building towards, so don't mind changing some models around).


1.) As much as I like the idea of a tooled combat commander, he rarely makes things happen. I've had much better results using a stock command squad (occasionally upgrading the vets with grenade launchers) in a Dracosan. The commander himself doesn't seem to fit in very well as one of very few melee options in list that's 9/10s good shooting options. The way you have him, he's pretty much worth another Veletaris Storm squad on his own. Ask yourself seriously, would you get more done with him, or with 20 more volkite charger shots?


2.) I haven't used shroud bombs myself. They sound good on paper, even accepting realistically (with Vexilias being pretty common) your opponent is probably going to pass their leadership check to charge you. However, the defensive grenade bonus is great for taking a bit of the stick out of Astartes charges. I'm super curious what others' experiences with them have been. 


3.) By skipping the flare shields on Dracosans, you're giving up a huge tool of the Solar's toolbox. My experience has been that they are always worth the points, even over and above armored ceramite. That's the first thing I'd put some freed up points towards.


4.) Vanquishers with a Tank Commander get work done, when you take Tank Hunters as his veteran skill. Excellent choice there. You're pretty much guaranteed a penetration with whatever hits, regardless of what its shooting at, super heavy, flare shielded spartan, whatevs. I've had no less than two in every game I've played and they have never disappointed.


5.) Exterminators however are a little blah. All those shots sound pretty good to start with, but nothing they have will do a lot of damage to Astartes (armor save) or Mechanicum (not enough volume). I think they'd be points better spent else where.


6.) Same thing with Incinerators. I just finished painting one myself, and I still keep bringing the Medusas and Demolisher Russes instead. The Demi-culverin just doesn't have the output to make it more effective against much of anything compared to a Demolisher (slightly more expensive) an executioner or a Medusa (which is the same price).


7.) Haven't tried the executioner russes either. I'm very biased towards demo cannons myself, but I'd be interested to see if their smaller multiple templates work better than one big one. 


Anywho hope some of that helps. Enjoy the Solar Aux!

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How about now.  I know all the vehicles are extremely costly except for the executioners.   Also I love that Heavy support Leman Russ's gain +1 bs when 2 or 3 tanks when firing on the same target.



Tactical Command (2x Grenade Launcher, [Dracosan, Demolisher, Flare shield, Ceramite])

Tank Commander

Tank Commander



Tercio (Veletaris Storm Section [Dracosan, Demolisher, Flare Shield, Ceramite])

Tercio (Veletaris Storm Section [Dracosan, Demolisher, Flare Shield, Ceramite])

Tercio (Veletaris Storm Section [Dracosan, Demolisher, Flare Shield, Ceramite])


Fast Attack

Leman Russ Strike Squadron (2x [Vanquisher, Ceramite, Lascannon])

Leman Russ Strike Squadron (2x [Vanquisher, Ceramite, Lascannon])



Leman Russ Attack Squadron (2x Executioner)

Leman Russ Attack Squadron (2x Executioner)

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As allies, I've run Tank Hunting Incinerators, which were rather good, even saving 30pts on the Lascannons if necessary. It is a lot of S7 Shots which if flanked, can put rather a lot of pain on things like a Contemptors, or if you're able to adjust your list to suit without needing to change models, you can run for Preferred Enemy; not many things like BS4-5 Preferred Enemy S7 Deflagrate coming their way. That it is turreted and on an AV14 hull, it can act like a wall.


That said, it does need actual AT elsewhere, and I'm not expressly sold on the cost of a Vanquisher (TH Armourbane or no) as a Tank Killing option; so like Grav Rapiers beimg included.


Medusa having the extra armour value are rather quality however, but I'mmot sure i'd rather spend the extra instead rather leave them out of direct fire.


I do like the list though, and as big Assault units arent so much a problem (eat plasma, Neimoidian) you don't need to counter Spartans first turn etc as much, in as much ensure that they aren't holding an Implacable Advance unit in until late game.

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