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2000pt iron hands

explosive zebra

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I'm looking into starting a 30k army, here's the iron fists list I came up with:


Legion Centurion


Cataphractii armour

Cyber familiar


Thunder hammer


ROW: head of the gorgon


Gorgon terminators

2 chain fists

Graviton gun

Cyber familiar

Dread claw drop pod


Legion tactical squad

Power fist

Artificer armour

Combi plas



Legion tactical squad

Power fist

Artificer armour

Combi plas



Legion tactical support squad

3 extra marines

Artificer armour

Power fist

Combi plas

Land raider proteus

Multi melta

Dozer blade

Armoured ceramite


Sicaran battle tank

Las cannon sponsons

Armoured ceramite


Sicaran venator

Armoured ceramite



Aiolos pattern missile launcher

Armoured ceramite


So the delegatus joins the support squad in the raider, partially because there's no other place for him but also to add some extra punch in cc which when paired with the over watch from 7 flamers could be some good punch. I'm looking to make a decently competitive list while still using the units I like.

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At 2000pts and with that much wargear, you might as well replace the Delegatus with a Praetor. Don't forget the Delegatus now has a free Master-crafted upgrade for one weapon as of the new FAQ.

Legion Centurion; Delegatus + Cataphractii armour, Cyber-familiar, Combi-weapon, Thunder hammer
= 142pts

Legion Praetor + Iron Halo, Cyber-familiar, combi-weapon, Thunder Hammer
= 175pts

The both have the same save 2+/3++, but the Praetor has no movement penalties and benefits from significantly better stats (increased WS, W, A, Ld) and can roll two Warlord Traits picking one. Sure, you have to find 33pts, but it is probably worth it.


It's a shame you need 50 more points to get a Land Raider Phobos (I like Proteus' too, but it's not an assault vehicle). The flamers being assault weapons and with a melee character would really benefit from being able to charge on dismounting.

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Looks Solid to me, you got AT, AA and mobile troops never tried the Flamer support unit you have too let us know if it works out. 


Suggestions from me Orth he cheap and awesome for putting in ether of the Sicaran's he just makes your army better.

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Here's a version with a praetor:



Iron halo

Cyber familiar


Paragon blade


ROW: head of the gorgon


Gorgon terminators

chain fist

Graviton gun

Cyber familiar

Dread claw drop pod


Legion tactical squad

Power fist

Artificer armour

Combi plas



Legion tactical squad

Power fist

Artificer armour

Combi plas



Legion tactical support squad

4 extra marines

Artificer armour

Power fist

Land raider proteus

Armoured ceramite


Sicaran battle tank

Las cannon sponsons

Armoured ceramite


Sicaran venator

Armoured ceramite



Aiolos pattern missile launcher

Armoured ceramite


So i lost a chain fist, combi plas, and the proteus dozer and Pinole weapon but got the praetor and an extra support marine so I can lay down 8 flamer templates, hopefully I'll get world burner on the praetor for shredding flamers.

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