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+++ Iron Hands Proto (2497pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++


+ HQ +


Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour, Bolter]

····Castellax Class Battle-Automata Maniple [Enhanced Targeting Array]

········Castellax [Darkfire Cannon]

········Castellax [Darkfire Cannon]

····Consul [Praevian]


Legion Praetor [Artificer Armour, Cyber-familiar, Digital Lasers, Iron Father, Iron Halo, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Paragon Blade]

····Master of the Legion [The Head of the Gorgon]


+ Troops +


Legion Tactical Squad [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]


Legion Tactical Squad [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]


+ Elites +


Contemptor Dreadnought Talon

····Legion Contemptor Dreadnought [Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, 2x Graviton Gun, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod]


Gorgon Terminator Squad [4x Gorgon Terminator]

····Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]


+ Heavy Support +


Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron

····Legion Predator Tank [Magna-Melta Cannon]

····Legion Predator Tank [Magna-Melta Cannon]


Legion Vindicator [Laser Destroyer Array]


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon

····Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [X: Iron Hands]


Idea of this is to use the Outflank and Scout on the Praevian and the Drop Pods to get up in people's faces as soon as possible and ruin days.


Any thoughts.

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Couple of points:

A Praevian is a heavy tax for just 2 castellax. You might be better off with just 3 castellax as an elite slot. If you stick with the praevian, you will need a boarding shield and at least a power weapon, possibily a power fist or thunderhammer. The thunder hammer is nice as it makes your castellax retaliate the following round before taking damage. The boarding shield is just a great defensive tool for the unit.


For the Points you invested in your Praetor, you could probably get Autek Mor, but If you want to stay away from him, then it's fine - consider the grav gauntlet.


Artificer armour on tactical sergeant and melta bombs are good staples to bring. the 2+ save can be very handy in saving the unit from AP 3 death, and the melta bombs will make dreadnoughts think twice before charging in. It always gives you an attack against other castellax if you want to tarpit them and do some damage.


The same issue arises as before with the spartan. It's carrying 5 gorgons. On it's own, it's not a great tank as it has 4 lascannon shots for 300+ points. A Phobos could do the work for less, and give you some spare points to add some rapiers or a vanilla pred.


As for the Preds, I would have a squad of 3, 1 Magna melta/PotMS , and the other 2 with just lascannon sponsons. Keeps it nice and cheap, with lots of hull points to chew through to kill the magna melta.


Obviously you cannot make all these changes fit into 2,500 points, they are merely suggestions to round out the list better.

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Thanks for the suggestions.


Yeah the spartan is causing a real headache. And again I'm limited to models I own. I have a Spartan and not a spare LR of any variety.


The Preds is a good shout to be fair mate. I may do that.


And also I do love the idea of a Praevian and have a model coming up for him hence my stubbornness haha.


Although I may drop the Praetors toys to help the tactical squad out. Or even drop him to Consul and use him as my beatstick. Problem then is I love MotL



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thats simple take him as a 


Thanks for the suggestions.

Yeah the spartan is causing a real headache. And again I'm limited to models I own. I have a Spartan and not a spare LR of any variety.

The Preds is a good shout to be fair mate. I may do that.

And also I do love the idea of a Praevian and have a model coming up for him hence my stubbornness haha.

Although I may drop the Praetors toys to help the tactical squad out. Or even drop him to Consul and use him as my beatstick. Problem then is I love MotL




If you want too run MoTL but looking too run your warlord as a Cent take the Delegatus Consul he gets the MoLT rule.


as for your list If your running a Pravan I go with 3 Castallx minimum for him also give him a bolter for that preferred enemy on your Battle autos as for the rest i think Wolf coved what i change.

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All good points from Wolf_Pack. Especially the Tactical Sergeant gear. :)


Frostmourne, having a Spartan model is fine, as it can carry your Gorgons AND your Praetor.


You have 2 Drop Pods in the list, which means only 1 comes in Turn 1, and the other you roll for starting Turn 2. If you can get another podding unit, you'll have 2 on Turn 1, and much better Alpha Strike potential. Odd Pods is the only way!


It looks like you might be going around in circles trying to make a list. If so, I know how you feel! I often try to nail down a list with the help of the B&C crew, but I find that the time eventually comes for "guidelines" (as per Barbossa's description of the Pirates' Code) - my Alpha Legion army is still fluid, despite having purchased a good chunk of stuff. Next week will change things drastically too! New Rites of War! Shadrak BLOODY Meduson! :)


Have you got a theme in mind? That will often help turn your ideas into decisions. It might mean you'll try a unit or playstyle that you otherwise wouldn't have considered. You mentioned a Praevian conversion, so why not work with that as a theme?

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