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Imperial Fists 3000 Templars with Fortification and LoW


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Sigismund - Pride of the Legion

Command Squad - 5 man, Melta Bombs, 4 Power Axes, Power Fist, 5 Combat Shields

Land Raider Phobos - Armoured Ceramite


Templar Brethren - Melta Bombs, 1 Combat Shield, Solarite Gauntlet

Land Raider Phobos - Armoured Ceramite


Terminator Squad - 1 Thunder Hammer, 1 Storm Shield, 4 Combi-plasma, 3 Power Fists, 1 Chainfist, Teleportation Transponder


Terminator Squad - 1 Thunder Hammer, 1 Storm Shield, 4 Combi-melta, 3 Power Fists, 1 Chainfist, Teleportation Transponder


Heavy Support Squad - 5 Lascannons, Augury Scanner

Firestorm Redoubt - 2 Battle Cannons


2 Vindicators


Falchion Super Heavy Tank Destroyer


TOTAL:  2996 points



I've been fine tuning this list for a while now, but I was determined to squeeze in a variety of things such as the fortification, the lord of war, and my assault units.  The result is a fairly extreme list with very little manoeuvre for upgrades or ablative wounds, but it ticks the boxes I need it to.  That said, I'd love some feedback, particularly on what you'd make of this as an opponent.



The strengths of the list as I see it are as follows:

I have near saturation of AV14 and 2+ saves.  On turn 1 S6 weapons are paperweights, and if things go my way they might stay that way for most of the game.  I have one lone squad in power armour, and they have an AV14 building that they never have to leave short of it falling down on them.  


If you only have a small number of units fielding guns that can scratch AV14, I have some volcano cannon, battle cannons and tank hunting lascannons heading their way.


My assault units are designed to efficiently take on and kill units that cost way more points than they do.  My Templars will comfortably sweep a 20 man tactical squad, and Sigismund with his command squad will kill your warlord and his terminator bodyguard.


My terminators can be where I need them to be to claim objectives or deal with any emergencies that you throw my way.


You'll destroy my vindicators and I'll be satisfied knowing that they did their job of tanking shots for my land raiders.  Alternatively you won't fall for this distraction, and you'll eat some S10 pie plates as reward.


If you have a deathstar, a primarch or an expensive lord of war of your own, my Falchion will always be a dice roll of 6 away from winning the game single handedly.



On the other hand, the weaknesses of the list that stand out to me:

I'm going to be hideously outnumbered.  I have 5 units of infantry totalling 26 models.  Against a numerous, mobile enemy force that leaps onto objectives and hugs cover I'll probably lose by an embarrassing margin.


If I'm not extremely cautious about timing my assaults I'll eat multi-charges and get dragged down in combat.


Even without losses I have only three scoring units that I can't risk spreading out to take multiple objectives.


I'm vulnerable to drops and if I lose a Land Raider in the first few turns I might as well concede defeat on the spot.


If my opponent's list contains the words Kraken Penetrator the best I can hope for is some awful reserve roles.


My Templars will crush any power armoured squad, but probably won't be in any shape to do it again afterwards.


No sane opponent will let Sigismund come within the same area code as their warlord, which relegates him to warlord area denial.  If I'm facing a primarch, the best I can hope to do is delay their combat until the latter part of the game when Sigismund will lean on Eternal Warrior to last out until the end of the game.



I've refined the list up to the point where I'm confident these weaknesses are an unavoidable consequence of the requirements I set myself and the units I've got my heart set on taking.  Initially I had skipped armoured ceramite because I just couldn't find the points for it, but it left me with such a glaring auto loss to any sort of melta drop that I made some painful cuts to force it in (void shield and ammo store on the redoubt, a vox on the Templars and legion crew on the Falchion).


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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I like it. I'm not a tactician, but when I see an army on paper that I like the look of it makes me smile. It's something I would do, not many models to buy or paint.


In 30k most armies have something to counter another. I really would worry about what's gonna happen in the game. To me 30k is a relaxed way of playing 40k. No silly formations, just an army of your choosing.


I'd just enjoy building your list, all the units are solid from what little games I've played. I know this wasn't the answer you were probably looking for but I though I'd reply anyway.


Good luck with the list.

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