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First Attempt: Emperor's Children 2K


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So my buddy and I are starting 30K this year and I finally came up with a list for our initial goal of 2K pts. No models yet save Tactical Marines so models are currently owned are not an issue.

The list is suppose to be an all comers sort of balance list and a base for adding on for larger battles. Thanks in advance


Legion Praetor:

Jump Pack/Paragon Blade/Refractor Field/Sonic Shrieker

160 pts.


Legion Breacher Siege Squad (10)

Flamer/Graviton Gun/Legion Vexilla

Siege Sergeant

Melta Bombs/Thunder Hammer

Land Raider Phobos

Armoured Ceramite/Auxilliary Drive/Havoc Launcher

585 pts.

Legion Tactical Support Squad (5)

Volkite Calivers

Rhino Armoured Carrier

155 pts.

Legion Tactical Squad (20)

Legion Vexilla

Tactical Sergeant

Artificer Armour/Melta Bombs/Phoenix Spear

290 pts.


Palatine Blade Squad (5)

Jump Packs/Sonic Shriekers

Palatine Prefector

Melta Bombs/Pheonix Spear

210 pts.

Fast Attack

Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (1)


76 pts.

Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (3)

Volkite Culverin

145 pts.

Heave Support

Legion Fire Raptor Gunship


201 pts.

Legion Sicaran Battle Tanks


175 pts.

Total =1997 Pts.

Overview: The Heavy Support Choices were more so selected out of awesome rules to be honest but should flow pretty well. The Jetbikes and Javelin will outflank with the Tactical Squad and Breachers in the Land Raider holding the center along with the Sicaran. The Support Squad will get in good firing position and support that center. The Palatine Squad will have the Praetor with them and they are more fluffy than anything with the intent of getting into combat killing things. The Breachers will be dislodged in the enemies face hopefully with the Fire Raptor rounding out support where needed.

Look forward at everyone tearing this apart biggrin.png


Sorry about the format but I use Battlescribe for my list building. If anyone knows how I can apply my list from there to here that would be awesome.

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1) Refractor Field on your Preator? Hell no. Iron Halo for a 4++ all the way!


2) Breachers in a Land Raider: They're a Defensive Unit; with the Graviton Gun being a Heavy weapon and them not actually being an Assault choice, I'd change this up.


  • 15 Breachers, 3 Grav Guns, Sarge w/ Artificer and Power Fist, Vexilla, Nunio Vox

Park These guys Mid-to-Up Field on an objective. 3 Haywire shots means that you instagib 3HP Vehicles that get in range and/or show down anything coming your way, though you can't overwatch with them.


3) Calivers are Heavy Weapons. If you want the unit to be aggressive, take Chargers and up the bodycount. 5 Marines aren't going to do much; always take artificer armour on Sergeants where possible.


4) 20man Tac Blobs are ok on paper but make for very unwieldy things in practice. They also make for great template fodder.

Instead, Consider:

  • 2x 10man Tac Squad. Sarge w/ Artificer Armour, Spear & Melta Bombs. Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox. Rhino Dedicated Transport.

Gives them mobility and a metal box that you can use to block LoS to them or hide inside to protect from Small Arms Fire. Play these slightly more aggressive than the Breachers.



5) Palatine Blades are fragile Glass Cannons. Set up as they are now with the Preator, they will catch ever and all the bullets your opponent has to spare and will pretty much have no Impact in your game, sadly; unless you can get really crafty with Movement/Positioning and the like.


  • 9 Man Palatine Blades: 3 Spears, Sonic Shriekers, Perfector with Spear & Melta Bombs. Take a Dreadclaw as a Transport or Fast Attack choice.

What this does is, while the Dreadclaw lacks the guidance system, drop down T1 out of LoS of your enemies guns for any Interceptor fire and the like followed up with an 18" Flat Out move since its a Hovering Flyer when it drops in. It also provides an Av12 bubble for your Palatines.


T2: Move 6" Disembark 6" Charge 2D6"


With points saved from other changes in the list you could even take a Consul, like a Primus Medicae, and stick him into an 8 man Squad to give them FNP.


6) Javelin: I'd take Hunter Killer Missiles and possibly a Multi-Melta if they can take it. Lets them shoot 5 S8 Shots when it drops in.


7) Jetbikes: Melta Bombs. Thats all.




Now, since you have Nuncio-Voxes on all your Troop Selections (6" no-scatter bubbles) and are likely to have them quite far up the board, it means you can safely Deepstrike your stuff if necessary such as: Javelin, Jetbikes, Dreadclaw and Fire Raptor.


Means that you have way more control on where they pop up on the board.


So, taking all that into account, your list would look something like:




+++ EC 2k (1998pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (1998pts) ++
+ HQ (185pts) +
Legion Praetor (185pts) [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Master of the Legion, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Paragon Blade, Sonic Shrieker]
+ Troops (795pts) +
Legion Breacher Siege Squad (305pts) [2x Graviton Gun, 9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox]
····Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]
Legion Tactical Squad (235pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Phoenix Spear]
Legion Tactical Support Squad (255pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 8x Legion Space Marines, Volkite Chargers]
····Legion Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]
+ Elites (278pts) +
Palatine Blade Squad (278pts) [8x Palatine Warrior, 3x Pheonix Spear, Sonic Shriekers]
····Palatine Prefector [Melta Bombs, Pheonix Spear]
+ Fast Attack (355pts) +
Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod (100pts)
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (95pts)
····Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi-melta]
Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (160pts) [Melta Bombs, 3x Space Marine Sky Hunters, Volkite Culverin]
+ Heavy Support (385pts) +
Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (210pts) [Reaper Autocannon battery]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (175pts) [Lascannons]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [iII: Emperor's Children]

Only big problem I can see you having is going up against Av14 Saturation. Granted, 2k is pretty low by 30k Standards so the problem shouldn't be as prevalent (I run 5-6 Land Raider Chassis at 3k+)
I, surprisingly enough, wasnt able to fit in the 2nd Tac Squad I talked of above. Still, you should be fine enough in that department. Also had to cut down the Breacher Squad to 10 men :\
The Palatine & Preator Squad might not have the Jump Pack Mobility anymore but they have a Dreadclaw. Preator was also tooled up more so that he has higher odds of properly doing his job. Failing a single 4++ to an S8+ hit is all its takes to make him vanish.
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