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Hello fellow bolt and chain sword members,


I come to you after having my faith restored to fight for our holy emperor (I started the hobby 14 years ago as tau and am just starting my imperial guard force now)  This being my first transmission I thought id introduce myself.  I hope that we may bring glory to his name, and crush the xeno scum under our boots


Urzu4 signing out-


(ill be posting a WIP for my army as I am starting now with the painting campaign I see posted here.)

On the note of posting a WIP could someone explain how I can upload photos to my profile so I can post them?

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Welcome to the ranks of the Guard.


Tents are to the right and the parade ground to your left. Obey the orders of your senior officers and especially the Commissariat and you will get on just fine ;)


There is a "how to" on using the gallery which I am sure some helpful comrade will point you towards - unfortunately I can't from my phone... Where is the Techpriest when you need them???


Looking forward to seeing your forces in the near future.

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Welcome to the right side of the shooting armies, and to the B&C :D Let us know if you need more help with images, but for now tell us more about your fledgling Guard army! What models are you going to use? Do you have any plans or ideas about the type of Guard army you'd like to build?


Here's the guide commissar elmo was talking about, a little out of date but should cover it :)

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Thanks for the help elmo and warriorfish.   Being an ex xeno scum and loving the scion models I wanted to build an army built around the scion models (making all my characters out of scion kit bashed models, and all my vets being kit bashed as well)  as for a commander I wanted to do an ex guevesa (which i believe was the term for a guardsmen who fought for the tau) leading a group of elite soldiers after realizing the errors of his ways (forgive me if this wouldn't work well for lore, i'm just starting to read into it and it seems more likely such a person would be purged immediately for being a heretic).  I just joined an escalation campaign and my first match will be at 500 pts.  as such i am building lots of infantry (85 total) and i want to paint as many as possible.  As not to double up on photos ill be posting my WIP on the campaign board and eventually a regemint WIP once i figure out what ill be.  I currently have 3 heavy weapons done to test the scion scheme on them (i want my whole army to be "scions" even the basic troops)  As for a direction with my army, im not sure yet.  But the escalation campaign will let me figure that out haha.  For my first match its all boots on the ground with some autocannons and mortars.

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Welcome. You'll find that the tents leak, and the bedrolls are lumpy, and the showers are always cold, but you'll not find a better group on the B&C. Just don't cross the Commissariat and you'll be fine.


By the by, I like the name. I take it you're a Full Metal Panic! fan? Also, that's excellent work on those models. I look forward to seeing more from you.

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Yes Lt. Hummer haha, (hes why i was a filthy xeno scum playing tau at the start).  FMP was my first anime and i've been a mech fanboy ever since.  But I have seen the errors in my ways, and now purge the xeno's in his holy name.  Plus i've seen the imperial mech, which I may have to purchase eventually (I still love mechs)

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I also love my Mecha. I also have an army of the filthy fish people, and like their aesthetic, but IG is really where I belong. Now that I have an Airbrush, I will probably catch up on my backlogged tau army, but my Space wolves come before that, since I need to spend some time on them making them look good.

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Regarding your ex guevesa not getting purged on returning to the emperors light, maybe he only infiltrated the ranks of the guevesa on the orders of the inquisition? Rose to power and then when the time was right he engineered the recovery of 3 systems back into the imperial fold?

This gives him extensive knowledge of xenos for preferred enemy wargear and also a reason for inquisitorial allies as and when you want them?

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The correct term is "be inspired by" Urzu ;) Generally speaking you can't go wrong including an Inquisitor in the mix, they cause all sorts of mischief that lets you "bend" rules :P Not to mention a great excuse to add some Inquisitorial elements with their huge modelling and conversion potential :D

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Just done a quick search for relics from the mont'ka campaign and I think they were on about this maybe?


Volkov's cane:


Counts as power maul but without strength bonus. However you're not taking it for melee potential, you're taking it for the fact if the officer Is giving an order within 6 inches anything but a double 6 will pass.


I'd say that's probably the one because the combination of the artillery formation, giving orders and pretty much auto passing them is pretty good.

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