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Advice vs Dark Eldar and Grey Knights


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Mid way through I entered in my club's campaign, however my starting position is bang in the middle of an alliance, Dark Eldar and Grey Knight forces. I never faced against either army so I'm a bit concerned Ill be knocked out right off the bat. 

My Ad Mech force has enough for the War Convocation (Flesh Tearers drop pod rain & Culexus too), sizeable Skitarii and CM (minus the Kastelan) and allies in the form of Imperial Guard (Wyverns, couple of Vendettas and lots of tanks).

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. 

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Against GK should be quite uncomplicated - most skitarii/cult stuff works, but dies rather quickly when faced with S6 AP4. The vanguard's radium rifles will wound anything, be it terminators or nemesis babystrollers. Yesterday I wiped out a bloodthirster with one bare vanguard squad in one shooting phase, if using war convo just add plasmas. Grav kataphron are a hard counter against all the heavily armoured stuff (GK doesn't have anything else), but 4+ armour is bad when facing teleporting dreadknights. Arc breachers are always nice against vehicles across the board, plasma destroyers are great against deep striking GK. Just shield the more expensive units, and keep the magos out of any force weapon duels. Guard would be useful to provide cheap meatshields to keep the faster/deep striking elements out of range.


Against DE, don't know, haven't played much against them. Paper-thin armour should be a target for the wyverns you mentioned, but getting vanguard into range will do the trick too. Rangers with omnispex might be useful, 30" range of cover reducing AP4 should take care of infantry. Harder IG tanks probably won't be that useful, with GK striking rear armour (in CC) and DE using lances.

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against DE The Icarius array is tons better against vehicles than the neutron laser, so maybe try and use that. it punches through the armor like the carboard it is.  If he's bringing Talos and other MC's, then the neutron laser may be good, but you can just drown them in wounds with vanguard.

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Having Played against Dark Eldar and got my butt whooped (never let anyone tell you they are bad), I can say Ironstriders with auto-cannons would wreck their shop.  But if you don't have any of them (you went with dragoons for example), I'd say Dark Eldar's greatest strength is cover.  Find ways to strip them of their cover saves and they fold like paper.


Against Grey Knights, DON'T LET THEM ASSAULT YOU.  However, they are also one of the most expensive armies (in point cost), so you won't fight a horde of GK.  I'd go with Destroyers.  Give them Grav or Plasma and rain hellfire unto them.  Also, putting some Calivers on your Skitarii also work wonders.

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Games set, the GKs launched a attack for this Thursday. Been thinking of including the culexus but cant fit him in the prescribed 1500pt match, brining in the war convocation.


He is well known for the deep striking incinerators and paladin star

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I know this may be late but consider this if you got them: unbound rhinos. I am their biggest fan right now I think, and I have first hand experience on having them protect you from flamers. They are fairly cheap, and can get you around the board in more safety than usual at the low cost of being unbound (so really, just no scout move and warlord re-roll)


other than showboating that around, maybe use some neutron lasers to help kill some bunched up paladins, or some small plasma squads.

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against DE The Icarius array is tons better against vehicles than the neutron laser, so maybe try and use that. it punches through the armor like the carboard it is.  If he's bringing Talos and other MC's, then the neutron laser may be good, but you can just drown them in wounds with vanguard.

Yeah, and regular Eldar and Harlequins, too! I brought a neutron laser against them, and it was decent, but the Icarus array has way more potential!

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Well I tabled the Grey Knights in my first turn, he was able to deep strike all but one unit onto the table. His shooting was pretty bad with only a few kills (flamed my destroyers knocked 3 HP off the Knight and a couple rangers) bubbled the rest of my army with my dragoons - castled in a corner with lots of buildings able to force 2 mishaps. Then my returning fire and assaults :D

Now to prepare for the Dark Eldar....

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Well.....01110011011010000110100101110100. So after the club got wind I tabled the Grey Knights in my first turn, the neighbouring armies in the campaign are after me.

This coming week vs horde of Orks on bikes and meganobs on trukks....




To counter that I was thinking of the standard War Convocation (lots of plasma cannons and flamers on the destroyers) with a second Imperial Knight. The second knight's role is to shoot and charge straight into the biggest mob with power claws and force it explode.

Any tips and advice? 

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