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Iron Hands 3000pts


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Hey B&C,


I've helped someone write an Iron Hands list based on 1,5 BaC boxes and some extra stuff that we're going to order. Lots of personal choices in here, but we still wanted to make a hard list.


How do you guys think it looks?



Legion Praetor (180) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Chain Fist, Digital Lasers, Cyber-familiar]

Legion Command Squad (135) [Plasma Pistol, 2 Power Weapon]



10 Legion Terminator Squad (710) [Cataphractii Armour, 2 Heavy Flamer, 7 Power Fist, 2 Chain Fist, Spartan Assault Tank, Armoured Ceramite]

2 Apothecarion Detachment (110) [Artificer Armour]

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (190) [Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]



20 Legion Tactical Space Marine (285) [Legion Vexilla, Power Fist, Artificer Armour]

20 Legion Tactical Space Marine (285) [Legion Vexilla, Power Fist, Artificer Armour]                                                                  

10 Legion Tactical Support Squad (505) [Graviton guns, Artificer Armour, Land Raider Proteus, Armoured Ceramite]                            


+Heavy Support+

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer [210] [Armoured Ceramite]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [195] [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannon]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [195] [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannon]

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Looks good, here are a few pointers:


-If your Praetor is in terminator armour, the Command squad should follow suit. Otherwise, you would be better off with him in Artificer armour and iron halo. It would let him get an additional attack via pistol. You can always get meltabombs for the unit to get some armour busting capabilites. They are also floot slogging, so switching to Artificer armour would allow you to grab a rhino for a mobile reserve, or last minute objective denial.

-Unless you have a very specific counter in mind, power axes as standard on Gorgons are pretty good and much cheaper than power fists. Keeping 2-3 chainfists standard will keep your opponent honest though ;) They make good use of grav guns being relentless.


-I would move away from graviton guns on the support squad. Unless you can get a very advantageous position, they always are unable to fire off a salvo most of the time due to the abyssmal range and heavy + template rules.


-I would recommend Augury scanners for the Apothecaries.

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Thanks for the reply!


- The command squad is in there because the person I made the list for really likes the command squad models (the standard bearer specifically) and I figured we might as well take a small unit and field it in between/behind the big blobs to give them fearless. Also, since the army is kind of built around the 1.5 BaC we thought the chaplain could serve as the third member. We were trying to minimize FW purchases on that one while still having a cool standard bearer.


- The terminators are once again all BaC models. I haven't really looked at using them as gorgons though. Also, power axes is a good suggestion. It might take some kitbashing, but it could help free up some extra points.


- The graviton gun squad was a wierd idea that we thought might be cool to try out. I was aware it might end up sucking, but I kind of want to try it out regardless. Worst case, we'll just switch the guns for something else.


- We've heard that mentioned before. Is there really that much infiltration going on to justify them? We could take off the chaplain/command squad member's plasma gun and free up the points though.

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