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Iron Hands Campaign 3k


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Hi Guys. This is going to be an army I use in the first two rounds (hopefully) of a 6 player campaign, recreating the Dropsite Massacre.


Using what fluff j can find and hints and tidbits from here and there. Here she is.


+++ Iron Hands Proto (2995pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++


+ HQ +


Spearhead-Centurion Castrmen Orth


+ Troops +


Gorgon Terminator Squad [Chainfist, 4x Gorgon Terminator, Graviton Gun, Land Raider Phobos]


Gorgon Terminator Squad [6x Gorgon Terminator]

····Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]


Gorgon Terminator Squad [Chainfist, 4x Gorgon Terminator, Graviton Gun, Land Raider Phobos]


+ Heavy Support +


Castellax Class Battle-Automata Maniple [Castellax x2 Enhanced Targeting Array]


Castellax Class Battle-Automata Maniple [Castellax x2, Enhanced Targeting Array]


Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron

····Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Conversion Beamer, Lascannons]

····Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Conversion Beamer, Lascannons]


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [X: Iron Hands]


+ Lord of War +


Ferrus Manus

····Master of the Legion [Pride of the Legion]


Suggestions? I know it won't win every game. But the homage to how the Gorgon really would have done it is vital really.

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I think there's a few things you may have gotten mixed up man. You can't have 4 Heavy Support choices and you need a Cortex Controller to run Castellax as Heavy Support (which is limited to one unit). You can take mulitple units of them as Elites (without NEEDING a Cortex Controller), but you must be running 'Head of the Gorgon'. But then are all going to be uncontrolled, which is a real pain to manage. You need a Techmarine, Forge Lord or Iron-Father Autek Mor to fix that.


Orth is a great compulsory HQ. He works just as well in a Sicaran Battle Tank, and an argument could be made for it being even better than a Venator.


Are you locked into 'Pride of the Legion' as a thematic point? 'Head of the Gorgon' is so good, and you could even put your compulsory Tactical Squads into Land Raideds to keep that heavy armour feel!

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Ah damn.


I should have said in the preblurb that I am allowed 4 Heavy slots, it's a campaign thing we are all allowed something similar.


Yeah I kind of am locked into that many Gorgons, but j can have a fiddle to see if I can get a similar amount in with Head of the Gorgon.


Tempting to drop Orth in favour of a Techmarine to babysit the mech

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Having looked at it again, thematically Head of the Gorgon is not quite right for this campaign. It's great for the rest of Iron Hands warfare, but here it's about Ferrus rampaging in with all his Terminators and his Mech. So I think I will stick with Pride for now but good spot.
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Ok this could be the next one that I use.


Between the 6 of us we are bending the rules slightly for rule of cool and so forth, so apologies if it comes across as having cake and eating it too haha.


+++ Iron Hands Proto (2994pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++


+ HQ +


Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour, Conversion Beamer, Cortex Controller, 2x Servo-automata]

····Consul [Forge Lord]


+ Troops +


Gorgon Terminator Squad [Chainfist, 4x Gorgon Terminator, Graviton Gun]

····Land Raider Phobos [blessed Autosimulacra]


Gorgon Terminator Squad [Chainfist, 4x Gorgon Terminator, Graviton Gun]

····Land Raider Phobos [blessed Autosimulacra]


Gorgon Terminator Squad [Chainfist, 6x Gorgon Terminator, Graviton Gun]

····Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Blessed Autosimulacra, Flare Shield]


+ Heavy Support +


Castellax Class Battle-Automata Maniple [Castellax, Castellax, Castellax]


Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron

····Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Conversion Beamer, Lascannons]

····Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Conversion Beamer, Lascannons]


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer [blessed Autosimulacra]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [X: Iron Hands]


+ Lord of War +


Ferrus Manus

····Master of the Legion [Pride of the Legion]

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