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starting an war convocation


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Would like people opinions and suggedtions on my War convocation 1850 list, the Ranger Alpha would be my warlord normally and fire the Obliterator giving it -1 cover and preferred enemy attach the Dominus to the Rangers to get rerolls on mysterious objectives with the Rangers relic.


Tech priest Dominus

- Eradication ray


-Uncreator Gauntlet

-Digital weapons

-infoslave skull

-refractor field


3 man Kataphron Destroyer squad x2

-Heavy Graviton Cannon

-Cognis Flamer


Skitarii Battle Maniple

Sydonian Dragoon

- Phosphor Serpenta


Onager Dunecrawler x2

-Icarus array

-Cognis heavy stubber

-Cognis Manipulator

-mindscanner Probe


Sicarian Infiltrator (5man)

-fleshette blasters and Taser Goads

-infoslave skull

-phase taser

-conversion field

-digital weapons


Sicarian Ruststalkers (5man)

-transonic razor and chord claw

-prehensile dataspike

-digital weapons

-conversion field

-the Omniscient Mask


Skitarii Rangers (10 man)


-arc rifle x3

-Arc pistol

-arc maul

-conversion field

-digital weapons

-Arkhan's divinator


Skitarii Vanguard (10 man)


-plasma caliver x3

-Arc pistol

-Arc Maul

-conversion field

-digital weapons

-pater radium




Knight Paladin

-Icarus Autocannon



Plasma Obliterator

-barricade x2

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If I am bringing a pair, then yes, Neutron lasers are the go-to. However, that would leave you without any serious anti-air except for the Icarus on the Knight. Unless your meta is super flyer heavy, a single Icarus Dunestrider can handle most air stuff, freeing you up to upgrade that Knight's autocannons to the missiles, and freeing up 90 points for more Destroyers or Dragoons.


Alternatively, you can give the Dominus the cognis rainment, so now any units he joins snap fire with BS2 (and perhaps given a re-roll through canticles) so can usually do alright vs. flyers.


I would make the Dominus the warlord because he is heartier than the Alpha, and also gives you an additional use of the canticles, which are clutch on Skitarii.

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Terminus from the way I read it the cult mechanicus battle congregation is what gives the re-use on the canticle. Also I was looking at the skitarii tactical objectives and I like them more than the cult mechanicus ones. But I will definitely try both as a warlord, I do like how robust the Dominus is.
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Maybe make the plasma unit's alpha the warlord so you have preferred enemy plasma guns?


The War Con gets rid of the "gets hot" rule on any units from the formation so preferred enemy is less useful on this unit as you won't explode due to a bad roll. Don't get me wrong re-rolls on ones to hit and ones to wound (pretty much a guaranteed wound) is useful but it's something to bear in mind.

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