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1k Imperial fist list for 40k tournament

Brother Achiles

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Hi all


I have a 1000 point tournament coming up for 40k at which the organisers have allowed the option of 30k armies. With this in mind, I tried a 1000 point game of purge the alien vs some Chaos space marines and destroyed my opponent 8 points to 1 with him even summoning all kinds of daemons. I will be playing crusade, relic and the emperors will. The following was my list and is the list I intend on taking.



Praetor: Cataphractii term armour, paragon blade, combi melta, mastercraft blade.

Rite of war: Stone gauntlet



2 x 10 man Breacher squads, sgt with powerfist and artificer armour, vexilla, flamer, volkite charger.


Fast attack

Landspeeder with multi melta and heavy bolter


Heavy support

Sicaran: lascannons, aux drive.


I found the breachers tough as nails when in cover. Hitting on 2's with bolters and T5, as well as stubborn in cover, their inv saves, rerolls on template and balst weapons, lets just say my opponent only managed to remove 5 breachers whole game and the land speeder. In his exact words, that was some elder level bull but fairly priced. 5 breachers even held up in combat with 2 obliterators for 4 turns and the other game I played, 3 turns with a praetor whilst removing 2 wounds from him.


Thoughts on list vs other 40k armies. Prob coming up against eldar, necrons, astra, csm, daemons, grey knights, dark elder, orks, space wolves, possible other marines. Did think of swapping volkite for a graviton gun or melta in each squad if points allowed. Main reason I Am doing this is there is not very much interest in 30k in South Africa, in Durban specifically where I am from and thought this might grow some interest in it, followed up with an event day with my 30k fists and a friends 30k sallies.

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Exactly how competitive is this tournament going to be?

I wouldn't advocate playing a Legion list at 1k points 40k tournament.


You might come across a Wraithknight, Scat Packs, Imperial Knights and so on - they won't have any difficulty in defeating a 30k Marine list.

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Fairly competitive. There prob will be the possibility of an imperial knight or nemesis dreadknights etc or something else but growing some awareness about 30k is worth the risk I think. I am not to worried about winning the tournament, its a real small one day one anyway but I want more people involved in 30k and thought by doing this, that I might spark some interest. Then again the only guy I know who might field a knight has a crusader and grey knights, so the crusader would take up half his points which leaves very little room for anything else with the cost of gk. The sicaran could easily with enough shots hitting do some good damage to the knight and vice versa.

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