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Conversion fields


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Hi guys, got my first game with my Skitarii tomorrow against DE and I wanted to know how people have got on with conversion fields. Are they worth the extra 5 pts or are they too much of a double edged sword?


Also how do people run the rules. Does the field cover the unit or just the Alpha? Does the unit have to take the blind test or does it count them as the attacking units so they are unaffected?


There is no FAQ at the moment from games workshop so I just want to know the general consensus to be fair to my opponent. 

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The field only covers the person holding it.  RAW, the unit it is in doesn't have to take a blind test (the rules for blind say that a unit causing the blind test aren't affected, if it's on an IC and he joins a unit he is part of that unit).  Your units within 6" still would, but get to reroll if they fail.


I've played one game with one, and it was never needed.  I got it just because I had 5pts left over and couldn't figure out anything else to spend it on.  I probably wouldn't prioritize it (unless your warlord is a vanguard or ranger, then they need everything they can get to stay alive).  

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I think they are worth it on a Dominus. This despite my dominus getting killed round 1 in two matches last tournament from a single lascannon (failed look out sir and save) and from a doomsday ark (they seized, covered 3 models in the group, and then I failed 2 look out sirs and 1 save).

Still hypothetically worth it. Sometimes mattered when I took them on Skitarii alphas, but I think they are probably only worth it on warlords and Sicarians.

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