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New Automata preview pic from Forgworld!

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Wait, are we positive this is the Domitar? I would imagine the missile launcher to be a little more prominent. Or existent?

It's got a bank of missiles behind the head.


yep, it's sadly not a "classic style missile launcher" but looks more like the reaver titan one ^^

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If Domitar i'm a bit confused about the arm weapons. They seem pretty shooty to me.


Look at the big grav 'hammer' on the Thanatar variant. The arm weapons are smaller versions of that.

I think I'm still processing that a Graviton ram is like big electro brass knuckles and not the gravity hammer from HALO.

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Great model. meh rules

Such a disappointing problem to have!  I have always wished they would hire someone on their team to just make sure the badass models get good rules so you get to see them shine.  It's so sad, but so common!

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There is some truth to that. I rather have an awesome model that I can perhaps use to build something else, rather than amazing rules and terrible models that I would have to scratch build. For example, I am happy I am not a Space Wolves player, because those new wulfen things have awesome rules and look like dog turds (no pun intended).

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