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New Automata preview pic from Forgworld!

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I thought the general idea is that it was rather lame to come up with crazy-awesome rules just to sell stuff. Furthermore, I'm under the impression that Forgeworld tends to avoid this problem. Of course, this is mostly based on what I read online...

I don't play 30K and have no means (currently) of fielding them in my 40K army, but I'm probably going to get a few of these anyway. I'd say that this approach worked. happy.png

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I guess I'm more inclined to want to field inferior units based on fluff than on looks, but i would just rather have the stuff that is supposed to be good actually be good. My stance on looks versus usefulness might change when I actually own enough models to have to worry about that.
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Great model. meh rules

Such a disappointing problem to have!  I have always wished they would hire someone on their team to just make sure the badass models get good rules so you get to see them shine.  It's so sad, but so common!



I don't mind that so much because i've played 40k through 7 editions now and know well that things with amazing rules can turn bad *cough*genestealers*cough* and vice versa while a good model remains in my collection through multiple editions.


I also will take some of my favourite models regardless of their effectiveness, and follow fluff in my choices too (Such as building tyranid forces based on invasion stages taking Lictors and Genestealers for the initial battles when neither were very competitive and yes even fielding the Pyrovore at the last battles), my Mechanicum/Mechanicus are certainly going to be used the same way once my force is large enough to adapt to themed battles.


I haven't got the red book yet so i'm not up to date on this unit but i take it this is for siege battles?

I've noticed in 40k for a while that a lot of units appeared to be points-scored partly from their increased usefulness in planetary assault and cityfight games, i'm wondering if similar may be the case for this?

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Better than the other way around - I'd rather be happy with the model, especially the more expensive Forge World ones, and deal with lackluster rules.

Ill agree to disagree. Crappy models motivate me to kitbash something better, something I enjoy doing. If the rules are good, it increases my motivation.


Also, how is it that rocket launcher is only heavy 1 when it's bristling with ammo?

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They can always correct the rules I suppose.

... said the Thanatar Calix before hanging itself.

I was just going to say that "they forgot to write GMC next to Thanatar entry" tongue.png that would have fixed it nicely. But then put one up next to Imperial knight and it's doesn't feel all that gargantuan

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