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2000 pts Sons of Horus Tournamnet List


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Hello Everybody,


In March my area is throwing a 2000 pts. tournament and after much list building I have put together the following and am looking for any feed back as no list is perfect.


Some special notes while looking through as there are a few special rules in effect.


1. Outflankers are allowed to charge on the turn they come in.


2. We are allowed to choose a Warlord trait even if a Special Character all ready has a predetermined one; it must be recorded in the army list however.




Garviel Loken - Pride of the Legion, WLT: Void Walker


9 Veterans (mainly Snipers)

x1 Flamer, Meltabombs, Vox

Sgt with Artificer, MB, Power Axe


5 Terminators

x1 Plasma Blaster, x2 Thunder hammers, x1 chain fist, x1 lightning claw

sgt with pair of claws and grenade harness


7 tactical support marines

x7 Volkite calivers


Contemptor Mortis with Kheres Autocannons


10 Revears

x2 meltaguns, x1 Power axe, x1 power sword, jump packs

Chieftain with artificer, Power fist, jump pack


x2 Javelin Attack Speeders



Dreadclaw Drop Pod


Sicaran Battle Tank



Fire Raptor Gunship

Reaper Autocannon Battery


Total Points: 2000


There is one change I would make but I wasn't sure if Void Walker allows characters joining units to deep strike with them. If it does then I would swap Loken for Malaghurst split the javelins and make the reavers troops with no POTL. this will also allow me to max the Veterans to a full 10 man squad with a second flamer.


So any input or clarification would be welcomed.

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