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Better Legs for Cadian Convertion.


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Hey mates, as you know I have been working on my own unique Airborne/Air Assault Imperial Guard Regiment and as it stands, I plan to primarily use Cadian Models for the entire upper body (torso, arms, weapons, etc). As for the legs, I am looking to use a more armored look that would fit an Air Assault Regiment better and these are the two options I have to choose between at the moment:


* The Republic Grenadier Legs from Anvil Industry.


* Combat Armored Legs from Maxmini.


Which do you think would look better with Cadian Torsos, arms, legs, etc? Appreciate the help.

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In my personal opinion, I'd pick the Combat Armour Legs from Maxmini.  I have an issue, though.  Both of your leg options are pretty well armored, while the arms of the Cadians have no armor aside from pauldrons.  The arms might look a bit out of place.


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