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Help with Guard ideas

Brother Inritz

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I'm a long time space marine player. I have a pretty decent Dark Angels army that I'm proud of but a buddy and I chose to pick an army that neither of us ever played before and run with that. So I chose guard and he chose nids. 5000 point limit and I wanted to know if my plan to spam Lasguns with 100 guardsmen and 50 conscripts was a solid plan. I have two tank battalions and enough commissars to go around my units. As a space marine player I'm not used to morale checks being hard or mattering most of the time so any advice would be helpful. I do plan on having some of my dark Angels pop up as a detachment. Some black knights to troubleshoot. I don't know guard though and I thought it was best to consult guys who do before I leap in. And advice is useful. Thanks!
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Infantry heavy can work well, but I wouldn't look to go quite that heavy - at least to start with. Infantry lists require some finesse that you'll learn with the army. However a solid infantry core with tank support will be a resolute and reliable list! Perhaps it would be better to split your army into segments for easier building, or as increase point value armies? What sort of colour scheme are your Guard in?

The CCS box for Catachans is good, the HWT sprues are pretty good but the standard troop kit is long of tooth. We're hoping we get some new sculpts for our next update which is hopefully this year - rumours (now quiet) were earlier rather than later but we shall see.

The CCS box was what i was planning on starting with. Seemed a good solid place for me to start. I almost put three squads of glory boys in with Valkyries but that box sex was a bit pricy even by the standards of the hobby. Will need to buy more leman Russ tanks. So far I have 6 planned. I'm looking forward to learning to paint camouflage patterns.

Yeah the CCS boxes have a great collection of bits in, I have two of each box - though vastly depleted now ;) Buying the box sets is a good idea for saving money, but don't forget online resellers to save a bit more :)


There are plenty of good camouflage patterns here in the barracks, the trick is getting the right colours the rest is pretty easy. Not necessarily quick, but easy :P


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